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68 Cards in this Set

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National Incident Based Reportimg System

Gives details on each crime incident


Many citizens do not report crimes to the police

Doesn't include drug related offenses

Domestic violence, rape, white collar crime

Why is the uniform crime report incomplete?

Higher than in other Western countries

Lethal violence

Not evenly distributed

Lawlessness in the US

Majority of people believe social factors play a role in the causation of crime

Social experiences shape how people think about crime

Theory in Social Context

To observe and reflect on the meaning of an event


Gain or lose credence

Gain or lose the ability to justify a range of criminal justice policies

When shifts in societal opinion occurs, theoretical models:

Emphasis on rational decision making costs/benefits analysis

Classical School Theory

Scientific study of criminals

Criminals and non criminals were different

Positivist School Theory

Social circumstances play a role in crime causation

Chicago School

Control Theory

Differential Association Theory


Strain Theory

What are the mainstream criminology and political theories that favor reform of the status quo and not a radical transformation?

Harsher punishments

How did the conservativists respond to crime?

Need a motivated offender, absence of a capable guardian, and the presence of a suitable target at the same time and place

Routine Activity Theory

Rational Choice Theory

Crime is a choice by objective or perceived costs and benefits

Perceptual Deterrence Theory


1987 study of crime over 20-50 years by Georgette Bennett

Causes of crime in souls


Trial by battle

Trial by ordeal


Strong families weren't guilty

How did people deal with crime in ancient societies?

Occured in 1692

When did the Salem witch trials occur?

Classical School

Punishment should fit the crime

Cesare Beccaria

Who was the father of criminology?

1:Give up freedoms to establish society

2:Restrictions or laws should be restricted in scope

3:Innocent until proven guilty

4:Write down laws

5:Punishments should be retributive

6:Punishment shouldn't be more than what's necessary for deterrence

7:Punishment fits the crime.. Not the criminal

8:Punishments should be swift and sure

9:Certainty is more important than severity

10:Offender viewed as independent and reasonable

11:Goal is crime prevention

What were Beccaria's arguments?

Jeremy Bentham

Who coined the term hedonistic calculus?

Believed punishment should be a deterrent and behavior is a result of free will

What did Jeremy Bentham believe?

John Howard

Influenced the passage of England's Penitentiary Act and penal reform

Didn't account for mitigating circumstances

Didn't account for children

Doesn't explain causation

Problems with Classical School

Wanted scientific proof, empirical facts to confirm ideas that crime was determined by multiple factors

Good = Beauty

Bad = Ugly

Neglected all social factors external to the person

Positivist School

Cesare Lombroso

Who was the father of Modern Criminology?

Disagreed with free will and philosophy

Claimed diseases contributed to mental and physical deficiencies which could result in violence or homicide

Cesare Lombroso

People with atavistic characteristics

Born Criminal

Idiots, imbeciles, paranoiacs, epileptics, and alcoholics

Insane criminals

Explained opportunity

Occasional Criminals

Commit crime because of anger, love, or honor and are characterized by being propelled to crime by an irresistible force

Criminals of Passion

Claimed there was a relationship between facial features and behavior

Jasper Lavater

Argued that the shape of an individuals head could explain personal characteristics

Franz Joseph Gall

Franz Joseph Gall

Who coined the term phrenology

No to free will

Socioeconomic status and political factors contributed to crime

Control crime by social change

Enrico Ferri

Lombroso and Ferri

What two theorists had similar theories?

Criminal action is a crime against nature

Crimes are offenses against the laws of nature

Raffaele Garofalo

Identified acts that no society could refuse to recognize as criminal and therefore punish

What did Garofalo attempt to identify?

Pity: revulsion against the voluntary infliction of suffering on others

Probity: respect for the property of others

Acts that violate 2 basic human sentiments

Studied 3000 convicts

Concluded there were no significant differences between criminals and non criminals except for stature and body weight

Criminals were slightly smaller and biologically inferior

Charles Goring

Studied 260 insane people

Asthenic and athletic builds were associates with schizophrenia while pyknics were manic depressives

Ernst Kretschmer

Pyknics were imprisoned for fraud or sex offenses

Asthenics and athletics were imprisoned for burglary, robbery, or larceny

Mohr and Gundlach

Racist over tones, control group not representative of any known population

Ernest Hooten

Factors that produce delinquency were inherited

William Sheldon

Soft and fat


Muscular and athletic


Skinny and flat


Found delinquents to be mesomorphic

Sheldon and Glueck

Tensions exist between the unconscious id which holds aggressive biological and psychological urges and the conscious ego which controls and molds the individual

Sigmund Freud

The self criticism piece that reflects the basic behavioral requirements of a particular culture


When the ego or super ego fail to develop it a delinquent ego forms

When does crime occur according to psychoanalysis?

Robert Park

Who coined the term Human Ecology?

Concluded that city's develop in a pattern and is not random

Robert Park

Disorganization produces and sustains criminal traditions and delinquency

Shaw and Mckay

Criminal behavior is learned

Learned via interaction with other people

Learning b/w people occurs in intimate personal groups

Learning includes the techniques, motives, rationalizations

Favorable or unfavorable

Delinquents form when there are excess definitions favorable to the violation of law

What are Sutherlands 9 propositions?

Informal social control at the community level explains variation in crime rates across neighborhoods

Robert Sampson

Private: intimate relationships

Parochial: people met during daily routines

Public: relationships with external groups

Bursik and Grasmick

High crime communities have neighbors that often know one another and have strong private ties

Problems with Systemic Model

Concentration disadvantage and residential no bolt decrease allegiance to conventional values

Cultural Attenuation

Street code

Ellijah Anderson

Social Learning Theory

Differential association



Differential social reinforcements

Ronald Akers

Structurally induced strain

Robert Merton


Erosion or absence of norms, standard values, lack of rules and clarity result in feelings if worthlessness, frustration, lack of purpose and despair

Focused primarily on delinquency in juveniles

Cohen, Cloward, and Ohlin

Claimed mertons theory was too narrow and other factors could contribute to strain

Robert Agnew

Failure to achieve positive goals

Actual or anticipated removal of positive stimuli

Actual or anticipated presentation of negative stimuli

What were Agnews 3 sources of strain?

Strain is unjust

Strain is high

Strain is caused by low self control

Strain creates pressure or incentive to engage in criminal behavior

Four factors that strain produces criminal activity

Extreme capitalism

US suffers from high rate of economic inequality

Elliott Currie