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48 Cards in this Set

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a relative position in an organization or culture awarded on the basis of accomplishment or mastery of some task

achieved status

VAL2 group that is career oriented and that prefers predictability to risk or self-discovery


AIO dimensions

activities, interests and opinions

well-off consumers who are stressed or unhappy despite of or even because of their wealth


dimensions that contemporary psychographic research attempts to use to group consumers


relative position in an organization or culture awarded on the basis of family connections or other factors external to the individual

ascribed status

VAL2 group with strong preferences that favor proven brands


the huge number of consumers around the world who have very low incomes

bottom of the pyramid

the bloc of nations with very rapid economic development: Brazil, Russia, India and China

BRIC nations

a cultural value that emphasizes being open to the world and striving for diverse experiences


a "pecking order" within a culture that dictates which members are relatively higher in status than other members

dominance-submission hierarchy

VAL2 group that tends to be impulsive, young and enjoy offbeat or risky experiences


places a large sample of respondents into homogenous groups based on similarities of their overall preferences

general life-style segmentation

the phenomenon in which attractive women tend to marry up


the tendency for individuals to marry others similar to themselves


occurs when a person moves from one position to another that's rougly equivilent in social status

horizontal mobility

VALS2 orientation containing consumers that rely on a belief system to make purchase decisions

ideals orientation

VALS2 self-orientations


those who feel they are at the mercy of their economic situations

impotent actors

VALS2 group at the top that is composed of successful consumers with many resources; concerned with social issues and open to change


looks for items that diferentiate between users and non-users of a product

lifestyle profile

Research projects that cluster a large group of consumers into a set of distinct lifestyle groups

lifestyle segmentation typologies

these consumers use luxury goods to says "I've made it." Theydesire to be sucessful and to demonstrate their success to others motivates them to purchase conspicious luxury items

luxury is a reward

these consumers use their money to buy things that will last and have enduring value. They conduct extensive prepurchase research and make logical decisions rather than emotional or implusive choices

luxury is functional

attitudes towards luxury

luxury is functional
luxury is a reward
luxury is indulgence

these consumers view the purpose of owning luxury to be extremely lavish and self-indulgent; Willing to pay a premium for goods that express their individuality and make others take notice

luxury is indulgence

VAL2 group that is action oriented; tend to focus energy on self-sufficiency; often found working on their cars, canning their own vegetables, or building their own houses


a term analysts use to describe the millions of global consumers now enjoy a level of purchasing power that's sufficient to let them afford many high-quality products

mass class

affluent consumers whose relatively recent acquisition of income rather than ancestry or breeding accounts for their enhanced social mobility

nouveu riches

those who believe they have the ability to take actions that affect their world

potent actors

identifies a target group and then profiles these consumers on product-relevant dimensions

product-specific profile

tailors questions to a product category

product-specific segmentation study

the use of psychological, sociological, and anthropological factors to construct market segments


the overall rank of people in a society; people who are grouped within the same social class are approximately equal in terms of their income, occupations and lifestyles

social class

the movement of individuals from one social class to another

social mobility

the process in a social system by which scarce and valuable resources are distributed unequally to status positions that become more or less permenantly ranks in terms of the share of valuable resources each receives

social stratification

the extent to which different indicators of a person's status (income, ethnicity, occupation) are consistent with one another

status crystalization

a ranking of social desirability in terms of consumers' access to resources such as money, education, and luxury goods

status hierarchy

VAL2 group similar to Achievers but with fewer resources; very concerned about the approval of others


VALS2 group that is at the bottom of the economic ladder. Most concerned with meeting needs of the moment; have limited ability to acquire anything beyond basic goods for survival


VAL2 group that tend to be satisfied, reflective and comfortable


social classes in the united states

upper upper
lower upper
upper middle
lower middle
upper lower
lower lower

a psychographic segmentation system

Values and Lifestyles System (VALS2)

a perspective on social norms and behaviors that tends to differ among social classes


VAL2 orientation containing consumers that are more competative and who take into account what their peers think about their decisions and how these choices reflecgt on them

achievement orientation

VAL2 orientation containing consumers concerned with the emotional aspects of purchases and the satisfaction that they will personally receive from products and services

self-expression orientation

the purchase and prominent display of luxury goods to provide evidence of a consumer's ability to afford them

conspicious consumption

an effect in which those in a higher social class reproduce less than those in lower classes

differential fertility