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48 Cards in this Set

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What are the main two proteins of connective tissues?

Collagen and elastin

Which cheese must be refrigerated?

Uncured cheese (soft cheese)

Ie. cream cheese ricotta cheese


List creams fat from most to least

Heavy or thick

Medium cream

Whipped cream

Which cheese doesn’t need to be refrigerated and is less moist?

Cured cheeses such as cheddar, or Parmesan

Benjamin bloom developed what?

Hierarchy of learning

What is the logic behind Benjamin blooms hierarchy of learning?

It means lower level must be mastered before a more complex learning can take place

Positive reinforcement is?

When you encourage client to repeat a behavior

Praise is what kind of behavior modification?

Positive reinforcement

What kind of behavior modification is extinction?

To reduce undesired behavior or absence of reinforcement

What kind of behavior modification is extinction?

To ignore an undesired behavior

What will happen if you ignore a behavior?

It will become extinct

After assessing the needs of a client and u develop a plan what should you do?


What is the key in motivating your client?

Involve the client in an active way have them do what you are teaching

What is active involvement mean?

Active involvement have Patient perform or do what you are asking

What allows the patient to feel comfortable with you?

Establishing a rapport with them

Counselors need to establish what kind of listening responses?

Clarification ask pt. To make clear

Active/reflective-paraphrasing or repeating back what patient has said, In hopes of patient sharing more

What does clarification mean

It’s when you ask a patient to make clear

What is active/reflective?

It’s when you paraphrase or repeat back what has been said in hopes of allowing the patient to share more info

How should the environment setting be when counseling a patient?

It should have a feeling of:


eye contact ,

respect his confidence

When creating educational materials, what is more accurate?

Written communication

When creating written materials, For the general public,what grade level should it be?

Eighth grade

When creating educational materials for lower literacy patients keep reading materials at which level?

Sixth grade

What is the smog index?

Evaluates The grade level of written text by counting the number of polysyllabic words.

What is considered formal communication?

Anything in print such as email, text, pamphlets posters or handouts

What kind of communication is oral communication?

It is personal communication

What is the most accurately interpreted form of communication?

Written or formal communication

Fresh eggs will do what in a pan of cold

They will sink

How affected are Flavonoids, by PH change

Greatly affected

How affected are carotenoids by pH change?

Caratannoids are the least affected by PH change

Ripening and storage of fruits and vegetables are due to?

Chemical changes due to the enzymes

Chlorophyll is changed to what color and what solution?

Alkaline solution, bright green

What happens to old eggs in a pan of cold water

They float

Hemicellulose and lignan

Not Significantly changed or soft and by cooking

What kind of milk has less Lactose

Sweet acidophilis milk

What is separated from the whey to make cheese


Co2 occurs from the actions of what?

Sugar on yeast

acid and baking soda

What keeps contents dry?

Corn starch

What is nutritional informatics?

The use of technology in spreading nutrition information

What must be considered when communicating with a group

Dynamics of the group must be considered

What is the group leaders job?

To make sure everyone participates in discussion

What is synergy?

The groups decision is superior to war the most resourceful individual within the group could have produced by working alone

In the education process, When is the evaluation process done?

The evaluation is done after each step of the education process

What are the four steps of The education process?

1 assess And evaluate

2. plan And evaluate

3. implement And evaluate

4. evaluate and evaluate

What are the two general types of evaluations?

Formative and summative

What is formative evaluation?

Formative evaluation - while you’re forming it you’re also evaluating it.

What is the keyword in formative?

The keyword is duringbecause formative evaluation is made during The education process

Focus group and pre-test is part of the __________ evaluation.


Summative evaluation is done at what part of the education process?

At the end of the educational process