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8 Cards in this Set

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abandon (someone or something).renounce or give up (something valued or pleasant).

Forsake, forsook, forsaken

"he would never forsake Tara"

"I won't forsake my vegetarian principles"

the inescapable agent of someone's or something's downfall.a long-standing rival; an archenemy.

a downfall caused by an inescapable agent.

something that a person cannot conquer, achieve,etc.:


"the balance beam was the team's nemesis, as two gymnasts fell from the apparatus"

"they were beaten in the final by their nemesis"

"will Harry Potter finally defeat his nemesis, Voldemort?"

"one risks nemesis by uttering such words"

a loss of power, prosperity, or status.


"the crisis led to the downfall of the government"

forbidding or uninviting.(of humor) lacking genuine levity; mirthless; black.depressing or worrying to consider.


"some moments of grim humor"

"the grim news of the murder"

He outlined all of the grim realities of his life in his emails to me.

.draw, trace, or define the outer edge or shape of (something).2.give a summary of (something).


"she outlined the plan briefly"

Very interested or invested in something.

Being big on something

My sister loves going to clubs because she's really big on dancing. My family is big on education, so I know I'm going to college next year.

To calm oneself down and begin to think or act appropriately.

Pull it together

I know you're stressed out, but you need to pull it together and get this report done! I hope she pulls it together soon. We need her to be focused.

To take action to become well-organized, prepared, or in a better state of life.

Get it all together

You need to get it together and finish packing so that we can leave for the airport on time tomorrow morning. I had no direction after college and drifted along for several years, until I got it together in my thirties with a steady job and good relationship

He didn't have his life together