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53 Cards in this Set

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Purpose of cultural identity model

Explain individual’s process of defining themselves and how this is associated with their relationships with other cultural groups

Themes of cultural identity model process

1. Unawareness or denial of cultural group membership

2. Conflict or anxiety when encountering those who differ in cultural identity

3. Retreat into one’s own cultural group and then cautious interaction with others

4. Integration of one’s own cultural identity with other self-identities

5. Advocacy for those who belong to cultural group memberships who may experience oppression

Racial identity

Orientation to one or more racial groups

Cross’s Nigrescense Model

Description of stages that blacks experience as they come to understand and embrace their black identity


Process of blacks “becoming black”

Preencounter (Cross’s Nigrescense Model)

Pre-experiencing a racial event . Race anti-black attitudes are not viewed as important by the black individual

Encounter (Cross’s Nigrescense Model)

A specific experience that prompts the black individual to begin to notice and question their racial identity

Immersion-Emersion (Cross’s Nigrescense Model)

Response to conflict and anxiety, which prompts the individual to retreat and embrace symbols of black identity

Internalization (Cross’s Nigrescense Model)

The Black individual is more excepting and integrates it with other cultural identities

Internalization-commitment (Cross’s Nigrescense Model)

Represented by the individual being an advocate for black issues

Cross’s Nigrescense Model statuses

1. Preencounter

2. Encounter

3. Immersion-Emersion

4. Internalization

5. Internalization-commitment

Helms’s People of color racial identity development model statuses

1. Conformity

2. Dissonance

3. Immersion and Emersion

4. Internalization

5. Integrative awareness

Conformity (Helms’s People of color racial identity development model statuses)

No awareness of racism. Blame people of color for their problem. Don’t socialize with people of color.

Dissonance (Helms’s People of color racial identity development model statuses)

Experience a crisis that increases awareness of racism. Conflict leads them to appreciate aspects of racial groups and distrust of the dominant racial group

Immersion and Emersion (Helms’s People of color racial identity development model statuses)

Reject white culture and have increased racial pride

Internalization (Helms’s People of color racial identity development model statuses)

Interact with whites with more flexibility objectivity. Develop an individualized racial self-concept.

Integrative awareness (Helms’s People of color racial identity development model statuses)

Work to eliminate all forms of oppression

Helms’s White racial identity development model statuses

1. Contact

2. Disintegration

3. Re-integration

4. Pseudo independence

5. Immersion and Emersion

6. Autonomy

Contact (Helms’s White racial identity development model)

Unaware that racism exists and denies their role in it

Disintegration (Helms’s White racial identity development model)

Uncomfortable with the notion of racial superiority. Event that causes awareness of racism and brings anxiety, guilt, and anger

Reintegration (Helms’s White racial identity development model)

Demonstrate intolerance and anger towards those of different racial groups as a way to lessen the anxiety of racism

Pseudo-independence (Helms’s White racial identity development model)

Address conflict by making a superficial commitment to racism issues. Discrepancies between attitudes and behaviors toward other racial groups

Immersion and Emersion (Helms’s White racial identity development model)

Increased self-reflection and self-understanding of individual’s role in perpetuating racial privilege

Autonomy (Helms’s White racial identity development model)

Whites strive to relinquish some of their white privilege and dismantle the racial status quo

Helms Racial interaction theory statues

1. Parallel interactions

2. Regressive interactions

3. Progressive interactions

Parallel interactions (Helms’s Racial interaction theory)

In counseling, the counselor and client will either address or avoid racial discussions. More harm and harmonious race-based communication

Regressive interactions (helms racial interaction theory)

One individual is at lower racial status than the other. Creates frustration and leads to early termination in counseling

Progressive interactions (helms racial interaction theory)

One individual of higher social power exhibiting a more advanced racial identity status than the other individual. Race and culture may be addressed in counseling.

Hardiman racial identity development model

Developmental issue for Whites is to integrate their whiteness with other components of their cultural identities

Hardiman white racial identity development stages (5)

1. Naïveté

2. Acceptance

3. Resistance

4. Redefinition

5. Internalization

Naïveté (Hardiman racial identity development model)

Whites categorizing others by racial groups and receiving transmitting messages about power and privilege

Acceptance (Hardiman racial identity development model)

Believe that there is an equal opportunity for all racial groups. White values are the golden standard

Resistance (Hardiman racial identity development model)

Whites Experience conflicts and anxiety about the beliefs of the copper turn it he is engage in significant meaningful cross racial interaction

White internalization (Hardiman racial identity development model)

Whites define themselves independently of the anxiety and resistance of earlier stages

Redefinition (Hardiman racial identity development model)

Self reflection process about white ethnic identity membership. Increase their understanding of the ethnic identity is independent of their attitudes towards other racial groups

Internalization (Hardiman racial identity development model)

Whites define themselves independently of anxiety and resistance of earlier stages

Gender identity

The degree to which individuals endorse gender role expressions associated with their perceived gender

Feminist identity development model (Downing & Roush) stages (5)

1. Passive acceptance

2. Revelation

3. Embeddedness-Emanation

4. Synthesis

5. Active commitment

Passive acceptance —-

Feminist identity development model (Downing & Roush)

Women internalizing traditional gender roles and societal views of women

Revelation —— Feminist identity development model (Downing & Roush)

Women experience an event of sexism and calls into their awareness. Dualistic thinking

Embeddedness-Emanation——-Feminist identity development model (Downing & Roush)

Women develop a support network with other women to deal with negative feelings during this stage. I’m in a remain guarded in their interactions with men

Synthesis —— Feminist identity development model (Downing & Roush)

Evolve from feminist principles with other personal and cultural values. Events deemed previously as solely caused by sexism are re-examined to consider other causes

Active commitment —— Feminist identity development model (Downing & Roush)

Women advocating for other women and working to eradicate sexism

Gender self-confidence

The degree to which an individual to find himself or herself according to traditional views of masculinity and femininity and accepts those views

Crisis (feminist identity development model - Hoffman)

Women become aware of societal discrimination in the form of sexism

Moratorium and equilibrium (feminist identity development model - Hoffman)

Actively committed to a feminist identity search

Achieved female identity (feminist identity development model - Hoffman)

Gender self-confidence occurs

Conscious awareness - Gay identity development model -cass

Individuals feel different and note that they may not be heterosexual

Identity comparison - Gay identity development model -cass

Initial attempts a person may make as they accept or reject various aspects of a gay identity

Identity tolerance- Gay identity development model -cass

Individuals desire to connect with other sexual minorities and distance themselves from heterosexuals

Identity acceptance

Active commitment to the gay community

Identity pride - Gay identity development model -cass

Stronger commitment to gay identity with some activism

Identity synthesis

A gay identity is integrated with other cultural identities