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33 Cards in this Set

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Layer of gases surrounding a planet or moon


Prevailing weather conditions over a long time period in an area


The state of the atmosphere at a certain time and place

Closed and Open System

Closed: does not let energy in; isolated

Open: lets in or through in


Something caused or made by humans


North to South


A certain period in the year noted because of its particular weather conditions/temperature

Nitrogen Cycle

Atmosphere -> Factory -> Fertilizer -> Gas. Atmosphere -> Factory -> Sewage -> Water.

Transportation + Industries -> Atmosphere.

Carbon Cycle

Atmosphere -> Oceans/Organic matter. Oceans -> Sediments/Sedimentary rock -> Fossil Fuels -> Atmosphere. Oceans -> Fossil Fuels -> Atmosphere. Oceans -> Atmosphere.

Earth's Climate System

Set up of components interacting together to produce Earth's climate, powered by the Sun. Includes air, land, liquid water, ice, and living things.

Set up of components interacting together to produce Earth's climate, powered by the Sun. Includes air, land, liquid water, ice, and living things.

Effects on Climate

Carbon: When CO2 increases, oceans absorb more CO2. Oceans will be more acidic and warm and could accelerate global warming. Nitrogen: Humans increased nitrogen in waters. Causes algal to bloom and results in dead zones in lakes and oceans.

Atmosphere and Climate

The atmosphere determines the climate


Air in motion moving horizontally at any speed along earth's surface

Energy Transfer

Comes from sun, some absorbed by oceans, some goes into atmosphere and some back into space.


Ocean circulation -> Thermohaline circulation. Warm water rises, cold water sinks; makes a warm surface flow.


Fraction of incident light/radiation reflected off a surface.

World Climate zones

Temperate: Between Polar and Tropical (Very warm/cold seasons: Canada).

Polar: Between North and South pole + Antarctica (Cold and icy).

Tropical: Located between equator + Tropic of Cancer (^23.5*) and Tropic of Capricorn (v23.5*)

Biomes in Canada

Permanent Ice, Tundra, Boreal Forest, Temperate Deciduous Forest, Temperate Rainforest, Grassland, Desert, Prairies.


Large regions with similar types of plant and animal species under climate of certain area.


Division of earth's surface that's developed over long periods of time by separations from neighbouring zones by oceans, mountain ranges and deserts.


Subdivision of an ecozone characterized by local landforms

Effects of Changing Climate

Volcanic eruptions, air and ocean currents, and the sun's radiation

Indicators of Climate Change

Melting ice -> Rising sea level and rising ocean acidity. Changing winds and precipitation. Desertification and Droughts. Storm intensity rising.

Common greenhouse gases + source

Water vapour, CO2 (Burning fossil fuels), CH4 (Cattle), O3, N2O (Fertilizers)

Types of Energy Transfer

Conduction (Particle Collision) , Convection (Energy movement in Liquid), Radiation (Waves).

Positive and Negative Feedback loop

Positive: the effect increasing the original cause. Negative: the effect decreases the original cause

El Nino and La Nina

Nino: winds going west weak and may reverse. Warm water in pacific goes eats and prevents warm water from rising.

Nina: Winds push warm Pacific waters west to Asia, leaving North America with cooler temperatures.

Earth's Energy Budget

Total energy exchange of Earth's system. How energy from sun enter, goes through, and leaves Earth's system.

Climate Change

Change in global or regional climate patterns

Evidence of past climates

Tree rings, ice cores, sedimentary cores, fossils


Geostationary: Satellites orbiting earth at the same speed the earth rotates.

Polar Orbiting: Satellites move north + south over poles as earth turns beneath them.

Meteorological data

Meteorological facts that have to do with the atmosphere - any phenomena that affects military operations

List of actions to reduce global warming

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Use less heat + AC. Drive smart. Use less hot water. Plant tree.