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93 Cards in this Set

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Brain enlargement in the genus Homo coupled with a reduction of chewing muscles is correlated with a growing reliance on tools


The Zhoukoudian fossils belonged to the species Homo habilis.


Homo habilis used Acheulian hand axes.


Homo erectus had longer legs than those of earlier hominids.


Eugène Dubois found fossils of this species in Southeast Asia

Homo erectus.

Eugène Dubois was unique among major evolutionists in the nineteenth century in that he sought to test hypotheses about early human ancestors with:

fossil evidence.

Modern human traits including increasing brain size and dependence on material culture first show up in:

Homo habilis.

Relative to Australopithecines, Homo habilis is characterized by:

a smaller face.

a bigger brain.

a rounder and larger skull.

All of the above.

Relative to earlier hominids, Homo erectus is marked by

a large increase in body size

The many stone tools, fragmentary animal bones, and teeth found at Gran Dolina, Spain, indicate that hominids there:

processed and consumed animals and other hominids.

Increased body size in Homo erectus relative to earlier hominids is most likely related to:

increased protein in the diet.

The Acheulian complex:

emerged around 1.5 mya.

Relative to Oldowan tools, Acheulian stone tools:

required more learning and skill to produce

Homo erectus’s cranial capacity:

ranges from 650 cc to 1,200 cc.

According to the text, the first hominid to migrate out of Africa was:

Homo erectus.

Which of the following is a stone tool industry characterized by bifacially flaked tools and dated to the Lower and Middle Pleistocene? These are usually associated with Homo erectus.


The Nariokotome Homo erectus

would have had an adult height of around 6 feet.

Homo erectus differs most from modern humans in

the cranium.

The basic, all purpose stone tool of Homo erectus was the

hand ax.

A dental trait seen in several Homo erectus fossils is

shovel-shaped incisors.

The site that reveals the most information about Homo erectus lifestyle is


The grouping of organisms into categories such as orders or families is


Taxonomic classification

reflects evolutionary relationships.

The living African large-bodied hominoids include

chimpanzees, gorillas, and humans.

Which of the following are traits that are used to define hominid?


Paleoanthropology is

the study of ancient hominids and humans.

The earliest stone artifacts are approximately __________ years old.

2.5 million

Which of the following hominid sites has yielded the most information regarding behavior of early hominids?

Olduvai Gorge


are very informative regarding hominid behavior.

The earliest hominid tools (that we have evidence for) are made of


Volcanic activity

can provide excellent preservation of bone and artifacts.

Dating techniques that indicate only that something is older or more recent than something else

are relative techniques.

A dating technique based upon the principle that older geological deposits are beneath more recent deposits is

stratigraphic dating.

Which of the following is an advantage of bipedal locomotion over quadrupedal locomotion?

Bipedalism frees the hands for carrying objects.

All the East African Plio-Pleistocene hominid fossil sites are located in the vicinity of what major geological feature?

Rift Valley

Hominid footprints preserved in a volcanic deposit approximately 3.5 million years old were found at


The "Lucy" skeleton was discovered at


Compared to Australopithecus, early Homo is characterized by


The original genus name assigned to Homo erectus from Java was


The Pleistocene epoch began ________ million years ago.


The average cranial capacity of H. erectus is

approximately 1000 cubic centimeter

Fossil remains of perhaps 40 Homo erectus individuals and thousands of artifacts have been found at


Definite Homo erectus remains have been found in


Archaic Homo sapiens are the first hominids to have expanded beyond Africa into other parts of the Old World.


Archaic Homo sapiens display several primitive features found in geologically older hominids (e.g., Homo erectus).


Some Neandertal skulls have cranial capacities that are larger than those of the average modern human.


Stress markers in the teeth that reflect growth disruption due to poor diets or to poor health are called dental hypoplasias.


In terms of mtDNA, Neandertals differ more from modern humans than any one modern group differs from any other.


The first nonmodern human fossil to be discovered, and recognized as such, was the:

Neandertal skull from Germany.

Fossil remains of archaic Homo sapiens:

show a mixture of Homo erectus and H. sapiens traits

The Neandertals are last recorded in the fossil record about:

30,000 yBP.

Analyses of modern human genetic variation suggest that Homo sapiens evolved approximately:

200,000 yBP.

Anatomically modern humans are characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

average cranial capacity of 750 cc.

According to the Out-of-Africa model, the transition from archaic to modern Homo sapiens:

occurred only once, in Africa.

All the following traits suggest cold adaptation for Neandertals EXCEPT

a narrow nasal aperture.

The middle Pleistocene archaic Homo sapiens is credited with inventing:

prepared core "points" that may have been hafted to spear shafts.

The archeological period in Europe starting about 35,000 yBP, marked by a great increase in technology and various kinds of art, is called the:

Upper Paleolithic period

Middle Paleolithic prepared-core stone tools, usually associated with Neandertals, are called the:


The best fossil evidence to suggest that Neandertals could produce a language like that of modern humans comes from which bone(s) collected at Kebara, Israel?

the hyoid

Human beings first arrived in the Americas approximately:

15,000 yBP.

The hominid skeleton (LB1) recovered from the Indonesian island of Flores:

has a very small brain, less than 400 cc.

lived there about 18,000 yBP.

stood about three feet tall in life.

All of the above.

Shovel-shaped incisors are one of the most distinctive features of people from:

east Asia and the Americas.

The distinctive fluted spear points used by early Native Americans (Paleoindians) to hunt large-bodied Ice Age mammals are:

Folsom points.

The idea that cranial shape can change within a human population as a result of dietary change is referred to as the:

masticatory-functional hypothesis

Osteoarthritis is a skeletal disorder most easily seen on:

joint surfaces

Which of the following is not associated with the initial transition from foraging to agriculture?

lower incidence of dental caries (cavities)

Based on the archaeological record from various areas, what was the initial effect on height of the agriculture’s adoption?

Height decreased.

The great human population increase of the Holocene was probably due to

decreased birth spacing.

Dental caries increased in some areas where agriculture began, due to an increase in the consumption of:

starchy carbohydrates.

Scientists who study plant remains in the archaeological record are:


All of the following are advantages of agriculture over foraging EXCEPT:

agriculture has led to increased diversity in food.

How many separate centers of domestication exist, according to archaeologists?


Çatalhöyük is an important Neolithic site located in:

southwest Asia.

What effect did the advent of agriculture have on the level of interpersonal violence seen in the archaeological record?

Violence increased.

One of the most important technological innovations that appeared at about the same time as agriculture was:


Modern humans have existed for over 100,000 years, but only over the last 10,000 years has Earth’s population grown three orders of magnitude, from a few million people to over six billion today.


The archeological period between the end of the Upper Paleolithic but prior to the domestication of plants and animals is called the Mesolithic.


In the late 1960s, Lee and DeVore argued that South African food-foraging people actually had more leisure time than early farmers.


Greater reduction in jaw size relative to tooth size during the Holocene has led to greater incidence of:

dental crowding.

The region of the Levant that contains more than fifty archaeological sites documenting the development of early farming villages in the Middle East is called:

the Fertile Crescent.

Regarding the Neolithic, which of the following is TRUE?

It is characterized by small, settled villages where the domestication of plants and/or animals took place.

Biochemist Richard Marlar provided definitive evidence for cannibalism in Cowboy Wash, Colorado, with the discovery of:

human muscle protein in human coprolites (fossil feces)

Archaeological evidence showing a shift from long and narrow skulls to short and wide skulls, as a result of a change in diet linked to domestication, has been found in:


Allergic reactions to food are a signal that the body is responding to something perceived as a foreign antigen


There is no evidence that natural selection continues to play a role in our biology.


The burning of coal is one of the main contributing factors to global warming.


Reduction of biodiversity

reduces our ability to produce food.

Anthropogenic forces that contribute to greenhouse gases include all of the following EXCEPT:

movements of the continental plates

What percentage of the world’s population currently lives in cities?


Life expectancy in the United States has:

increased since 1900, due largely to improvements in medicine and in sanitation.

Hip fractures in older adults are:

more common in modern societies than in previous ones.

related to increased longevity.

related to reduced activity levels in industrialized societies.

All of the above.

Industrialization is associated with:

increase in environmental pollutants.

Of the 6.6 billion people in the world today, _____ suffer from malnutrition.

one billion.