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29 Cards in this Set

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Human Knowledge

Natural science

Social science


Applied Professions

aims to explain and predict various phenomena in nature, such as cellular composition, atomic particles, weather conditions, and earthquake patterns.

Natural Science

it relates to the foundation, establishment, and growth of human society.

•involve the study of society and the many ways people behave and affect the world we live in

•it attempts to discover and explain behavior and attitudes of people

Social science

Tends to humanize humans as they express themselves in various forms.

•the study of human culture that includes music and art


involves practical application of knowledge drawn out from other branches

Applied professions

•people in general thought of living together in organized communities with shared laws, traditions, and values

•an enduring and cooperating social group whose members have developed organized patterns of relationships through interaction with one another

•people living together in organized communities while sharing the same traditions and norms


•study of the natural world about based on facts learned through experiments and observation

•a branch of study concerned with the observation and classification of facts through experiments


A social science dealing with the inner workings of the human mind and how these translate to certain behavior


•the study of humankind

•a union of branch of the natural sciences (biology) and social science


•the study of human biology within the scope of evolution

Physical or Biological Anthropology

•involves the study and comparative analysis of pre-literate societies, including all aspects of human behavior

Cultural or Social Anthroplogy

Provides descriptive accounts which form the basis for comparative studies of many culture


•it involves the study of earlier cultures and ways of life by way of retrieving and examining the material remains of previous human societies


•it is the study of human speech and language as well as the various changes that have taken place over time

Linguistic Anthropology or Anthropological Linguistics

•a discipline that concentrates on how a particular society solves its problems of scarcity of resources

•they seek to understand people's activities concerning production, distribution, consumption of goods and services


•analyzes how the economy functions as a whole or its basic subdivisions, such as the government or business sectors


•focuses on the behavior of an individual agents, like households, industries and firms.


•it is the study of the features of the earth and the location of living things on the planet


•it is geography from the perspective of earth sciences and as a branch of the natural sciences

•it includes the study of soil, landforms, water, vegetation, minerals and climate

Physical Geography

•it focuses on the human aspect of geography that is marked by a strong commitment to the concept of culture

Human Geography

•it is a branch of knowledge that attempts to ascertain, recorded, and explain facts and events that happened in the past

•also pertains to systematic written account or narrative of facts with the aim of discovering meaningful relationships among them


•a field of knowledge involving the scientific study of language as a universal and recognizable aspect of human behavior and capacity


•include the study of governments, and the need for the institution, its form and its processes

Political Science

•a field of study dealing with the systematic study of patterns of human interaction

•it concentrates on the social influences and processes occuring within groups of people rather than those forces affecting an individual


•it deals with the properties and homogeneity common to all social and cultural phenomena, including those characteristics found among groups and institutions

•its concern may include the conditions, forms, and forces of human associations

General Sociology

•it focuses on specific sociocultural phenomenon usually selected for further study, including socialization, interaction, conflict, and domination

Special Sociology

•it deals with the nature of human behaviors, and both internal and external factors that affect these behaviors

•it concentrates on individuals and the various forces that mold them


•it is the science and statistical study of human populations


They attempt to comprehend the mechanisms behind human population
