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51 Cards in this Set

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Is psychopathy in the DSM?


What is psychopathy?

a term to describe a person who demonstrates a discernible cluster of psychological, interpersonal, and neuropsychological features that distinguish them from the general population

Who was Hervey Cleckley

-wrote The Mask of sanity, 1941

-saw psychopathy as a serious social problem because they were more likely to commit more types of crimes, more violent crimes, recidivate and less likely to respond to treatment

-laid the foundation for theoretical basis of psychopathy by providing a conceptual framework to do research on to test hypothesis

-Provided first detailed clinical description

-16 characteristics of psychopaths

What are Cleckley's 16 characteristics of psychopaths?

1. superficial charm and good intelligence. (good intelligence is no longer a criteria, dress selves up with big words to make it seem like they are intelligent)

2. Pathological egocentricity (extreme self centerdness)

3. Untruthfulness and insincerity

4. Manipulative

5. Lack of remorse/guilt, semantic aphasia

6. general poverty of affective reactions (low emotionality)

7. unresponsiveness in interpersonal relationships

8. unreliable

9. impersonal sex life

10. failure to follow any life plan

11. impulsive

12. absence of anxiety

13. poor judgement

14. absence of delusions

15. inadequately motivated antisocial behaviour (related to neuropsychological factors like thrill seeking)

16. bizarre behaviour after drinking

What is the PCL?

-developed by Robert Hare

-used cleckley's criteria to operationalize into a research scale for assessing psychopathy

-measures a constellation of emotional, interpersonal, and behavioural characteristics

-is focused on CRIMINAL psychopathy

Explain how the PCL-R works

-20 items (criteria/traits)

-scored using file info and semi structured interview

-each item follows 3 point scale (0: absent, 1: sometimes, 2: always present)

psychopathy is a continuum/spectrum (high in psychopathic traits)

scores range from 0-40

what is the cutoff score for psychopathy on the PCL-R


What is the 2 factor model of the PCL-R

1. Personality (interpersonal and affective characteristics), difficult to treat, dont correlate as much with antisocial personality disorder proactive aggression

2. Chronic Antisocial Behaviour, more predictive of recidivism reactive aggression

What is the 4 factor model of the PCL-R

1. Interpersonal style

2. Affective

3. Lifestyle

4. Antisocial

What is the 3 factor model

1. arrogant and deceitful Interpersonal style

2. Deficient Affective experience

3. Irresponsible and impulsive behavioural style

What are the Factor 1 items on the PCL-R 2 factor model.

Personality characteristics:

1. Glibness/superficial charm

2. Grandiosity

3. pathological lying

4. conning/manipulative

5. lack of remorse/guilt

6. shallow affect

7. callous/lack of empathy

8. fail to accept responsibility for own actions

What are the factor 2 items on the PCL-R 2 factor model

Antisocial/behavioural characteristics

1. Need for stimulation

2. parasitic lifestyle

3. poor behavioural controls

4. early behavioural problems

5. lack of realistic, long term goals

6. impulsivity

7. irresponsibility

8. juvenile delinquency

9. revocation of conditional release (recidivate)

What are the last 3 items that don't fit into either factor in the 2 factor model?

1. promiscuous sexual behaviour

2. many short-term relationships

3. criminal versatility

What are the core features of factor 1 of the 4 factor model?


1. lying

2. conning

3. manipulating others

4. superficial charm

5. promiscuous sexual behaviour

What are the core features of factor 2 of the 4 factor model?

Impulsive lifestyle

1. irresponsibility

2. sensation seeking

3. lack of realistic goals

4. poor planning

What are the core features of factor 3 of the 4 factor model?


1. Shallow emotions

2. Callousness

3. little empathy

4. grandiose self worth

What are the core features of factor 4 of the 4 factor model?

Antisocial tendencies

1. poor self regulation

2. persistent criminal activity

3. antisocial behaviour

What is the factor breakdown

factors 1 and 3 of the four factor model make up factor 1 of the two factor model.

Factors 2 and 4 of the four factor model make up factor 2 of the two factor model

what percent of the general population has psychopathy?


What percent of the adult prison population are psychopaths?


True or false: psychopaths are more likely to be sadistic than nonpsychopathic offenders. (get pleasure from inflicting pain on others)


What is the institutional base rate of psychopathy for women?

7.5% less than men which is 15%

at cutoff score 30

female and male psychopaths display different symptoms. true or false.


what are the differences between male and female psychopaths?

-females are less violent

-start offending later in life

-recidivate less

-males more likely to show emotional deficits and callousness than women

There is a big difference in recidivism rates of female psychopaths and non psychopaths

false. There is not a big difference.

what race was the PCL-R mostly developed on

white innmates

True or false: there are not many differences in traits/patterns of traits between ethnic groups. If so, what are they?

true. The only difference is that african americans considered psychopaths are less impulsive than whites

cautions about the PCL-R

-could being assessed as psychopathic be used biasedly towards minority or disadvantaged groups for sentencing? eg. indeterminate, or capital punishment?

-how can psychopathy info predict recidivism in ethnic minorities

True or false: research supports the concept of a juvenile psychopathy


but you need to consider normal adolescent development

Is the psychopathy checklist-youth version (PCL-YV) effective at identifying psychopathy in girls?


What are the ethical concerns of diagnosing juvenile psychopathy?

1. labels them

2. more likely to be transferred to adult court system and recieve more sever penalties

4. self fulfilling prophecy with treatment providers (think lost cause)

BUT it is important to identify it early so appropriate treatment can be offered as soon as possible.

What causes Psychopathy?

complex interaction between neuropsychological and socialization factors

What are the psychopath categories?

1. Primary psychopaths: high in factor 1(personality) and factor 2(antisocial behaviour) traits. This is what most of the research is on with biological stuff

2. Secondary Psychopath: Severely emotionally disturbed and impulsive, may be rooted in parental abuse and rejection

3. Dyssocial psychopaths: antisocial behaviour is learned from their subculture.

Genetic factors of psychopathy

temperament with low arousal and low fear response is associated with psycopathy

-low arousal, disrupts fear and concern of punishment

What are the Central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) factors that are related to psychopathy?

1. Hemisphere assymetry: an abnormal balance between the hems in language processing and emotional/arousal states.

a.) Left hemisphere activation hypothesis

b.) Emotional paradox

what is the left hemisphere activitation hypothesis?

psychopaths have difficulty with tasks that require the left hemisphere like language and seqeuntial processes. Self inhibiting processes are lacking because they lack the internal voice to turn on the breaks. The connection between language and our ability to inhibit our own behaviour is impaired. Also have impaired reading of emotional expression on people's faces when conditions are designed to require the left hemisphere to do so.

What is the emotional paradox?

Causing Psychopaths to be able to talk about emotional cues theoretically, but lack the ability to useemotional cues effectively in the real world due to processing issues in the left hemisphere.

What role does impairment in the right hemisphere have?

makes them not feel emotions as strongly

What does the frontal lobe do?

executive functioning: higher level cog ablities such as decision making, cog flexibility, foresight and planning, regulating impulses, organizing, controlling behaviours, memory.

Do psychopaths have problems/ dysfunctions in the frontal lobe?

yes. Primary psychopaths

Explain amygdala dysfunction and how it relates to psychopathy

lower amygdala activity in psychopaths during emotional processing tasks (related to callous unemotional traits) because amgdala involved in emotions, anger fear disgust, learning, short term mem in situations that emotionally loaded

Explain the autonomic nervous system and how it relates to skin conductance and psychopaths

skin conductance increases as fear and anxiety increase due to stimulation of fight or flight response

-primary psychopaths have low skin conductance due to low arousal

-lie easily, less fear of punishment

What is avoidance learning?

since anxiety is an essential component to learning to avoid painful or stressful situations, primary psychopaths with low levels of anxiety due to an unresponsive autonomic nervous system have difficulty learning to avoid unpleasant things.

How can psychopaths learn instead?

they can learn if there are adequate incentives (eg money), rewards.

If avoidance learning is paired with adequate incentives, tehy are likely to learn as well as non psychopaths.

How does the deficit in avoidance learning explain recidivism rates?

because they don't learn from the painful situation of prison like others may

What happens when a psychopath drinks alcohol?

complete lack of self regulation. Many psychopaths have alcohol and drug abuse problems

What are the early childhood risk factors of psychopathy?

1. neglect, abuse and indifference from parents

2. poor parental monitoring and punishment

3. negative school experiences

What does the Rice et al. 1992 study say about the treatability of psychopaths?

-treatment with therapeutic communities does not work and makes psychopaths worse.

-but, targeted their unconscious defenses, used LSD, and nude encounter groups!!!

Is psychopathy Treatable?

little research on the effectiveness of RNR treatment on psychopaths and programs that specifically target psychopathic offenders

What's the issue with treating psychopathy?

difficult to work with in treatment because of low motivation, dropout, and superficial level of engagement

Explain the Fifth estate video

About cory, 40 years old.

involved in crime since young age (17 years old pimp) 20's selling drugs, guns

-natural born killer, to be someone everyone was afraid of. Liked to scare people

-took pride in being a predator/offender

-swtiched sides, need bad guys to catch bad guys to work for RCMP

-caught 6 people with cory's help. He was the agent.

-everyone's friend but no-one's friend.