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21 Cards in this Set

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Slide Detector

-approach actuated slide detector

-prepared to stop

-short of obstruction

Clear Slide Dectector


-slide detector not actuated

Switch Open
-prepared to stop short of open switches

Switch Closed






Approach Clear


Slow Clear


-at slow speed

-until entire train clears ALL switches

-then proceed

Medium Clear


-at medium speed

-until entire train clears ALL switches

-then proceed

Limited Clear


-at limited speed

-until entire train clears ALL switches

-then proceed



-prepared to stop at THE next signal

-trains exceeding medium speed

-must begin reduction to medium speed

-as soon as the locomotive passes the

-approach signal

Medium Approach


-prepared to stop at THE next signal

-trains exceeding medium speed

-must begin reduction to medium speed

-as soon as medium approach signal

-is clearly visable

Approach Restricting


-prepared to stop at THE next signal

-trains exceeding medium speed

-must begin reduction to medium speed

-as soon as the locomotive passes the

-approach restricting signal

Slow Approach


-prepared to stop at next signal

-slow speed applies

-until entire train clears switches

-then medium speed applies

Approach Slow


-approaching THE next signal

-at medium speed

-trains exceeding medium speed

-must begin reduction to medium speed

-as soon as locomotive passes the

-approach slow signal

Approach Medium


-approaching THE next signal

-at medium speed

Approach Limited


-approaching THE next signal

-at limited speed

Advance Approach


-prepared to stop at second signal

-trains exceeding limited speed

-must begin reduction to limited speed

-as soon as the locomotive passes the

-advance approach signal

Medium Approach Medium


-at medium speed

-until entire train clears all switches

-then approach the next signal at medium speed

-trains exceeding medium speed

-must begin reduction to medium speed

-as soon as the medium approach medium signal

-is clearly visable

Restricted Proceed


-at restricted speed

-until THE entire train has cleared all switches

-(if signal is CP signal)

-and the leading wheels have:

-a. passed a more favorable fixed signal, or b. entered non-signaled DCS territory



-at restricted speed

-until THE entire train has cleared all switches

-(if signal is CP signal)

-and the leading wheels have:

-a. passed a more favorable fixed signal, or b. entered non-signaled DCS territory