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49 Cards in this Set

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Men and Women s Perspectives of what love means
*Women wants to see affection and care from her partner, she likes to have a expressive relationship, to know what he is feeling deep down.

*Man shows instrumentality his affections towards his partner by doing things like washing the car etc. less talking more of the doing
Gendered preferences of autonomy and connection
These a re two of the things a humans needs to feel and both personal freedom & meaningful mutual (Having same relationship with others) relationships. Masculine individuals want greater autonomy and less connection feminine is reverse.
Challenge of cross-sex friendships
*Sexual undertone
*Sex- segregated socialization
Rewards of cross-sex friendships
*Men get expressive talk
Mommy myth
That idea, exception that a mother should always spend their days engaged in happy adventures. She enjoys her children, never raises her voice ,very patient never hits her kids.
Relationships satisfaction in lesbian relationships
Mutual attentiveness to nurturing and emotional open to each other. Share mutual perspectives, communicate affectionately, share responsibility of their relationship, they like to talk about it, both sensitive to interpersonal dynamics, build expressive and nurturing communications.
Masculine Friendship
Very instrumentally, builds on doing things, have compartments in friends.. less talking.
Feminine Friendship
Build through talking, very expressive showing fears and feelings to each other, connecting and relating with one another.
Male Deficit Model
Men are less skilled in developing and maintaining personal relationships
Alternative Paths Model
Socialization has made men not be able to communicate as well as women. However, this model states that men still develop relationships and communicate it's just done differently
Cultural Scripts for Romance
*Feminine women and Masculine men are desirable
* Men should initiate, plan, and direct most activities in a relationship
*Women should start conversation, generally defer to men, but control sexual activity
* Men should excel in status and earning $ and women should assume primarily responsibility for the relationship
Division of Household Labor in heterosexual romantic relationships
*Gender ideology= men & women who are more traditional about gender see that women should do most of the domestic labor
*Women s alternative to relationship= women who have desirable alternatives to their current relationships have more leverage to persuade their partners to participate in domestic labor.
* Men still do less chores
Masculine socialization which means traditionally the young girl and women perform more feminine tasks
Biological features (male/female) binary means 2 categories
It’s learned by the society which has literally shaped the guidelines to what masculine/feminine are supposed to act
Gender Identity
Persons own identification as male or female
Tendency to reduce something or someone to certain characters that we assume are essential to its nature and present in every member of a category; presumes that all members are of a sex are alike; obscures the range of characteristics possessed by an individual & conceals differences among members of each sex
People who are born with each qualities (male/female) “hermaphrodites”
Those who like things from the opposite sex and what to be them
Those that take the step to change some of their biology
Full on female which equals heterosexual
Sexual Orientation
Refers to person preferences for romantic and sexual partners; heterosexual or homosexual
Relationship B/W sex, gender, and sexual orientation
These three categories help individuals identify who they are
Qualitative research methods
Aim to understand the nature or meaning of experiences that cannot be quantified A. textual analysis looks deeper into texts B. Ethnography comparing and contrasting female and male behaviors and works.
Quantitative research methods
Collect/gather data that can be quantified, analyzed to draw conclusions very descriptive method of research.
Mixed research methods
A mixture of 2 or more methods
Critical research methods
Identify & challenge inequities & problems in social life
Reasons to learn about communication, gender, and culture
1 enhances appreciation of complex ways in which cultural values & practices influence your views of m/f femininity/masculinity 2 enhances insight into your own gender, become more aware 3 Strengthen your effectiveness as a communicator to appreciate the distinct validity of diverse communication styles.
Communication has 2 levels of meaning
1 content level means a literal meaning; expected to follow from a message 2 relationship level means is less obvious means both couple decide on a decision together showing no control on neither side both are balanced, guy might tease but she knows it’s just a joke she doesn't take it seriously.
The social Construction of inequality
Our culture designs whats normal or superior means that sex, gender, race, gender Identity, sexual orientation, and class really influence individuals knowledge, experience, and opportunities. To really know who someone is you have to be able to step into their shows and see their point of view on why they identify themselves like that and why they think like that.
***** Performative Thoery
Everyday performances that help shape and problematize our cultural categories (ex: heterosexual guys 2 hold hand in public doesn't seem right so it’s looked as *****)
***** Thoery
Ppl start challenging traditional notions of gender by criticizing what we see as “normal” & “abnormal”
Standpoint Thoery
How membership into groups shapes what individuals experience, know, feel, and do as well as how individuals understand social life as a whole ( where we stand in society)
4 Broad Categories of Thoeories
Biological is characteristics are the basis of gender differences- brain structure &brain development, interpersonal are factors that influence the development of masculinity and femininity- living up to expectations, cultural focus on how culture influences gender development and critical is when our attention is directed to structures and practices by which societies classify ppl into groups and then accord more or less privilege to different groups.
Goals of Thoery
A way to describe, explain, & predict relationships among phenomena- to make sense of our lives, predict others behaviors and guide our attitudes and actions
Social Learning Thoery
Individuals learn to be masculine and feminine primarily by imitating others and getting responses from others to their behaviors
Symbolic Interactionism
Through communication with others we learn who we are and how culture views our identity.
* he, self (and therefore gender along with it) develops through our communication with others.
Gender Schema Thoery
Cognitive( understanding, producing, learning reasoning) processes are central to our learning what gender means in our culture, to learn how to perform our gender competently.
*we have schemata (which are mental structures we can call upon to understand the world around us) that we use to understand gender.
Is the assumption that heterosexuality is normal and normative and all other sexual identities are abnormal.
Masculine Speech Community
Talk as a way to accomplish goals, control, independence, entertain, and enhance status. Like showing off. Telling jokes, get to the point,show knowledge to others, men tend to talk more often and talk @ greater length than woman because they want to show authority and show off knowlegde, interrupt more than woman to control convo. By challenging other speakers, more direct & assertive(confident) don’t talk about personal feelings or experiences, speak in general.Less emotionally. Est. status and control
Feminine Speech Community
Est. and maintain relationships est. equality support tentativeness, responsive. communication is key to establish and maintain relationships with others. Share things about themselves and learn about others. Equality “I felt what you felt before” give support, responsive, invite others to speak, tentativeness leaves doors open to respond and express their opinions.
Who ( General) is more Talkative
men tend to talk more in general because they want to control conversation and status basically showing off knowledge
The practice of highlighting a person’s sex
Polarized Thinking
The either or either your male or female, things as absolute opposites
Verbal Hedging
Saying things like “I kind of feel you may be overreacting” or “the hunger games was good wasn't it?” ties along with feminine speech community more. A way to make people continue responing
Social views about women and marital name change
Very traditional part. generations make a difference they see name change differently. Traditional = Women should change last name to their husband’s last name and male should keep their last name. He feels proud of having his wife carry his name but she is also proud of her name.
Identity of your family
PPl do what they are comfortable with name change must talk with partner if its okay with him or her
Minimal Response Cues
Men use the words like “yeah” or “umhmm”
Gender Linked Language effect
Language differences between women and men are influenced by variety of factors including topics, speaker status, salience of gender in a communication situation and other ppl present.
Male generic language
Purports (false appearance of being intended) to include both women and men EX- businessman, spokesman, mankind etc. assumption that only males are included
5 common gender based misinterpretations
Showing support-like giving advice and both sexes misinterpret what they said, troubles talk- hurt feelings, the point of the story-straightforward male female details, relationship talk, public speaking.