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27 Cards in this Set

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Binge (V)

To eat too much of something

Nosedive (N)

A sudden fast fall in price,value etc.

Ex.There was ​alarm in the ​markets when the ​dollartook a nosedive.

Reputation (N)

The opinion that people in general have about someone or something ,or how much restpect or admiration someone recieves,based on past behavior or character.

Inscrutable (adj)

Not showing emotions or thoughts and therefore hard to understand or get to know

Ex. an inscrutable ​face/​expression/​smile

Abhor (V)

To hate the way of behaving or thinking,often you think it is not moral.

Ex.I abhor all ​forms of ​racism.

Procrastinate (V)

To keep delaying something that must be done,often because it is unplesant or boring.


Mend (V)

To repair something that is broken or damaged.

Savvy (N)

Practical knowledge and ability

Ex.​business savvyShe hasn't got much savvy.

Solitude (N)

The situation of being alone without other people.

Pinch (V)

To press something, especially someone's skin ,strongly between two hard things such a fonger and a thumb,usually causing pain.

Equivalent (adj)

Having the same amount, value, purpose, qualities ,etc.

Ex.She's doing the equivalent ​job in the new ​company but for more ​money.Is $50 equivalent to about £30?

Clench (V)

To close or hold something very thightly, often in a determined or angry way.

Corpural (adj)

Of or relating to the body

Ex. Corporal punishment

Doodle (V)

To draw pictures or patterns while thinking about something else or when you are bored.

Blemsih (N)

A mark on something that spoils its appearanceEx. freckles, scars and other minor skin blemishes

Prevalence (N)

the fact of something existing or ​happening often

Ex. They ​noted the prevalence of this ​attitude among ​leading ​financial ​experts.

Prescribe (V)

-->to say what ​medical ​treatment someone should have

-->to ​tell someone what they must have or do, or to make a ​rule of something

Ex. The ​drug is often prescribed for ​ulcers.

Hot foot (adv) (N)

-->To go in haste. Often used with it

Ex. hotfoot it out of town.

-->The practical joke of lighting a match that has been secretly inserted between the sole and upper of a victim's shoe.

Tumble (adj)

-->To ​fall ​quickly and without ​control

-->To ​fall a lot in ​value in a ​short ​time

Ex. He ​lost his ​balance and tumbled over.

Embalm (V)

To use ​chemicals to ​prevent a ​dead ​body from ​decaying.

Pristine (adj)

new or ​almost new, and in very good ​condition.

Ethic (N)

a ​system of ​accepted ​beliefsthat ​control ​behaviour, ​especially such a ​system ​based on ​morals.

Inevitable (adj)

certain to ​happen and ​unable to be ​avoided or ​prevented.

Peckish (adj)

Slightly hungry.

Hoarse (adj)

(of a ​voice or a ​person) having a ​rough ​voice, often because of a ​sore ​throat or a ​cold

Treason (N)

(the ​crime of) ​showing no ​loyalty to ​your​country, ​especially by ​helping ​its ​enemies or ​trying to ​defeat ​its ​government.

Excursion (N)

--> a ​short ​journey usually made for ​pleasure, often by a ​group of ​people.

-->a ​short ​involvement in a new ​activity.