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228 Cards in this Set
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Full Range Leadership Development
Leader, Follower, Situation
Effective: Active, good leadership In |
Trait Theory
Leadership effectiveness based on traits. Great Man theory
Skills Theory
Leadership effectiveness based on intelligence
Management By Exception (Passive)
If it isn't broke, don't fix it.
Management by Exception-Active
The focus of the leader isto monitor and control followers through forced compliance with rules, regulations, andexpectations for meeting performance standards and behavioral norms.
Transformational leadership
Transformationalleaders are those who transform their followers. Through the use of inspiration andmotivation,
Leadership scale
Lasse Faire ->Transactional->Transformational
Hindrances to Critical Thinking
Basic Human Limitations
Use Of Language Faulty Logic PerceptionPsychological Sociological Pitfalls |
Hindrances to Critical Thinking
Basic Human Limitations |
1. Confirmation Bias and Selective Thinking
2. False Memories and Confabulation 3. Personal Biases and Prejudices 4. Physical and Emotional Hindrances 5. Testimonial Evidence |
Hindrances to Critical Thinking
Use of Language |
1. Ambiguity
2. Assuring Expressions 3. Meaningless Comparisons |
Hindrances to Critical Thinking |
1. Superstition
2. Argument from Ignorance 3. False Analogies |
Hindrances to Critical Thinking |
1. Ad hominem Fallacy
2. Ad populum, Bandwagon Fallacy 3. Emotional Appeals |
Facione’s Scoring Rubric
Used to score critical thinking
Two System Approach to Decision Making
Reactive Thinking (Memorized process)
Reflective Thinking (Think, Decide, Reflect) |
Profession of Arms
Military is a profession, like a doctor or a lawyer and has it's own rules and customs
Warrior Ethos
Describes the frame of mind of the professional Airman—it is part of ourculture.
It proclaims our selfless commitment to our Nation, mission, unit, and fellowAirmen. |
Military Culture and Airmanship
Military culture comprises the beliefs and attitudes within a military organization thatshape its collective preferences toward the use of force.
Airmen refer to these beliefs andattitudes as air-mindedness. |
Little Brown Book
AFI 36-2618, The Enlisted Force Structure
Little Blue Book
Core Values
Values Conflict
When personal values conflict with AF values
The Continuum of Professionalism
Scale of professionalism (left=bad, right-good)
P2 Progressive Professionalism
Constantly striving to move towards the right on the Continuum of Professionalism
Direction Discipline, Recognition
Foundation of P2 |
Basic Metabolic Rate (Metabolism)
FOSI Principle
(Form Over Speed and Intensity)
High Intensity Exercise Endurance (HIEE)
The application of maximal physical effort systematically applied to a technically developed motor skill.
Ethical Leadership
Combines ethical decision-making and ethical behavior
Make ethical decisions and behave in ethical ways |
The core beliefs we hold regarding what is right and fair
Values that we attribute to a system of beliefs that help us define right from wrong
The study of what we understand to be good and right behavior and the study ofhow we judge those behaviors.
Military ethics
Values and expected rules of the profession that areappropriate to actions taken within the military environment
Ethical relativism
In ethics, the belief that nothing is objectively right or wrong
Ethical Dilemma
Situations where one is forced to choose between two alternatives (both alternativescan be unfavorable and/or less right and more right or less wrong and more wrong).
Ethically Minded Organization
An organization that exemplifies professionalism, humility, self-control, personaldiscipline, and values.
Ethical Traps
confusion or uncertainty as to what action or behavior should be taken
Ethical Relativism Loyalty Syndrome Worry over image Drive for Success |
Loyalty Syndrome
Making decisions based on respect and/or loyalty to anindividual, unit, or organization etc. rather than on military rules, regulations andcodes of conduct.
Worry Over Image
Making decisions based on how the decision will impactone’s reputation/standing
Drive for Success
Making decisions based on a “win at all cost” attitude ratherthan on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct
Toner’s six tests
Consider all of the consequences, including the best and worst outcomes of your decision.Ask yourself if you can accept both outcomes.
Shame, Community, Legal, Situation, God, Consequences |
Toner's Ethical Principles
Three O’s (owing, ordering, and oughting)
Three P’s (principle, purpose, people) Three R’s (rules, results, and realities) Three D’s (discern, declare, and do). |
Compliance is the act or process of complying to a desire, demand, proposal, or regimen orto coercion.
The quality or state of beingaccountable; an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’saction.
Personal Accountability
Accepting complete responsibility for you behavior
Workplace Accountability
Creatingan environment where accountability is clear and fully accepted
Training expected to produce aspecific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces a moral ormental improvement
Task discipline
How well we meet the challenge of the job
Group discipline
Effective Teamwork
Imposed discipline
Enforced obedience to legal orders and regulations
A willing and instinctive sense of responsibility that leads us to dowhatever needs to be done
A state of order and obedience existing within a unit that involves theready subordination of an individual’s will for the good of the unit
Negative unit
Lack of excellence, productivity and camaraderie
Positive unit
Exhibit a common set of traits that foster excellence,productivity and camaraderie.
A composite of individual characteristics,experiences, and abilities.
Demographic Diversity
Inherent or socially defined personal characteristics, includingage, race/ethnicity, religion, gender, socioeconomic status, family status, disability, andgeographic origin.
Cognitive / Behavioral Diversity
Differences in styles of work, thinking, learning, and personality.
Organizational / Structural Diversity
Organizational / institutional background characteristics affecting interaction, including Service, component, and occupation/career field.
Global Diversity
Intimate knowledge of and experience with foreign languages and cultures, inclusive of both citizen and non-citizen personnel.
We are different but we are the same
Respects differences betweenpeople while highlighting similarities |
Striking the Right Balance
Striking the right balance between the individual’s needto align with the organizational culture and the organization’s need to recognize individualdifferences
Individual Consideration
When leaders treat others as individuals with different needs, abilities,and aspirations and not just part of a group of subordinates
Judging to Valuing Ladder
Understanding Respecting Appreciating Valuing |
Golden Rule
treat others as one would like others to treat oneself
Five Part Transformational Process: |
Effective way for leadersto move their organizations from awareness to understanding to action
Discovery Assessment Exploration Transformation Revitalization |
Resource Stewardship
The prudent use of allocated funds and the efficientand effective use of time as well as assigned facilities, space, equipment, and people
Resource Allocation Process
Funds flow down
Congress Air Force Majcoms, FOAs, DRUs Wing Unit Cost Center Managers CCMs |
The Budget Execution Review (BER)
Review cycle conducted twice during the FY to identify, validate, prioritize, and request additional resources for unfunded requirements.
1st Budget Execution Review (BER)
Due in 1st half of January
2nd Budget Execution Review (BER)
Due in mid-May
Financial Execution Plan(FEP)
Product used by the Air Force to balance available funding, risks andrequirements
Standard Financial Execution Plan (FEP) Format
Section 1: Mission Critical Requirements
Section 2: Justification Section 3: Unfunded Requirements Section 4: Spend Plan |
Anti-Deficiency Act (ADA)
Can't obligate money you don't have
Financial Execution Plan (Part I - funded level)
A submission level in the financial plan that equals (funded requirements) the planning number provided with the call instructions.
Financial Execution Plan (Part II - unfunded level)
A submission level in the financial plan that includes all requirements exceeding (unfunded) the planning number
Cost Center Managers (CCMs)
Regulates the daily use of work hours, supplies, equipment, and services in producing or doing things.
Organizational Change Request (OCR)
The instrument used to activate, inactivate, redesignate, or reorganize organizations
AuthorizationChange Request (ACR)
A multi-purpose instrument used to propose adjustments to a Unit Manpower Document (UMD).
Airmen Powered by Innovation (API)
Replaced the following programs: Innovative Development Through Employee Awareness (IDEA), Best Practices (BP), Productivity Enhancing Capital Investment (PECI), and expanded the Air Force Smart Operations for the Twenty-first Century (AFSO21).
Airmen Powered by Innovation (API) Phases
Ideation/Submission Phase
Evaluation Phase Implementation Phase Hold-the Gains Phase |
Strategic planning
Begins with the desired-end and works backward to the current status.
Strategic Alignment & Deployment(SA&D)
Method used to ensure everyone in AF organizations is working effectivelytowards the same goals identified by senior leadership. It is a product of annual strategic andperformance planning
What we choose to prioritize, our actions in support of our priorities, the order in which we take them, and how we allocate resources against our priorities to support the Nation’s Objectives
The translation of the vision into measurable results.
Cascading process
To communicate, align, and validate HQ, NAF, Wing, andintra-Wing strategies
A statement of an ideal state of being or existence in the future that is inspiring and empowering…creates a context for process of planning a future for the organization.
A plan to move an organization from their current state to a more desirablefuture state.
SWOT analysis
Brainstorming Strengths and Weaknesses from an internal stand point.
Then brainstorming Opportunities and Threats from an external standpoint. |
Identify major strategic focus areas on your watch
Communicate what strategic action must be accomplished to realize the intent of thePriority
Communicate the intent of the objective statement and reflect how the objective will beachieved.
Support the objectives at a level where primes and target completion dates can beestablished.
Balanced Score Card (BSC)
A strategy management system for establishing and communicating anorganization’s mission, vision and strategy map to customers, stakeholders and employees,and for aligning day-to-day work to the strategy.
It is a more dressed up version of the aboveStrategy Map |
Continuous Process Improvement (CPI)
Provides (DoD) a time-tested and proven approach foranalyzing how we currently conduct business and improve our operations.
Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century(AFSO21)
The Air Force’s unique CPI model
Deliver a consistent and disciplined problem solving approachthat is encoded in the DNA of every Airman |
AFSO21 is not
The blind search for metrics without logical application, or the ceaseless quest for "great"performance-report bullets
focuses on processes, not people
Wingman Concept |
Airmen taking responsibility for each other by being alert to other Airmen indistress and intervening when they need help |
A need the customer is willing to pay extra to receive, easily expressed in terms ofa specific required product or service
Anything that adds cost or time without adding value
Go and See
The Process Owner or Team Lead shouldphysically go to the actual place/source of the problem and observe first-hand what is takingplace
Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
A simple diagram of every step involved in the material and information flowsneeded to bring a product from order to delivery
Standard Work
The best known way to complete a task.
Ensures that the same work will take the same amount of resources toachieve the same results every time. |
1. Sort – eliminate what is not needed
2. Straighten – arrange items to be accessible and visible 3. Shine – clean everything and keep it clean 4. Standardize – create rules to maintain first 3 S’s 5. Sustain – keep 6-S activities from unraveling 6. Safety – Identify and eliminate safety hazards |
Theory of Constraints (TOC) –
A process improvement technique focused onmaximizing throughput by use of a “constraint-based” approach.
Observe, Orient, Decide, Act
8 Step Problem Solving
Clarify problem, Break it down, Set improvement targets, Determine root causes, Develop countermeasures, See countermeasures through, Confirm Results
Fish Bone Diagrams
A simple way to visuallydepict the relationship between specific categories of process inputs and the undesirableoutput
Ability to adjust self to changed, unexpected or ambiguous situations
Cognitive Flexibility:
The ability to use different thinking strategies and mental frameworks
Emotional Flexibility:
The ability to vary your approach to dealing with your own emotions and those of others
Dispositional Flexibility:
The ability to remain optimistic and at the same time realistic
Janssen’s Model of Change
Contentment, Denial, Confusion, Renewal
(Four Room Apartment) |
Diffusion of Innovation
Five levels or reactions to change
Innovators, Early Adopters, Early Majority, Late Majority, Laggards |
The NoNo Problem
Always ready with ten reasons why thecurrent situation is fine, why the problems and challenges others see don’t exist or whyyou need more data before acting
Eight Steps for Transforming an Organization
Step 1. Establish a Sense of Urgency
Step 2. Creating the Guiding Coalition Step 3. Developing a Vision and Strategy Step 4. Communicating the Change Vision Step 5. Empowering Others for Broad Action Step 6. Generating Short-Term Wins Step 7. Consolidating Gains Step 8. Anchoring New Approaches |
The process of leading, coordinating, planning, and controlling a diverse and complex set of processes and people in the pursuit of achieving project objectives
Project initiation stage
Project planning and design stage Project execution and construction stage Project monitoring and controlling systems Project completion |
assemblage of persons (or objects) located or gathered together
a group organized to work together
Leadership and Force Development
The task, together with the purpose, that clearly indicates the action to be taken
Four Personal Approaches
Spontaneous Normative Methodical |
Conceptual Approach
prefers to come up with new ideas
Spontaneous Approach
prefers freedom from constraint
Normative Approach
prefers to put ideas into a familiar context, relying on past experiences
Methodical Approach
prefers order and rationality
Team Roles
Advancer Refiner Executer Flexer |
focus on the possibilities
focus on the interaction
focus on the analysis
focus on the realization
can focus on everything
The P.E.P Cycle
Panic, Elation, Panic
Describes brainstorming process |
Stages of the “Z” Process
Advancing Refining Executing |
A process involving two or more people/groups where the parties have a degree of difference in positions and strive to reach agreement on issues or course of action
Interest-Based Negotiations (IBN)
The practice of focusing on the interests, and not the positions of the two negotiating parties.
An offer that is at (or slightly more aggressive) than the aspiration point
Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement
An alternative that, should negotiations fail, you are willing and able to execute without the other party’s participation or permission |
Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA)
Overlapping (common) area of each party’s aspiration point and reservation point
Divergent thinkers
Tend to be creative and spontaneous. They are comfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity
Convergent Thinkers
Tend to be reliable, rational, and principle-based. They constantly work to reduce uncertainty and ambiguity
Illustrates how trust influences your use of information and power, and how information and power influence the way you develop options to resolve a dispute, solve a problem, and find a solution.
Negotiation Strategy
Evade |
Not now, can you come back later?
Low Trust Low Power |
Negotiation Strategy
Comply |
Yes, absolutely, let’s do it your way
Some Trust Low Power |
Negotiation Strategy |
Take it or Leave it
Low/No Trust Very high Power |
Negotiation Strategy |
Let’s just split the difference and call it a day
High Trust Equal-Low Power |
Negotiation Strategy
Cooperate |
Let’s work together and come up with an even better idea
High Trust Shared Power |
Focusing on the underlying interests, we treat disputes and issues as mutual problems to solve rather than a contest of wills and personalities
Evaluative Mediation
Mediator describes the issue, offers an opinion on the strengths and weaknesses of each party’s side
Facilitative Mediation
Encourages the parties to discuss matters freely and voluntarily participate in the mediation process
Cross-Cultural Competence (3C)
High Context and Low Context Cultures
Low Context Culture
Focuses on tasks. USA/Western Europe
High Context Culture
People focused. Mid-East, Asia
Resiliency |
The ability to withstand, recover, and/or grow in the face of stressors andchanging demands |
The Four Pillars of Fitness |
Mental Fitness Social Fitness Physical Fitness Spiritual Fitness |
The Five Cs |
Care Commit Connect Communicate Celebrate |
Perpetrator |
the criminal who assaults the victim |
Facilitator |
person who enables, encourages, or creates a situation orenvironment that allows a perpetrator to act |
bystander |
a person who sees the potential for a sexual assault. |
victim |
the person assaulted by the perpetrator |
Restricted Report |
Confidential, investigation is victims choice |
Unrestricted Report |
Not-Confidential, reported through chain of command |
Limited Privilege Suicide Program (LPSP) |
Identify and treat those who pose a genuine risk forsuicide because of impending disciplinary action under the UCMJ. Information protected under thisprogram may not be used in existing or future UCMJ action |
Strategic Communication |
USG efforts to engage audiences to further national goals. PR Airmen have a responsibility in this |
On-the-Record interview: |
Consider everything you say ―on-the-record |
Background interview: |
The background interview allows you to provide context to stories, ensure the proper emphasis is placed on key aspects, and stories are accurately reported |
Off-the-Record interview: |
Clearly state which portion of the interview is ―off-the-record‖ to ensure there is no chance of confusion |
Interview Techniques Hooking |
Taking advantage of opportunities before the interview to get the reporterinterested in what you want to talk about. |
Interview Techniques Bridging: |
A technique used to move from the reporter‘s agenda to your message. |
Interview Techniques Flagging: |
A technique used to emphasize your message. |
Policy |
Guidance that is directive or instructive, stating what is to be accomplished |
Strategy |
Defines how operations should be conducted to accomplish national Policy objectives |
Doctrine |
Presents considerations on how to accomplish military goals and objectives. It isa storehouse of analyzed experience and wisdom. |
National Security Strategy |
Drafted by NSC. Outlines national security goals and overall strategy. |
NationalSecurity Act of 1947 |
Created the National Security Council (NSC) |
National Defense Strategy |
A Strategy thatcomplements the NSS, created by DoD. |
National Military Strategy (NMS) |
Signed by the CJCS, supports the aims of the NSS and implements the NDS |
Operational Art |
The application of creative imagination by commanders and staffs to design strategies, campaigns,and major operations and organize and employ military forces |
Operational Design |
Extends operational art‘s vision with a creative process that helpscommanders and planners answer the ends–ways–means–risk questions |
Diplomacy Information Economy Military |
The ability to quickly and accurately comprehend, then appropriately and effectively act across all cultural environments without necessarily having prior exposure to a particular group, region, or language |
Culture: |
Creation, maintenance, and transformation across generations of semishared patterns of meaning, sense-making, affiliation, action, and organization by groups |
Domains of Culture: |
Broad categories under which humans commonly organize cultural knowledge, beliefs, values, and behavior (e.g., kinship, gender, economic exchange, etc. |
Ethnocentrism: |
Human tendency to negatively judge others’ cultures, beliefs, and values against one’s own |
Cultural Relativism |
When the beliefs and practices of one culture (e.g. what is considered right or wrong,) may not agree with other cultures |
Holism: |
The idea that all aspects of culture are connected to other aspects i.e. gender affects kinship, which affects politics ect. |
Worldview: |
Collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group |
OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) |
Closed loop cycle that can help you gather information in a focused way |
Paralanguage: |
Non-verbal elements of speech including tone, pitch, rate, and pauses |
Power Distance: |
Extent to which the less powerful members of an organization and/or institution accept and expect that power is distributed unequally |
12 Domains of Culture |
Family Religion Sex Language History Ect... |
Iceberg of Culture |
Surface: Behaviors Just below: Systems and Structures Deep Below: Values and Beliefs |
Collectivism |
Tendency to consider extended family affiliations and being a member of a larger group as very important throughout a person's life Everywhere except N. America and W. Europe |
Individualism |
Extended family ties play a less important role in our lives, and we do not usually consider the influence of larger groups when we make decisions about our lives N. America and W. Europe |
Communication Styles (Non-Verbal) |
Haptic: Touching Proxemics: Use of Distance Chronemics: Use of Time Kinesics: Facial expressions and gestures |
Goldwater Nichols Act of 1986 |
Origin of the Joint Org. Restructured military chain of command. Established SECDEF and CJCS as heads of the forces. |
Administrative Control |
Operational Control |
Tactical Control |
COCOM Numbers and Categories |
6 Geographical (N, S, Eu, Pa, Afr, Cent) 3 Functional (SOCOM, STRATCOM, TRANSCOM) |
Supported Commander |
Actually doing the mission. Supported by other units when needed. Usually COCOM. Has OPCON of Forces |
Supporting Commander |
Provides units to supported CC. Usually relinquishes OPCON of units to supported CC. |
Relationship between CCs |
Supported or Supporting |
Relationships between CC and Forces |
Relationships between Forces and CC |
Assigned, Attached, or Direct Support |
Command of Guard and Reserves |
ADCON to service components OPCON to mobilized assigned CC Guard non-mobilized OPCON to Governor |
Homeland Defense |
CBRNE Response Missile Defense SS Aviation Sup. |
Civil Support |
Natural Disaster response Mobile Redundant Command Centers |
Joint Op Planning |
Ties militaryinstrument of national power to the achievement of national security goals |
National Command Authorities POTUS, SECDEF |
JPEC (Joint Planning & Execution Community) |
Headquarters, commands, and agencies involved in joint operation planning |
NSC (National Security Council) |
Provides the framework to establish national security strategy |
Joint Strategic Planning System (JSPS) |
Primary means by which the CJCS performsjoint strategic planning Link between strategic planning and joint operationplanning |
Guidance for Employment of the Force (GEF) |
Provides two-year direction to combatant commands for operational planning, force management, security cooperation, and posture planning |
Assigned Forces |
Secretaries of the Military Departments assign forces under theirjurisdiction to combatant commands to perform missions assigned to those commands |
Allocated Forces |
A decision totake US Forces from one combatant command and deploy it to another |
Apportioned Forces |
Thedistribution of forces for planning of limited resources among competing requirements Not physicallydeployed or reassigned; they are simply used as a planning factor |
Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan(JSCP) |
Carries out the Chairmans National Military Strategy by directing the CINCs to accomplish strategic planning |
Defense Department’s resource allocation system |
Contingency or Crisis Action Planning CJCS joint planning system. Governs all aspects of conventional joint military operations planning and execution. |
The JOPES Process |
Campaign planning, contingency planning, and crisis action planning |
Contingency planning |
Initiation Concept Development Plan Development Plan Review Supporting Plans |
Situation Development Crisis Assessment COA Development COA Selection Execution Planning Execution |
Interdependence |
Purposeful reliance of joint and coalition partners on each other’scapabilities to maximize the complementary and reinforcing effects of all |
Interoperability |
The ability of joint/coalition partners to work together in anefficient and synergistic manner |
Multipurpose Capabilities |
Weapons and equipment need to possess thecapability for effective application in two or more basically different military or civilianfunctions |
Navy PME |
E-1 to E3: Basic Salorization and Military Citizenship • E-4 : Petty Officer Indoctrination Chief Petty Officer (CPO): CPO Selectee Course • Senior/Master Chief Petty Officer: Senior Enlisted Academy• Command Leadership: Chief of Boat and Command Master/ Senior Course |
Sergeants Major Course Advances Course: Gunnery sergeants Career Course: SSGTs Sergeants Course: SGTs Command Sponsored Corporals Course |
Army PME |
Command Sergeants Major Course (CSMC) Advanced Leader Course (ALC): SSGTs Sergeants Major Academy Senior Leader Course (SLC): SFCs Warrior Leader Course (WLC): First NCO Course |