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33 Cards in this Set

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The first known chemical peel procedures were used by....

Egyptians more than 5000 years ago

Superficial peeling, exfoliation, keratolysis, and desquamation are treatments for removing the excessive accumulation of dead cells from the....

Stratum corneum

How does the cell turnover rate change as the body ages?

Slows down

The keratinized corneum layer is composed of approximately how many layers?


Jessner’s peel consists of an ethanol based solvent containing....

Lactic acid, salicylic acid and resorcinol

These products and methods are used to do light peels

Manual scrubs, micro dermabrasion, glycolic acid

Glycolic acid is frequently used for superficial peels because....

Glycolic acid has the smallest molecular size of AHA’s

What is a type of BHA?

Salicylic acid derived from sweet birch

The main qualities of salicylic acid are antiseptic and...


A buffering product does what?

Reduces irritation

When doing a consultation for a peel, you should

Explain the procedures and realistic goals of the service

These product ingredients are beneficial when combined with peels for dry skin

Ceremides, hyaluronic acid, phospholipids, allantioin

What does a successful microdermabrasion treatment depend on?

Proper use of the hand piece, rate of crystal flow and vacuum setting

Improper microdermabrasion use can result in...

Hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation

Light emitting diode (LED) devices do what?

Treat acne

What technology is non thermal?


What is the psychological effect of green light?


As we age, electrical impulses may ________ and cause skin aging


Microampere electrical neuromuscular stimulation is used for which medical treatment?

Pain control, bone fusion, healing muscles

How does ultrasound benefit the skin?

Assists in product penetration, uses a science called sonophoresis, stimulates tissue and increases blood flow and oxygenation

Body exfoliation services are synonymous with

Body polishes and body glows

What forms of water does hydrotherapy use?

Steam, ice, liquid

The core ingredients in balneotherapy are....

Mud and fango

Reflexology treats the whole body by applying pressure to...

Pressure points located on the feet and hands

What are the three Ayurveda doshas?

Pitta, kapha and vatta

What are doshas?

Mind and body types

The primary causes of cellulite are _________ __________ and genetics

Female hormones

To repair cellulite, cells and connective tissue need to be strengthened and......


What is a goal of preoperative care?

Increasing the skins metabolism

Nonablative intense pulsed light therapies (IPL’s) do what?

Bypass the epidermis to stimulate collagen in the dermis for wrinkle reduction

Synthetic sources of dermal fillers include hyaluronic acid and.....


A blepharoplasty is considered a medical condition when....

Sagging eye lids impede the vision

Sclerotherapy involves

Minimizing varicose veins