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3 Cards in this Set

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Explain the ways in which a.The Boxer Rebellion, b.The Open Door notes, c.the Portsmouth and Algeciras conferences signaled a new departure for American foreign policy.

BR- The Boxer Rebellion of 1900 was an insurrection that began from patriotic Chinese who were tired of being used as a doormat by Western powers. when the winning countries prostrated and indemnity from China, the US let go of their share of money, so that American relations with China would remain cool and the Open Door would remain open. Basically, America was rather nice to China.

OD- Secretary of State John Hay urged to all great powers to in 1899 to respect certain Chinese rights and be fair to China. This was America's attempt at keeping foreign relations with China at ease, and was a sign of America taking the position of the world's policeman/mediator.

P&A- These two cases demonstrated Roosevelt's diplomatic muscle, but at the cost of friendly relations between America and Russia/Japan. Whereas Hay wanted to keep the door open, Roosevelt didn't seem to care if it shut on his face.

Do you think that the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine fundamentally altered the nature of the doctrine and the intentions of it's original authors(Monroe and Quincy Adams)? If so, explain how. If not, explain how the doctrine and corollary are compatible.

The Monroe Doctrine was originally supposed to be a simple warning to Old World powers to not get involved with and attempt to colonize the American continent anymore. However, the Roosevelt Corollary, which was to the doctrine, was a statement that the US, and only the US, could get involved with Latin American countries and even turn it into a "yankee lake of sorts.

What attitudes and policies shaped American relations with both the government of Japan and Japanese immigrants? What did the San Francisco school crisis reveal about American and Japanese concerns?

After the frightful San Francisco earthquake of 1906, San Francisco segregated Japanese and other easter students in special schools, which led to irresponsible war talks between the US and Japan(which were thankfully broken by the Gentlemen's Agreement and Root-Takahira agreement). The entire school crisis that began this diplomatic debacle revealed how much the yellow papers could spur countries into war.