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32 Cards in this Set

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The isDigit, isLetter, and isLetterOrDigit methods are members of what class?


What method converts a character to uppercase?


The startsWith, endsWith, and regionMatched methods are members of what class?


The indexOf and lastIndexOf methods are members of what class?


The substring, getChar, and toCharArray are members of what class?


This String class method performs the same operation as the + operator when used on strings


The String class has several overloaded versions of a method that accepts a value of any primitive data type as its argument and returns a string representation of the value. What is the name of the method?


If you do not pass an argument to the StringBuilder constructor, the object will have enough memory to store how many characters?


One of the methods that are common to both the String and StringBuilder classes is:


To change the value of a specific character in a StringBuilder object, use what method?


To delete a specific character in a StringBuilder object, use this method:


The character that separates tokens in a string is known as what?


This String method breaks a string into tokens


These static final variables are members of the numeric wrapper classes and hold the minimum and maximum values for a particular data type.


True or False: Character testing methods, such as isLetter, accept strings as arguments and test each character in the string.

False. They accept characters.

True or False: If the toUpperCase method's argument is already uppercase, it is returned as is, with no changes.


True or False: If toLowerCase method's argument is already lowercase, it will be inadvertently converted to uppercase.

False. It will stay lowercase

True or False: the startsWith and endsWith methods are case-sensitive.


True or False: There are two versions of the regionMatches method: one that is case-sensitive and one that can be case-insensitive.


True or False: The indexOf and lastIndexOf methods can find characters, but cannot find substrings.


True or False: The String class' replace method can replace individual characters, but cannot replace substrings.


True or False: The StringBuilder's replace method can replace individual characters, but cannot replace substrings.

False. It can replace substrings by listing the starting index, the ending index, and the string to replace it.

True or False: You can use the = operator to assign a string to a StringBuilder object.

False. You need to declare it like you would a new object with a one string constructor.

What is a wrapper class?

A class that is wrapped around a primitive data type and allows you to create objects instead of variables.

How is a substring defined?

It is a part of another string

What is a leading whitespace character. What is a trailing whitespace character?

A leading whitespace character is one that appears at the beginning of a string. A trailing whitespace character is one that appears at the end of a string.

How is the StringBuilder class different from the String class?

The StringBuilder class allows you to change the contents of a StringBuilder object, you can't change the contents of a String object

What is the process of of breaking a string into tokens called?


What is a regular expression?

The argument that you pass to the split method. It is a string that specifies a pattern of characters.

Why should you trim a string before tokenizing it?

To eliminate any whitespace characters from the results of the tokenizing.

What is autoboxing?

Java's process of automatically "boxing up" a value inside an object.

What is unboxing?

The process of converting a wrapper class object into a primitive type.