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19 Cards in this Set

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What are the 5 GAPS in Service Delivery called?

Gap 1 - Knowledge gap

Gap 2 - Standards gap

Gap 3 - Delivery gap

Gap 4 - Communication gap

Gap 5 - Perception/satisfaction/customer gap

What are the reasons for Gap 1?

Reasons for knowledge gap 1:

-lack of marketing orientation/research

-excessive bureaucracy/too many mgmt levels

What are the reasons for Gap 2?

Reasons for the standards gap 2:

-Absence of goal setting and process management

-Poor service design due to lack of commitment to service quality

What are the reason for Gap 3?

Reasons for the delivery gap 3:

-lack of teamwork, perhaps due to role conflict/ambiguity, people not sure what their remit actually is

-poor employee or technology fit, wrong person or system for the job

-lack of supervisory control or performance monitoring or quality assurance

What are the reasons for Gap 4?

Reasons for communications gap 4:

-A propensity to overpromise to consumers in hopes of more sales (poor management of customer expectations)

-Poor integration of marketing communications (realistic set of expectations conveyed in marketing techniques)

What are the reasons for Gap 5?

Reasons for perception/expectations/customer gap 5:

-The reasons for this gap are due to the other 4 GAPS in gap analysis

-Most critical gap which needs to be narrowed or closed as much as possible

How can we close Gap 1?

We can close the knowledge gap by:

-customer/market research

-increase interactions between management and people closer to the downstream activities (includes shop floor/service staff and customers) [good example: TBS store days for all head office staff]

How can we close Gap 2?

We can close the policy/standards gap by:

-set and communicate quality standards or goals, and reinforce them with monitoring and reward systems

-ensure a good proportion of staff/management pay is linked to service quality metrics/goals

How can we close Gap 3?

We can close the delivery gap by:

-enhance training for staff (e.g. training days, workshops)

-select the correct employees and take steps to retain high performers

-provide correct and latest technology, tools and equipment

How do we close Gap 4?

We can close the communications gap by:

-ensure advertising campaigns are signed off by multiple departments, so that everyone has ownership of the advertising statements

-manage customer expectations by being honest about the service you want to deliver

-get employee/shop floor/service staff input into advertising campaigns

-customer feedback surveys to see if the promotion meets expectations

How do we close Gap 5?

We can close the customer/expectations/perception Gap by:

CLOSING GAPS 1 TO 4. If this is achieved then customer expectations and customer perceptions should be aligned.

What are the 5 key dimensions of service quality (SERVQUAL)?







Define the SERVQUAL concept of Reliability

-completing the service on time

-being consistent and dependable, problems quickly fixed

-being accurate

Define the SERVQUAL concept of Assurance

-ensuring employees are competent and trustworthy

-respectful and polite to customers

-communicate effectively/politely with customers

-employees are well supported to perform their job

Define the SERVQUAL concept of Tangibles

-aesthetics of the service

-is the service visually appealing and up to the standards of what the customers expect

-smartly dressed employees, visually pleasing facilities and equipment

Define the SERVQUAL concept of Empathy

-does the employee/customer service representative understand the customers thought/feelings

-mutual agreement between customers' feelings and employees attentiveness: employees actively demonstrate that they have customers best interests at heart

-individualized attention from both firm and employees

Define the SERVQUAL concept of Responsiveness

-company's ability to react to customer needs promptly

-employees willing to help and respond to requests

-prompt service and constant information feedback between employee and customer at each level of the service delivery process (e.g. "the wait will be approximately 3 minutes, sir")

Which aspects of SERVQUAL do Emirates Airlines use to promote the best customer experience?

All of them. RATER

Who created the SERVQUAL/Gap Analysis model?

(Parasuraman et al., 1985)