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28 Cards in this Set

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Afford, enjoy brought up in...,l.car, cream, hotel, restaurant, apartment, home, travel, cruise, liner, great, sheer, pure, ultimate


An offer exclusive to members of the circle, e. part of town, club, school, clothes, story (scoop), offer, right, access, use


campaign, new collection, new service, boat ( to transfer a vessel to the water) attack

A luxury cream that fights aging and it has been proven

It has been clinically proven that it has antiaging properties.

Put on weight

Pile on the pounds

Fights crow's feet and smaller wrinkles

It is proven to banish wrinkles and fine lines

Informal way of saying that you are feeling hungry

Feeling peckish

To highlight hair

It brings out the natural highlights in your hair.


Tasty, healthy

Hair damaged by sun

Sun-damaged hair

Color that lasts

Long-lasting colour

Magazines printed on high-quality paper with lots of photos and adverts

glossy magazines

To find out what is fashionable

What's in fashion

Clothes made by famous brands

Designer label clothes

Clothes bought in ordinary shops

High-street fashion

What influences usually do

Set the trend

The new fashion style

New season's look, up-to-the-minute fashion, data, T-shirt



A person who always wears fashionable clothes even if they are ludicrous

A fashion victim

Long beards are in again

Are back in fashion

to be at the centre of attention:

She always likes to take/be centre stage in whatever she does.

Is potentially dangerous(war)

Situation is minefield

To understand

To see the point, the reason, the joke, the light

Red and black

I saw red and he got a black mark for sth

You have to make a decision

You are at a crossroads

You are making no progress

You are going/getting nowhere

Lose job

Give a sack, to give or get his marching orders

A manager uses his power to get what he wants

He pulls ranks on his employees