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63 Cards in this Set

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What technological advance made it easier for porn to be brought into the home?
Besides the actual production companies, which companies were mentioned as profiting from the porn industries?
ATT, Hilton Hotels, Yahoo, and General Motors
Eric likes to listen to music with violent lyrics. It validates who he is and reinforces to him that it is acceptable to be himself since others are the same. WHich of the following reasons, according to uses and greats, could explain this?
Individual Identity Formations
Which genre of television programming seems to have the largest amount of verbal violence/put-downs/characters who belittle another person?
Family sitcoms
TRUE OR FALSE: In the film "The Killing Screens", Dr. George Gerbner discusses how humor can be easily understood in all cultures all over the world but violence is culturally bound.
Cooper faces a lot of stress in his life. When he comes home form school he finds himself turning on the TV and watching violent programming so to forget his troubles. Which of the following reasons, according to uses and gratifications, is applicable to this situation?
What are the uses and grats?
Escape , Passing TIme, Vicarious Aggression, or Individual Identity Formation
Mark goes to the local movie theater to watch an advanced screening of the enw film "Murder on Laird Campus." Ironically, the next week on local TV Liz sees the same movie. ON whom will the violent content likely have a greater impact?
Mark (violence is more impactful on a big screen and he is sharing the experience with many)
What is the most frequently used convention to present women in music videos? What are some other conventions?
- Having them around the musicians as dancers during music videos to draw attention
- Or they may show them as background musicians, possibly in the crowd, or simply just existing near them
What do the stories of music videos tell us are the most important aspects of women?
- It stresses that women only care about sex, and that without men they are hopeless
What sort of roles are women typically seen fulfilling in the fantasy dream world of music videos?
- Cars, bathrooms, powerful men, hopeless women when they don't have men. Often they are catering to men and waiting around for them. Cheerleaders are often a role they take on, or actual professions where they break down to their sexual desires (librarian, school teacher, etc). And the obvious role: The stripper. Girl on Girl action, which was once frowned upon, is now widely used.
Which musical genre's music videos appear to have the most obvious and direct connection to pornography?
- Hip Hop & The Rap Music. Often they depict the women as strippers and imply that they can be bought and controlled by men. However, Rock and Roll has historically been the leader in this area. An example is the music video "Stacy's Mom" by Fountains of Wayne.
What is the one-dimensional definition of femininity put forth in our society by music videos?
Feminity = a want to be looked at and analyzed by men, and a need to please men in whatever way the man desires. Women are just a slew of sexual body parts that are object of pleasure for men to use.
The sexual and pornographic imagery in music videos is shockingly similar in appearance to what disturbing event(s)?
It's strikingly similar to older racist views we once had - very similar to Birth of a Nation, where black males are depicted are drunken, lust-driven buffoons.
in the killing screens, What does Dr. Gerbner mean when he says that "violence translates well"?
it's a good commodity in the global market and it travels well, for it needs no translation.
What is desensitization?
The need to increase the amount of something when the original amount no longer satisfies the desire.
What is interesting to note about the difference in amounts of violent content in films and their sequels?
Due to desensitization, the amount of violent content usually raises between films and their sequels.
ex. Robocop 1 = 32 corpses, Robocop 2 = 81 corpses
What is Mean World Syndrome?
If you live in a household where the television is the center of your entertainment and possibly life (usually low-income households), you'll see the world through a lens of danger and distress.
How is video game violence different from other media violence? In what ways is it distinct?
- The way it is used, specifically interactivity for video games. Video Games are much more immersive and interactive then other types of media. Realism.
What types of video games are known particularly for their portrayals of aggressive masculinity? How so?
Wrestling games. Real wrestlers are depicted, all with the violence and their taunts and bullying.
What is the contradiction the experts discuss in terms of how women are depicted in video games? How is this seen in the games/characters they discuss (i.e., Lara Croft)?
while usually they are only seen as sexual objects, some Women are being empowered in some games, while also being exploited. IE, Lara Croft, for she's seen as powerful and energetic, while she's depicted very sexually.
What is a concern one might have due to an extended exposure over time to overly graphic, overly intense representations of violence? What effect can this have on the impact of future exposures to such violence?
One concern is that it will result in thinking this violence is normal in the world and is very prevelent. This can lead to desensitization, which will call for increased violence.
Who is responsible for some of the most extensive research over the last 30 years on video games and violent behavior
The US Military
What video game does the U.S. Marine Crops use in order to help train its soldiers in the act of killing?
The FATS Trainer, which is very similar to arcade shooting games like TIme Crisis. The Marine Corps uses DOOM to train.
What is the difference between a hot camera and a cold camera in the pornography industry? Why is this significant to who the film is marketed to?
- Hot = explicit; for the XXX version
- Cold = less explicit, softer porn scenes, possibly a pay-per view
Besides the production companies that create the films, what other companies mentioned in this film also profit from the pornography industry (some of which you may not expect)?
Direct TV, General Motors (owns Direct TV), AT&T, Hotel Chains (Marriot), Yahoo (selling porn ads), Danni Ashe (most downloaded woman)
What technological advance allowed pornography to be easily brought into the home?
VCR was the first big one, brought porn into the homes.
What is the Cambria list?
List of taboo sex acts, made by Paul Cambria
What are the Taboo sex acts on the cambria list?
- Urination
- Bukake
- Face Ejaculation
- Underage Girls
- Dead people
- Religion
Which Judas Priest song as at issue during the James Vance vs Judas Priest trial - specifically the one that allegedly attained the subliminal messages that encouraged these young men to attempt suicide.
"Better by me, better than me."
What was the subliminal message that these young men supposedly heard?
"Do it" as in, kill yourself.
Judas Priest lead vocalist Rob Halford attempted to distinguish their music from the music that typically occupies the top 40. What did Halford say most music was about? And what did he say that Judas Priest's music was about?
- Most Music: Love
- Judas Priest: Frustration
What was the judge's final decision in James Vance vs Judas Priest.
In favor of Judas Priest, the trial was dismissed.
Which of the following has been found to be the least reliable method to measures somethings emotional arousal level?
Heart Rate
Which of the following was the first network drama (or series) to devote the story-line for an entire episode to the subject of AIDS?
True or False: The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA requires that all public schools and libraries place filtering software on their computers in order to limit the access children have to certain content. However, CIPA was challenged and overturned but the supreme court because it unlawfully restricted adults from content as well.
False (Supreme Court upheld decision)
Which of the following is not a type of response which can be evoked when viewing sexual content in advertising?
Which segment of LBBT community has confounded advertisers because they are technically "affluent gays" but don't adhere to the advertisers' perceived stereotypes of "affluent gays"?
Which of the following films was not presented as evidence to the MPAA as to why a rating was needed for films that were too mature for the intended audience of a PG rated film but whose content didn't quite reach the same adult level as R rated films? (- Red Dawn, Gremlins, Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom)
Red Dawn
Whch of the following is not taken into consideration when applying the MIlelr Test to the media?
The local gov't deems the content as damaging to certain members of a community's population.
After a stressful day at work, Dave comes home and watches Saw IV, which he finds absorbing yet quite arouising due to the film's violence and stressful situations. T or F = This has the potential to be a successful example of the movie';s intervention potential due to the semantic affinity between dave's mood and the media's content.
False (failed to intervene, or disrupt his stressed mood)
) Obscenity is defined as anything "depicting sexual and excretory activities in a patently offensive manner, as measured by contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium."
alse (it's the definition for "Indecency". Obscenity is defined by the Miller Test. -Obscenity = Miller Test, Indecency = Long definition
Broadcasters are required to operate in the public interest, convenienve, and necessity because:
They are permitted to use a scarce public resource
What are the points in the Miller test?
* Whether the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest,
* Whether the work depicts/describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct or excretory functions[2] specifically defined by applicable state law,
* Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value. (This is also known as the (S)LAPS test- [Serious] Literary, Artistic, Political, Scientific.)
What methods surveys are used to find out why people watch violent tv?
• Intercept Interview (a.k.a. mall intercept)
• Mail-In (response rates)
• Face-to-Face
• Telephone
• Internet
What is social desirability?
Giving the answer you think people want to hear rather than what you think to make you look better
How can you combat social desirability?
Ask multiple questions about the
same topic
–Use multiple research methods
–Questions that gauge likelihood of
giving socially desirable answers
What is Catharsis?
Process of ridding oneself of
violent, pent-up anger and
aggressive feelings. watching violent programming or listening to violent lyrics
What does research data show about catharsis in media?
typically, watching violence/lsitening to violence lyrics will not diminish the violent pent up feelings of rage
People who are most effected by media cultivation (thinking the real world is like media) often lack...
first-hand experience
What's the main difference between habituation and desensitization in media violence?
Habituation is decreased response to MEDIA violence, while desensitization is decreased response to REAL WORLD violence
What show debuted in the 1950s that was claimed to be "violence laden" albeit a commercial success?
What type of programming generally has more violence, regardless of how serious it is?
Are "Wolfenstein, Quake, and Doom" FIRST or THIRD person shooters?
Hitman, Grand Theft Auto, and Max Payne are FIRST or THIRD person shooters
What song by the beatles popularized backmasking?
Rain, 1966
Which sports show aggression on the field/ring
Hockey and Boxing
What state claimed Wrestling to be entertainment?
New Jersey, 1980
What characteristics does a sport have to have to be considered a sport?
Physical activity
• Pro wrestling is athletic
–An actual contest
• Follows a predetermined script
–Rules to govern play
• Only real rule –follow the script
HOw much to WWE make in merchandise each year?
over $100 million
In 2009, what did some TV shows switch from (rating) to (rating) to pull in younger audiences
tv-14 to tv-pg
What is priming?
When words related to aggression can
cause people to have aggressive
thoughts and perceptions
What can priming lead to ?
Chronic activation, which influences aggresive behavior over a longer period of time