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22 Cards in this Set

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Osteons in compact bone are situated how? What is their function?

Osteons run longitudinally with the axis of the bone, functioning as weight-bearing pillars, resisting compression.

Spongy bone is also composed of osteocytes and extracellular matrix, but the bone cells...

Do not form clusters around the central canal like compact bone, instead they lie in trabeculae and get nutrients from substances diffusing into the canaliculi.

Endochondral bones replace

Bones that begin as masses of hyaline cartilage

Osteoblasts vs osteoclasts

Osteoblasts = build

Osteoclasts = breakdown

Osteoblasts and osteoclasts are ________.

Always breaking down bones.

Endochondral bones vs intramembranous bones

Endochondral bones = cartilage

Intramembranous bones = sheet-like.

Extra blood calcium leads to _____ which leads to _______.

Extra blood calcium leads to calcification which leads to increased bone calcium.

Low blood calcium leads to ____ which leads to _____.

Low blood calcium leads to parathyroid hormone (PTH) which leads to decreased bone calcium.

Which is more important: blood calcium or bone calcium?

Blood calcium.

Which bones have styloid processes?

- look up in book -

Most bones of the skeleton are _____ bones that develop from ____.

Endochondral bones, that develop from masses of hyaline cartilage.

Once completely surrounded by the bony matrix, osteoblasts are called...


Epiphyseal plate (growth plate) is made of? Is found?

Hyaline cartilage; in the metaphysis at the end of each long bone.

Zone of resting cartilage

the first layer, it anchors the epiphyseal plate to the epiphysis; composed of resting cells that do not actively participate in growth.

Zone of proliferating cartilage

Second layer of the epiphyseal plate; includes rows of many young cells undergoing mitosis.

Zone of hypertrophic cartilage

The third layer; the row of older cells that are left when new cells appear form this layer. It enlarges and thickens the epiphyseal plate.

Zone of calcified cartilage

The fourth layer; it is thin, made of dead cartilage cells and calcified extracellular matrix

Bone remodeling

Performed throughout life by osteoclasts resorbing bone tissue and osteoblasts replacing the bone.

Resorption and Deposition

osteoclasts perform resorption, and osteoblasts perform deposition during bone remodeling; occurs on the surface of the endosteum and periosteum.

Endochondral ossification

The process of forming endochondral bone by replacing hyaline cartilage

Primary ossification center

In a long bone, bone tissue begins to replace hyaline cartilage in the center of the diaphysis

Secondary ossification centers

Appear in the epiphyses and spongy bone forms in all directions from them.