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34 Cards in this Set

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What is it called when a number is increased by 1?

Increment. number++

What is it called when a number is deceased by 1?

Decrement. number--

What is it called when you use increment or decrement when the operator is placed after the variable?

Postfix mode. number++

What is it called when you use increment or decrement before the variable name?

It is called prefix mode. ++number

The increment being caused after the value of the variable is used in the expression and the increment being caused before the value of the variable is used in the expression is called what?

The different between prefix and postfix mode.

What is a control structure that causes a statement or group of statements to repeat?

A loop.

A boolean expression that is tested for a true or false value and a statement or block of statements that is repeated as long as the expression is true are two important parts of what?

The while loop

What is each repitition of a loop known as?

An iteration

What is the variable that controls the number is times that a loop iterates called?

The loop control variable

What kind of loop is tested with the expression being tested before each iteration

A pretest loop

What kind of loop is tested with the expression being tested after each iteration?

A posttest loop

What kind of loop repeats endlessly until the program is interrupted?

An infinite loop

What's the process of inspecting data given to a program by the user and determining whether it is valid?

Input validation

What is the read operation that takes place just before the loop called?

The priming read

What kind of loop allows the user to decide the number of iterations?

A user controlled loop

A conditional and count-controlled are two types of what?


What kind of loop executes as long as a particular condition exists?

A conditional loop.

What kind of loop repeats a specific number of times?

A count-controlled loop

What are the three steps of a for loop?

Initialization; Test; and Update

The first line of the for loop is known as what?

The loop header

What's the first expression in a for loop known as?

The initialization expression

What is the second expression used in a for loop?

The test expression

What is the third expression in a for loop?

The update expression

In a for loop, what is the variable used to keep a count is the number of iterations?

A counter variable

What is a variable that is initialized with a starting value (usually 0), and then accumulates a sum of numbers by having the numbers added to it?

An accumulator

What does an accumulator keep?

A running total.

What is a special value that cannot be mistaken as a member of the list, and signals that there are no more values to be entered?

A sentinel value

What kind of print out would:

for(int r = 0; r < 4; r++)


for(int c; c < (r + 1); c++











The file type that allows a program to read data from it is what?

Input file

The file type that allows a program to write data to it is what?

Output file

What file type contains data that has been encoded as text?

A text file

What file type contains data that has not been converted to text?

A binary file

What Scanner method can be used to determine whether the file has more data that can be read?

The .hasNext() method

What File methods checks if a file exists?

File var name.exists()