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48 Cards in this Set

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transnational orientation
Nationalism is being challenged by what?
C. a desire to be politically separate
Which of the following distinguishes a nation from an ethnic group?
A. a feeling of community
B. common culture
C. a desire to be politically separate
D. demographic characteristics
What is nationalism?
The idea that the sovereign nation-state should be the main object of the political loyalty of individuals
D. the growth of the United Nations
Which of the following events/trends did not contribute tot he growth of nationalism?
A. World War 1
B. the collapse of the USSR
C. the independence of former colonial countries
D. the growth of the United Nations
B. Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman
What two empires collapsed amidst a wave of nationalism in the late 19th and early 20th century?
A. Austro-Hungarian, Roman
B. Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman
C. Roman, Spanish
D. Spanish Austro-Hungarian
A. the relationship need not to be sequential
The relationship between a nation and a state is such that
A. the relationship need not be sequential
B. there exist one nation for every state
C. a nation must first form before a state can evolve
D. a state must first form before a nation can evolve
Approximately how many Americans live within the border of the U.S.
What is a multistate nation?
When one nation dominates two or more states
A. Zionism and virulent anti-Semitism
In the early to mid-20th century, what triggered massive Jewish emigration to what was then Palestine?
A. Zionism and virulent anti-Semitism
B. Mussolini's rise to power
C. the erection of the Maginot line
D. the Great Depression
D. Indonesia
In which state are members of the Kurdish nation not found?
A. Syria
B. Turkey
C. Iraq
D. Indonesia
Chechens might collaborate with invading Germans during WWII
What reason did the Soviet government under Stalin give fro deporting all Cheechens to Siberia?
What amount of the U.S. budget is allocated to foreign aid?
B. internal opposition
Nazi Germany was an extreme example of nationalism and
A. internal opposition
B. self-determination
C. Zionism
D. irredentism
B. encourages national self-determination
A. weakens resistance to outside occupation
B. encourage national self-determination
C. encourages diversity and experimentation
D. discourages militarism
C. Speculate about the demise of nationalism
The impact of WWII led many observers to
A. praise the unifying influence of nationalism
B. promote nationalism in support of globalism
C. speculate about the demise of nationalism
D. predict that nationalism would lead to an increased number of nation-states
A. may or may not persist; its course is currently impossible to predict
In the future, nationalism
A. may or may not persist; its course is currently impossible to predict
B. is likely to be the world's principal form of political orientation
C. will vanish, or, at least, be greatly diminished
D. will be superseded by a world government
True or False: A group cannot be considered a nation unless its members have a sense of community
True or False: The growth of nationalism has been gradually intertwined with the development of states
True or False: Nationalism as we know it today has always existed
True or False: Some of the problems of state building in Africa can be attributed to ill-conceived colonial borders
True or False: A state must be present before nationalism can occur
True or False: Korea is an example of a multinational state
True or False: In 1948, Jews outnumbered Arabs in Palestine
True or False: Nationalism can discourage imperialism
True or False: Nationalism is seen as an obstacle to economic development
True or False: In the United State, 31% of the federal budget goes to foreign aid
True or False: Serbian nationhood is culturally derived from a battle over Kosovo in the 14th century
True or False: An increase in the prevalence of self-determination would help prevent ethnic cleansing
True or False: About one-third of the world's countries have populations smaller than that of Los Angeles
True or False: Most states represent a good fit between nations and states
True or False: The future of nationalism is clear
What is political identity?
- perceived connection between an individual and a political community and among individuals of a political community
- nationalism is the dominant
- religion is becoming more common
What is a nation?
group of culturally and historically similar people who feel a communal bond and who feel they should govern themselves to at least some degree
What is the ethonational group?
ethnic group in which a significant percentage of its members favor national self-determination and the establishment of a nation-state dominated by the group
What is nationalism?
belief that the nation is the ultimate basis of political loyalty and that nations should have self-governing states
What is ideology?
interconnected theological or secular ideas that establish value about what is good and what is not, and that indicate a course of action, create perceptual links among adherents, and perceptually distinguish those who adhere to a given ideology from those who do not
What is a nation-state?
politically organized territory that recognizes no higher law, and whose population politically identifies with that entity
What is the West?
historically, Europe and those countries and regions whose cultures were founded on or converted to European culture
EX: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and U.S.
= majority are European "White" not Caucasian "White"
What is popular sovereignty?
sovereign political authority resides with the citizens of a state
What is a state building?
process of creating both a government and other legal structures of a country and the political identification of the inhabitants of a country with their state and sense of loyalty to it
What is multinational state?
countries in which there are 2 or more significant nationalities
What is multistate nation?
nation that has substantial number of its people living in more than one state
What is irredentism?
minority population's demand to join its motherland, or when the motherland claims the area in which the minority lives
What are failed states?
countries in which all or most of the citizens give their primary political loyalty to another source of political identity
What is a stateless nation?
nation that does not exercise political control over any state
What is Xenophobia?
fear of others
What is exceptionalism?
belief of some that their national group is better than others
What is microstate?
country with a small population that can't survive economically without outside aid or that is inherently so militarily weak that is is an inviting target for foreign intervention