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20 Cards in this Set

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This tag causes PHP to start interpreting code:
And the short version is:
<?php ... ?>
<? ... ?>
What are the two types of comment tags?
// This is a one-line tag.
/* This is a
two line tag. */
What character must be placed at the end of every PHP statement?
A semi-colon (;)
Which symbol is used to preface all PHP variable names?
A dollar sign, with the exception of constants.
What can a variable store?
A string, a number, or other data.
What is the difference between $variable = 1 and $variable == 1?
$variable = 1 is an assignment statement and sets the value
$variable == 1 is a comparison operator
Why are underscores allowed in variable names and hyphens are not?
A hyphen is reserved for subtraction operators.
Are variable names case-sensitive?
Can you use spaces in variable names?
How do you convert one variable type to another?
PHP will automatically convert variables when referenced.
What is the difference between ++$j and $j++?
There is no difference unless the value is being tested/assigned/passed, in which case ++$j increments before operation and $j++ increments after operation.
Are the operators && and "and" interchangeable?
Usually, except where precedence is important.
&& is higher priority than "and".
How can you create a multiline echo or assignment?
"This is
multi-line echo."
This is a
multi-line echo.
Can you redefine a constant?
No; they retain their value until the program terminates.
How do you escape a quotation mark?
\' or \"
What is the difference between the echo and print commands?
echo is a construct with multiple arguments
print is a PHP function with a single argument
What is the purpose of functions?
To separate discrete sections of code into their own self-contained sections, referenced by a single function name.
How can you make a variable accessible to all parts of a PHP program?
By declaring it as global
If you generate data within a function, how do you convey it to the rest of the program?
By returning a value or modifying a global variable
What is the result of combining a string with a number?
Another string