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39 Cards in this Set

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Clause of the fourteenth Amendment to the Constituition guarantees that state governments will not arbitrarily deprive any person of life, liberty or property


The 🍋 test, enunciated by the supreme Court in 1971 to determine whether government aid to parochial schools s Constituition, state that the aid must --


The current supreme Court standard for assessing the Constitutionality of__ is the imminent lawless action test.


Is a published report of a falsehood that tends to injure a person's reputation or character.


Under the USA Patriot Act of 2001, the FBI is authorized to use__ to demand personal information about individuals from private companies.


Private companies such as Banks and phone companies

In __ the Supreme Court held that the "right of privacy ... Is broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy."


The__ Amendment includes protection from unreasonable searches and seizures


Upon arrest, suspect must be advised of their constituitional rights through __


An __is an order requiring that an official bring a specified prisoner into court and explain to the judge why the prisoner is being held


The supreme Court has used the incorporation principle to __


The Supreme Court has ruled that public schools__


The supreme Court's__ doctrine states that certain freedoms are so essential that any law limiting these freedoms should be presumed to be unconditional unless the government can show that it is absolutely necessary


The Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut ( 1965) held that a right to print is implied by other Constituitional rights guaranteed in the


The fifth Amendment


Write of habeas corpus

An order that requires an official to bring a specified prisoner into court and explain to the judge why the person is being held in jail.

Civil liberties

Individual rights protected by the Constituition against the powers of the government

Bill of attainder

A legislative act that imflicts punishment on particular persons or group without granting them the right to trial

Writ of have as corpus

An order that requires an official to bring a specified prisoner into court and explain to the judge why the person is being held in jail.

Bill of attainder

A legislative act that inflicts punishment on particular persons or groups without granting them the right to a trial

Ex post facto law

A criminal law that punishes individuals for committing an act that was legal when the act was committed

Due process clause

The Constitutional guarantee, set out in fifth and fourteenth Amendments that the gov will not illegally or arbitrarily deprived a person of life, liberty or property and

Due process of law

The requirement that the gov use fair reasonable, and standard procedures whenever it takes any legal action against an individual

Establishment clause

The section of the first amendment that prohibits Congress from passing laws " respecting an establishment of religion

Free excercise clause

The provision of the First Amendment stating that the gov cannot pass laws prohibiting the free exercise of religion

🍋lemon test

A three part test enuciated by the supreme Court in the 1971 case of lemon vs.Kurtzman to determine whether the gov. Aid parochial schools is Constituitional

School voucher

An educational certificate, provided by a government, that allows a student to use public funds to pay for a private or a public school chosen by the students or his or her parents

Symbolic speech

The expression of beliefs, opinions, or ideas through forms other than verbal speech involving actions actions and other nonverbal expressions

Seditious speech

Speech that urge resistance to lawful authority or that advocates the overthrow of a government

Imminent lawless action test

The current Supreme court doctrine for assessing the Constitutionality of subversive speech. To be illegal, speech must be directed to inciting... Imminent lawless action".

Commercial speech

Advertising statements that describe products . Commercial speech receives less protection under the first amendment than ordinary speech.


A published report of a falsehood that tends to injure a person's reputation or character.


The public utterance of a statement that holds a person up for contempt, ridicule, or hatred.


Indecency or offensiveness in speech, expression, behavior, or appearance.

Political correctness

Criticism or other actions taken against others for speech that is offensive to minority group members, women or lgbqt people

Probable cause

Cause for believing that there is a substantial liklihood that a person has committed, or is about to commit a crime

Double jeopardy

The prosecution of a person twice for the same criminal offense prohibited by the fifth Amendment in all but a few circumstances.

Self incrimination

Providing damaging info or testimony against oneself in court.

Exclusionary rule

A criminal procedure rule stating that illegal obtained evidence is not admissible in court.

Miranda warning

A series of statements informing criminal suspects, on their arrest, of their constituitional rights to remain silent and the right to counsel. Required by the Supreme Court's 1966 decision in Miranda v. Arizona.