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33 Cards in this Set

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The understanding of the difference among three types of signs.

Iconic Sign

A sign that has a physical resemblance to its meaning.

Ex: Smiley face, bathroom sign, gender signs (woman (dress) man (no dress))

Indexical Sign

A sign with a casual connection to it's meaning (Two objects that go together)

Ex: Animal tracks, hand print, fire and smoke, dark clouds and rain

Symbolic Sign

A sign that has an arbitrary connection to it's meaning.

Ex: Star of David, heart, skull


The Study of Body Language


Body movements that have precise meaning

Ex: Hand signals (thumbs up, hitch hikd, okay, shaka)


Body movements that we use to clarify the shape or size of something.

Ex: Using your hands to demonstrate how big or small an object is

How big was the fish

Affect Displays

Body movements and facial expressions that display emotions.

Ex: upturned lips (happiness) downturned lips (sadness)

Someone's facial expressions


Body movements that control the back and forth movements of conversation.

Ex:Nodding your head, raising our hand, telling someone to come here, stop

What do you do when you have a question?


Body movements used to deal with stress and anxiety.

Ex: Involuntary movements (tremble or shaking)



How physical distance is used in communications

Public Distance

The space we maintain when talking to strangers (12 to 25 feet)

Social Distance

The distance we use when communicating with acquaintances (4-12 ft)

Personal Distance

The distance we use with people we have a personal relation (1.5-4 ft)

Intimate Distance

The distance we use when communicating with the people we are close with (1.5- touching)


The study of how sounds are used in communication

Vocal Qualities

The stable qualities of our voice (Dependant on our speech organs). How low or high our voice is.

Ex: Child has a high pitched voice, adult (low)

Vocal Qualifiers

Changeable qualities of our voice (Sounds We use to affect meaning). Aspects of our voice we can change (volume).

Ex: we use volume, speed and intonation (rise and fall) to pronounce words.

Vocal segregates

Sounds that regulate conversation. (Sounds we produce to control conversation).

Ex: Ah-ha, mmm, uh-uh

Vocal characterizers

Sounds that have distinct meaning. (If we hear a sound we know what it means).

Ex: Shushing

Social Penetration Theory

Proposes that relationship development in human beings occurs through self-disclosure, or by revealing personal information about ourselves to others.

The Shrek Theory

Public Layers

Information that’s accessible to everyone

Ex:Age, hobbies, interests

Small talk

Semi-Private Information

Information that is accessible to certain people

Ex:Phone number, religious or political views

Private Layers

The layers of information that we rarely share with anyone.

Ex: Health status, social security, age,

Social Penetration

Pushing information from public to private (growing close)

Social de penetration

Pushing information from private to public (growing distant)

Uncertainty Reduction

Meeting a person for the first time

Three factors that heighten the need for uncertainty reduction

Anticipation of future interaction

Incentive value


Anticipation of future interaction

Anticipate in meeting or talking to the person in the future

Incentive value

If someone had something of value towards a person


If someone is strange and deviant, motivating us to get to know the person more.

Two types of uncertainty that we try to reduce about others

Cognitive-How a person thinks in certain situations.

Behavioral- How a person behaves in certain situations.

Three Strategies we use to reduce uncertainty about others

Passive-observing a person’s behavior.

Active-Asking a person that knows that person to tell them about the person.

Interactive-Where one interacts with the person when getting to know them.