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24 Cards in this Set

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Explain The Consumer Decision Process.

1. Problem recognition – Daniel realizes he's fed up with black and white television
2. info search – talks to friends about buying a tv

3. Evaluation of alternatives- where the product alternatives are considered

4. Product choice – Daniel chooses one tv with features who appeal to him

5. Outcomes – does the product satisfy needs and wants, (if not go back to 1)?

Explain Shopping Experience

The feelings you get when shopping, happy, pleased, kind etc. “You always feel something when you go shopping. You might, for example, feel excited, bored, surprised or confused” Connected with Perception Process(Stimuli)

What is marketing strategy in consumer behavior?

An organization's strategy that combines all of its marketing goals into one comprehensive plan. The marketing strategy is the foundation to the marketing plan.

It's When, where, how and why they do it? Understanding the consumer's behavior.

Consumer Decision Process from Consumer & Marketers perspective.

Pre-purchase -
Understand why consumer decides/need - ex. dirty at home, needs vacuum cleaner
Understand how to evaluate alternatives. ex. what is my best source to get info?
How is attitudes formed & changed? Stimuli
Purchase -
Stressful or pleasant shopping experience?
What does the purchase say about the consumer?
How situational factors(time pressure, store display) affects decision?(ex. Zlatan holds Vitamin Well to make it "healthy".
Post-purchase -
Provide pleasure & correct use?
Disposed of(sustainability)
What makes the product to be bought again and satisfies need?

What will make the consumer tell about the product for others(word-of-mouth)?

What is Perception Process?

Stimuli disturbs sensory receptors which create sensation & attention which leads to interpretation which creates meaning that will give a response and create perception.

Describe Sensation in the perception process.

refers to the immediate response of our sensory receptors (e.g Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, touch) to such basic stimuli as light, colour and sound. (e.g. walking in the store & commercial)

Describe Attention in the Perception Process.

Attention is the degree to which consumers focus on stimuli within their range of exposure. When consumers experience the sensation(e.g. Retailer food samples inside the store)

Describe Interpretation in the Perception Process.

Understanding how consumers interpret the meanings of symbols, read on different levels. Object level - Marlboro cigarettes, The signs - the cowboy in the commercial smoking them. You interpret this - Marlboro cigarettes smoked by a cool cowboy.

Describe Response in the Perception Process.

How we experience about the the interpretation. Depends on culture, Background, beliefs. E.g the scottish dish Haggis seems to me very disgusting vs a Scott who have grown up with it and maybe likes it therefore.

What is Acculturation?

The process of learning the beliefs and behaviours endorsed by another culture. Ex. Selling pig in muslim country.

What is Word-of-mouth and how does it affect marketers?

When other consumers tells us about a product.
Often more influential than ads.
It's a good way to get awareness but can affect negatively if negative WOM occurs.

What is Multi-Sensorial experience?

It's when several senses is exposed.
Brands needs to satisfy several senses in order to get a positive and deeper consumer involvement.

Explain "The Self".

The self concept refers to the beliefs a person holds about their attributes and how they evaluate these qualities. Whether it's positive or negative, they will influence purchase decision. E.g Matthew felt better about his professional identity than he did about his pending “Middle age” identity. (Attityd till dig själv som gör att du köper produkten, tränat och vart duktig nu får jag äta chips typ, gammal gubbe köper sportbil för att höja självkänsla och bli mer attraktiv)

Explain Levels of the Extended Self.

Individual level - You are what you wear ex. I drive Toyota.
Family level - Defined by household, including furniture.
Community level - Neighborhood, ex. I live in Gamla Stan or Tensta

Group level - Social Groups. Same work, Jews, musician, sport.

What is the motivation process?

Motivation satisfies utilitarian needs or hedonic needs.
Utilitarian - emphasize on tangible attributes and the usefulness of a product(e.g. chooses Sony because of the camera)
Hedonic - emphasize on subjective and experimental aspects(e.g. chooses iPhone because of its design)

Describe the needs & want.

Biogenic needs - To maintain life e.g. food, water, shelter
Psychogenic needs - Process of becoming a member of a culture e.g. status, power, affliction
Want - When consumption is used to satisfy a need

What is Maslow's Hierarchy of needs?

Physiological - food shelter water, e.g. basic clothing
Safety - security, e.g. security systems, insurance
Social - Interaction & connection with other people, belongingness e.g. music festivals
Self-esteem - Feel good about oneself, status e.g. make-up or buying luxury cars
Self-actualization - Being what you want to be, self-fulfillment e.g. find inner self with meditate

The difference between materialism & sustainability?

Materialism - importance to attach to what you own.
Sustainability - a greater interest of the environment(e.g. personal transport, waste, eco-products)

What are the three functional areas of a Culture System?

Ecology - The way the culture adapt to its habitat by the technology used to obtain and distribute resources. e.g. industrial societies vs. poor countries
Social Structure - Orderly social life influenced by culture e.g. nuclear family(woman, man, kids) vs. extended family(family, uncle, grandmother etc.)
Ideology -the mental of the people and how they relate to the environment e.g. feminism, rasism

What is Primary & Secondary Demand?

Primary Demand - When marketers makes you want to buy a type of product
Secondary Demand - When marketers makes you want to buy a type of brand

Describe the four types of information search.

Internal Search - when you get information from your memory.
External Search - When you get information from outside sources.
Accidental Search - When you get information by passive exposure.
Deliberate Search - When you actively search for information.

What is Prospect Theory?

It's about the risk reward theory, e.g. get hundred or play for 30 more or less.

What are the Levels of categorization.

Superordinate level - Dessert
Basic level - Fattening & non-fattening
Subordinate level - Fruit or Ice-cream

What is the major types of innovation?

Continuous Innovation - a modification of existing product - e.g. iPhone 5 or 5s
Dynamical continuous innovation - a pronounced change in a product e.g. iPhone 5s to iPhone 6
Discontinuous innovation - a major change in a product e.g. iPhone to iPad