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57 Cards in this Set

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The collections framework algorithms are __________, i.e., each of these algorithms can operate on objects that offer given interfaces without concern to the underlying implementations.



Both (a) and (b)

Must implement a method called calculate

Will not be able to access the instance variable a

In this question, assume a class, Book, has been defined. Which set of statements creates an array of Book objects?

Book[] books;books = new Book[ numberElements ];

When a subclass constructor calls its superclass constructor, what happens if the superclass’s constructor does not assign a value to an instance variable?

The program compiles and runs because the instance variables are initialized to their default values

The preferred means of creating multithreaded Java applications is by implementing the ________ interface. An object of a class that implements this interface represents a task to perform.


__________ enable programmers to specify, with a single method declaration, a set of related methods.

Generic methods

The import declaration import *; ________.

causes a compilation error.

Which of the following should usually be private?

Variables (or fields)

Attributes of a class are also known as:


Which of the following statements about the continue statement is true?

A continue statement proceeds with the next iteration of the immediately enclosing while, for, do…while statement.

Non-abstract classes are called:

concrete classes

This porridge is too hot.

To exit out of a loop completely, and resume the flow of control at the next line in the method, use _______.

A break statement.

An uncaught exception:

is an exception that occurs for which there are no matching catch clauses.

When a __________ method or block is running on an object, the object is locked so no other such method can run on that object at the same time


When no access modifier is specified for a method or variable, the method or variable:

Has package access.

Declaring main as ________ allows the JVM to invoke main without creating an instance of the class.


Which statement best describes the relationship between superclass and subclass types?

A subclass reference can be assigned to a superclass variable, but a superclass reference cannot be assigned to a subclass variable.

Which superclass members are inherited by all subclasses of that superclass?

protected instance variables and methods

Declaring a method final means

it cannot be overridden

Which of the following is a valid fully qualified name?


Which of the following statements about the break statement is false?

The break statement, when executed in a while, for or do…while, skips the remaining statements in the loop body and proceeds with the next iteration of the loop

Which of the following statements is false

Information in the memory unit is persistent—it is retained when the computer's power is turned off.

A(n) ________ enables a program to read data from the user.


The control variable of a counter-controlled loop should be declared as ________to prevent errors.



"This porridge is too hot."

"This porridge is just right."

if ( gender == 1 && age >= 65 ) ++seniorFemales;

Polymorphism enables you to:

program in the general

Polymorphism allows for specifics to be dealt with during:


All of the following methods are implicitly final except:

a method in an abstract class

All exception classes inherit, either directly or indirectly, from:

class Throwable

The main method executes in the _____ thread of exectution


To catch an exception, the code that might throw the exception must be enclosed in a

try block

A new thread begins its life cycle by transitioning to the ____ state.


Which of the following statements about try blocks is true?

The try block should contain statements that may throw an exception

In the catch block below, what is arithmeticException?

catch(ArithmeticException arithmeticException)



} // end catch

The name of catch block's exception parameter

Which of the following is not true of ExecutorService

It is an object that can be run in a separate thread

Collections method sort that accepts a List as an argument sorts the elements of a List, which must implement the _____ interface.


When the compiler translates a generic method into Java bytecodes, it uses _____ to replace the type parameters with actual types.


Which statement is false?

A List cannot contain duplicate elements

When a generic class is instantiated without specifying a type argument, it is said to have a _______

raw type

One generic Stack class could be the basis for creating many Stack classes, e.g., Stack, Stack and Stack. These classes are known as ________

parameterized classes

A(n) _____ allows a program to walk through the collection and remove elements from the collection


T/F: A non-generic class cannot be derived from a generic class


The classes and interfaces which comprise the collections framework are members of package


T/F: With datagram sockets a process establishes a connectino to another process


T/F: UDP is a connection-oriented protocol


A(n) _____ is thrown when a String that is not in proper URL format is passed to a URL constructor


A JEditorPane generates HyperlinkEvents only if it is _______


Once the ServerSocket is created, the server can listen indefinitely (or block) for an attempt by a client to connect. This is accomplished with a call to the ServerSocket method_____.


Which statement is false? Normally, an applet ______

can read files on any server that can be reached over the network

A(n) ______ is thrown when a server address indicated by a client cannot be resolved


Using a URL as an argument to the ______ method of interface AppletContext causes the browser to which an applet is executing to display the URL


______ sockets and the ________ protocol are more desirable for the vast majority of Java programmers

Stream, TCP

If an ObjectInputStream is used to read information from the server, an ____ is generated when the client attempts to read a value from a stream on which end-of-stream is detected
