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61 Cards in this Set

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Superciliary arches

- brow ridges


- superior to the nasal bones and between the orbit

Left/Right Maxilla

- form the most of the upper jaw and nasal cavity


- forms lower jaw

Mental Protuberance

- chin

Anterior Nasal Spine

- inferior border of nose

Inferior Nasal Conchae

- along the lateral wall of nasal cavity scrolled shaped bones

Coronal Suture

- articulation between the frontal and parietal bone

Saggital stuture

- connects the left and right parietal bones almost exactly in the midline of the skull

Lacrima Bone

- connects with nasal bone anteriorly and with the ethmoid posteriorly

Zygomatic Arch

- temporal process of the zygomatic bone and zygomatic process of temporal bone

Mandibular Fossa

- where the zygomatic arc ends

Hard Palate

- formed by maxillae and palatine bone


- immovable joints that form boundaries between cranial bones

- dnese regular connective tissue seals them

Coronal Suture

- extends across superior surface of the skull along the frontal bone

Lamboid Suture

- extends like an arc across the posterior suface of the skull

- articulates with the parietal bones and the occiptal bone

Sagittal Suture

- extends between the superior midline of the coronal and lamboid sutures

- the midline of the carnium W

Squamos Sututer

- on each side of skull it artculates the temporal bone and the parietal bone

Sigmoid Sinus

- runs along the inferior surface of the petrous region

- drains blood from the brain

Mastoid Process

- anchoring site for muscles that move the neck

Mastoid Foramen

- posterinferior surface of temporal bone

Styloid process

- thin pointed projectins that attaches several hyoid and tongue muscles

Stylomastoid foramen

- between the mastoid process and styloid process

Carotid Canal

- medial to stylid process and transmitts the interla acrotoid artery

Spheniod Bone

- unites the canial and facial bones and articulates with almost every bone of skull

Ethmoid bone

- postioned between the oribts

- forms the antermedial floor of the cranium roof of nasal cavity part of medial wall of orbit part of nasal septum

Zygomatic Bones

- cheeck bones

- form part of the oribit and cheeks

Maxillary Process

- articulates with the zygomatic process the maxille and fornatl proces which articulates with frontal bone

Lacrima Bones

- form part of the madial wall of each oribit

Inferior Nasal Conchae

- located in the inferiorlateral wall of nasal cavity

Alveolar Process

- house the upper teeth

Intervertebrae Foramen

- lateral opening between adjacent vertebrae

Spinous Process

- projects posteriorly from the left and right laminae

Transverse process

- lateral projection on both sides of the vertebrae arch

Articular Process

- on each vertebrae on superiro and inferior surfaces that project the jucntin between the pedicles and laminae

Intervertebral disk

- fibrocartilage pads that seperate adjacent vertbral

- act as a shock aborber and allow verterbral column to bend

Cervical Vertebrae

- most superiorly placed

- extend from the occipital bone to the thorax

- support only weight of head

- spinous process is reltively short

- transverse process of vertebrae are unique that they contain prominent round tranverse foramen


- supports the head via articulations with occiptal condyles of occiptal bone

- lack body and spinous process


- atlas fuses to the axis

- fusion produces the prominent dens process

- dens acts as pivots for rotation of both atlas and the skull

Thoracic Vertebrae

- lack mobility due to articulation with ribs

- lack transverse foramen adn

- spinous process is relatively pointed and long

- distinguised by costal facests and costal demifacts on lateral side of body and side of trasnverse process

Costal Facet

- circular depression tht articualtes with the entire head or tubercle of rib with the transvers process

Costal Demifacets

- semicuricular depression that articulates with either the superior or inferior edge of the head of rib

Lumbar Vertebrae

- largest vertebrae, oval rather than heart shaped

- have no transvese foramina nor costal facets

- transverse process are thin and project dorsalterally

- spinous process is thick

- bear most weight of the body

- thick spinous process allow attachment site of msucles


- anteriorly curved triangle bone that forms the posterior wall of pelvic cavity


- narrow portion of bone that project inferiorly


- superiro to apex

- composed of five fused sacral vertebrae

Median Sacral Crest

- posterior formed by fusion of the spinous process


- four small fused coccygeal vertebrae

- attachement site for several ligaments and some muscles


- breast bone

- composed of three parts: manubrium, the body, and ther xiphoid process


- widest and most superiro portion

- two clavicular notches articulate sternum with left and right calvicle

- costal notch: ariculation for first ribs costal caritilage

The body

- longest part and forms the bulk

- sternal angle: where the manubrium and body articulate

Xiphoid Process

- small infeirorly pointed projection is cartillaginous


- elongated, curved, flattend bones that orginate on or between thoracic vertebrae

True Ribs

- connect individually to the sternum by separate cartillaginous extensions

False Ribs

- costal cartilages do not attach directly to the sternum

Floating Ribs

- have no connectin to the sternum


- where rib articulates with the vertebrae column


- lies between the head and tubercle


- has an articular facet for the costal facet


- Indicates where the tubular shaft begins curving anteriorly toward the sternum

Costal Groove

- marks path of the path of the nerves and blood vessels to the thoracic wall