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38 Cards in this Set

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scapulohumeral rythym involves ___ of the scapula and ___ of the humerus

upward rotation / abduction

what is the purpose of scapula muscles

to stabilize and move the scapula

which is not a rotator cuff muscle

teres major

which is true about the rotator cuff muscles

they work together to hold the head of the humerus in the glenoid fossa

what secretes synovial fluid to lessen friction between soft tissues around joints


glenohumeral dislocations occur when

the humerus is abducted and externally rotated

which scapula muscles perofrm as stabilizers during crutch walking


which scapula muscles perform as stabilisers during pushups


what can promote the development of rotator cuff impingement syndrome

throwing swiming tennis serving

biceps brachii is strongest and most effectivve as an elbow flexor when the forearm is in what position


the brachialis strongest effective elboew flexor

IN any position

to best isolate the brachialis perform arm cirls with forearm in what position


ecarpometacarpal joint 1 is what type of joint


interphalangeal joints are what type of joints


metacarpal phalangela joints 2 3 4 5 are what type of joint


overuse of wrist extensors can cause

tennis elbow, lateral epicondylitis, tendinitis

muscles associated with little league elbow

wrist flexors

muscles on the anterior side of the arm produce flextion at what joints

shoulder elbow wrist

what provides stability at the elbow

articulating bones and ligaments

pronation and supination of the forearm occur at what joints

proximal and distal radioulnar

which tyes of movement are permittedat the radiocarpal joint

saggital plane, circumduction, frontal plane motion

movement of the hand at the wrist toward the thumb side of the arm (frontal plane) is known as what

radial deviation

the large reange ofmotion at the thumb compared to fingers is derived from structure of

thumbs carpometacarpal joint

unique behavioral property of muscle

ability to develop tension

where is the series elastic component of amuscle found


the elasticity of human skeletal muscle tissue is mostly due to

series elastic component

motor unit

single motor neuron and all muscle fibers it innervates

penneate muscles

more tension less range of motion

parallel muscles

less tension more range of motoin

when movement is slow

slow twitch muscle fibers are recruited first

type of muscle contraction employed by elbow flexors when slowly lowering backpack to desk


contraction with no length change


down phase of knee extension excersize what role hamstring


type of muscle tension used as a bracking muchanism


biceps crachii finction as antagonist

straighten elbow during pushup

electromechanical delay

time required to initiate development of tension after nerve impulse

force velocity relationship fro muscles

contraction is slower ehn the load isheavior

rate of torque production at a joint

muscular power