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12 Cards in this Set

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name all(7) of the black death symptoms?
high fever, vomiting, painful swellings(buboes), delirium, bleeding of the lungs, mental disorientation, muscular pains,
what colour was the buboes at first? and what colour did it change to?
it started red and finnished dark purple or black.
where were the buboes most likly to occor?
armpits, legs, neck
what was the treatment for headaches?
rose, lavender, sage and bay
what was the cure for sickness and nausea?
wormwood, mint and balm
what were lung problems treated with?
liquorice and comfrey
what was vinegar used as?
a cleansing agent as it was believed to kill the disease
what was one of the best ways to treat the plauge?
what helped get rid of the buboes?
by applying a warm pouptice of butter, garlic and onion.
how did the black death spread so quickly?
through flees, black rats and other small rodents
what are the consequences and effects of the black death?
prices and wages rose, greater value placed on labour, farming land was given over to pasturing which was much less labour inensive, this change in farming led to a boost in the cloth and wollen industry, peasants moved from the country to towns, the black death was therefore also responsible for the decline of the feudal system, people became disillusioned with the church and its power and influence went into decline, theis resulted in englands reformation
how did the people try and avoid it?
by keeping clean and have good hygiene