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67 Cards in this Set
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What is a Business?
A business in an Organization that seeks to earn Profits by providing goods and services.
What is Profit?
Profit is what remains after a business's expenses are subtracted from its sales revenues.
what is an Economic System?
an Economic System is the way in which a nation allocates its resources among its citizens
what are the 5 factors of production?
the factors of production are the resources used to produce goods and services , they are Labour, capitol, entrepreneures, natural resources, and information technologies
What is Labour?
Labour is the mental and physical training and talents of people; sometimes called human resources.
What is Capital
The funds needed to operate an enterprise
who is an entrepreneur?
An individual who organizes and manages labour, capitol, and natural resources to produce goods and services to earn a profit, but who also runs the risk of failure.
what are Natural Resources?
they are items used in the production of goods and services in their natural state.
what are information resources?
information such as market forecasts, economic data, and specialized knowledge of employees that is useful to a business and that helps it achieve its goals.
what is a command Economy?
it is an economic system in which government controls all or most factors of production, and makes all or most production decisions.
What is a Market Economy?
it is an economic system in which individuals control all or most factors of production and make all or most production decisions.
A type of Command economy in which the government owns and operates all industries.
What is Socialism?
a kind of command economy in which the government owns and operates the main industries , while individuals own and operate less crucial industries
Define "market"
it is an exchange process between buyers and sellers of a particular good or service
what is the input market?
firms buy resources that they need in the production of goods and services
what is the output market?
firms supply goods and services in response to demand on the part of consumers.
What is Capitalism?
an economic system in which markets decide what when and for whom to produce goods.
What is a mixed market economy?
an economic system with elements of both a command economy and a market economy, the most common economic system used today in most nation's economy.
What is Nationlization?
the transfer of activities from private firms to the government.
what is deregulation?
a reduction in the number of laws affecting business activity
How do governments influence businesses?
the government influences businesses by acting as a customer, competitor, regulator, taxation agent, and as a provider of incentives and financial assitance.
Canadian radio television and telecommunication commission
regulates and supervises all aspects of the canadian broadcasting system
Canadian Wheat Board
regulates the price farmers recieve for their wheat
Hazardous Products Act
regulates banned products and products that can be sold but must be labelled hazardous
Tobacco Act
Prohibits cigarette advertising on billboards and in retail stores, and assigns financial penalties to violators
Weights and Measures Act
Sets Standards of accuracy for weighing and measuring devices.
Textile Labelling Act
Regulates the labelling, sale, importation, and advertising of consumer textile articles
Food and Drug Act
Prohibits the sale of food unfit for human consumption and regulates food advertising.
Canada Water Act
Controls water quality in fresh and marine waters of Canada
Fisheries Act
Regulates discharge of harmful substances into water
Enviromental Contaminants Act
establishes regulations for airborne substances that are a danger to human health or to the environment
Revenue Taxes
Taxes whose main purpose is to fund government services and programs.
Progressive Revenue Taxes
Taxes levied at a higher rate on higher income taxpayers and at a lower rate on lower income taxpayers
Regressive revenue Taxes
Taxes that cause poorer people a higher percentafe of income than richer people pay.
Restrictive Taxes
Taxes levied to control certain activities that legislators believe should be controlled.
a person hired by a company or an industry to represent its interests with government officials
Trade Associations
An organization dedicated to promoting the interests and assisting the members of a particular industry
An exhange process between Buyers and sellers of a particular good or service
The willingness and ability of buyers to purchase a product or service
Law of Demand
the principle that buyers will purchase more of a product as price drops
law of Supply
The principle that producers will offer more of a product as a price rises
Demand and supply schedule
Assessment of the relationships between different levels of demand and supply at different price levels
Demand Curve
Graph showing how many units of a product will be demanded (bought) at different prices
Supply Curve
Graph sowing how many units of a product will be supplied at different prices
Market Price (Equilibrium price)
Profit Maximizing price at which the quantity of goods demanded and the quantity and the quantity supplied will be equal
situation in which quantity supplied exceeds quantity Demanded
situation in which quantity Demanded exceeds quantity supplied
Private Enterprise
An Economic system characterized by private property rights , freedom of choice, profit and competition
Private Property
ownership of the resources used to create wealth is in the hands of individuals
Freedom of Choice
You can sell your labour to any employer you choose, you can also choose which products to buy and producers can usually choose whom to hire and what to produce
the lure of profits and freedom, leads some people to abandon the security of working for someone else and to assume the risks of enterpreneurship
the vying amond businesses in a particular market or industry to best satisfy consumer demands and earn profits
Perfect competition
A market or industry characterized by a very large number of small firms producting an identical product so that none of the firms has any ability to influence price.
Monopolistic Competition
A market or industry characterized by a large number of firms supplying products that are similar but distinctive enough from one another to give firms some ability to influence price.
a market or industry characterized by a small number of very large firms that have the power to influence the price of their products and or resources.
a market or Industry with only one producer, who can set the price of its products and or resources
Natural Monopoly
A market or industry in which having only one producer is most efficient because it can meet all consumer's demand for the product
Industrial Revolution
A major change in goods that began in England in the Mid Eighteenth Century and was characterized by a shift to the factory system, mass production, and specialization of labour
Factory System
A process in which all the machinery, materials , and workers required to produce a good in large quantites are bought in one place
Mass Production
The manufacture of products of uniform quality in large quantities
The breaking down of complex operations into simple tasks that are easily learned and performed
Entrepreneurial Era
the period during the last half of the nineteenth century when businesses operated with very little governement, regulation and businesses made large profits, often at the expense of consumers.
Production Era
the period during the early twntieth century when businesses focused almost exclusivly on improving prodictivity and manufacturing methods.
Sales Era
The period during the 1930s and 1940s when businesses focused on sales forces advertising , and keeping products readily available
Marketing Era
the period during the 1950s and 1960s when businesses began to identify and meet consumer wants in order to make a profit
Finance Era
The period during the 1980s when there were many mergers and much buying and selling of business enterprises
Global Era
the period during the late twentieth and early twenty first century when a truly global economy emerged