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130 Cards in this Set
- Front
- Back
Comidas |
Food |
el arroz |
rice |
el huevo |
egg |
el pan |
bread |
el pan dulce |
sweet bread/ dougnut |
el panecillo |
muffin/roll |
el pescado |
fish |
el pollo |
chicken |
el queso |
cheese |
el tocino |
bacon |
la carne |
meat |
la lechuga |
lettuce |
la mantequilla |
butter |
las legumbres |
veggies |
las papas fritas |
french fries |
las patatas fritas |
french fries |
las verduras |
vegtables |
un bocadillo |
sub sandwich |
una ensalada |
salad |
el pan tostado |
toast |
Cognados |
cognates |
el bistec |
steak |
el cereal |
cereal |
el jamón |
ham |
el tomate |
tomato |
la sopa |
soup |
las patatas |
potatoes |
los vegetales |
vegetables |
un sándwich |
sandwich (on sandwich bread) |
una fruta |
fruit |
una hamburguesa |
hamburger |
una pizza |
pizza |
Bebidas |
Drinks |
el agua |
water |
el agua mineral sin gas |
mineral water without fizz |
el agua mineral con gas |
mineral water with fizz |
la gaseosa |
mineral water with fizz |
el batido |
shake |
el licuado |
shake |
el chocolate caliente |
hot chocolate |
el refresco |
soft drink |
la bebida |
drink |
la leche |
milk |
un jugo |
juice |
un zumo |
juice |
un zumo de naranja |
orange juice |
el café |
coffee |
el chocolate |
chocolate |
la cola |
soda |
Comidas |
Meals |
el almuerzo |
lunch |
el desayuno |
breakfast |
la cena |
supper |
la comida |
food/meal |
la merienda |
snack |
Postres |
Desserts |
el helado |
ice cream |
el pastel |
cake |
la torta |
cake (méxico= sandwich) |
Verbos |
Verbs |
abrir |
to open |
acabar de+ INF |
to have just DONE SOMETHING |
asistir(a) |
to attend |
aprender |
to learn |
beber |
to drink |
cenar |
to eat dinner/ to dine |
comer |
to eat |
comprender |
to comprehend |
correr |
to run |
creer que no |
to not believe |
creer que sí |
to believe |
cumplir...años |
to turn (age), to become |
deber |
should/ ought to |
desayunar |
to have/ to eat breakfast |
desear |
to desire |
escribir |
to write |
hacer |
to make/do |
ir a +INF |
going to DO SOMETHING |
leer |
to read |
recibir |
to recieve |
tener hambre |
to be hungry |
tener que+INF |
to have to DO SOMETHING |
tener sed |
to be thirsty |
tomar |
to take in/ to eat or drink |
vender |
to sell |
ver |
to see |
vivir |
to live |
Cosas que se usa para comer |
things that we use for eating |
un tenedor |
fork |
una cuchara |
spoon |
un cuchillo |
knife |
un plato |
plate |
un tazón |
bowl |
un vaso |
glass |
una taza |
cup |
una servilleta |
napkin |
un popote(Mx) |
straw |
Para describir Comida |
to describe food |
algo |
something |
caliente |
hot |
demasiado/a |
too much/many |
en seguida |
right away/ immediatly |
fresco/a |
fresh |
frío/a |
cold |
rico/a |
tasty/rich/very good |
tarde |
late |
tibio/a |
warm |
una sorpresa |
a suprise |
delicioso |
delicious |
típico/a |
typical |
vegetariano/a |
vegitarian |
En el restaurante |
in the restaurant |
el menú del día |
daily special |
el/la camarero/a |
waiter |
el/la mesero/a |
waitress |
el/la cliente/a |
customer |
la cuenta |
bill |
la especialidad |
specialty |
una mesa libre |
unoccupied table |
una mesa ocupada |
an occupied table |
un momento |
a moment |
el menú |
menu |
la orden |
the order |
¿Me puede traer...? |
Can you bring me..? |
¿Qué desea Ud. comer/tomar? |
What would you like to eat/drink? |
Qué desean Uds. comer/ tomar? |
What would you all like to eat/ drink? |
Quisiera... |
I would like... |
Deseo... |
I would like... |
¿Está incluido el servicio? |
Is the tip included? |
¿Está uncluida la propina? |
Is the tip included? |