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440 Cards in this Set
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- 3rd side (hint)
Percibir |
Perceive |
/pəˈsiːv/ |
Interpretación |
Interpretation |
/ɪnˌtɜː·prɪˈteɪ·ʃən/ |
Sesgo |
Bias |
/ˈbaɪ·əs/ |
Demostrar, probar |
Establish |
Un tanto |
Somewhat |
/ˈsʌm·wɒt/ |
Detractor |
Critic |
/ˈkrɪt·ɪk/ |
Idea, imagen |
Perception |
/pəˈsep.ʃən/ |
Bien, activo |
Asset |
/ˈæ |
Asignar |
Assign |
/əˈsaɪn/ |
Reclutar, buscar (para contratar) |
Recruit |
/rɪˈkruːt/ |
Ingresos |
Revenue |
/ˈrev.ən.juː/ |
Profesional |
Professional |
/prəˈfeʃ·ən·əl/ |
Asumir, tomar |
Take on |
Ejecutivo, directivo |
Executive |
/ɪɡˈzek·jə·tɪv/ |
Personal |
Personnel |
/ˌpɜː·səˈnel/ |
Desencadenar |
Trigger |
/ˈtrɪɡ·ər/ |
Transición |
Transition |
/trænˈzɪʃ·ən |
Renunciar a |
Abandon |
/əˈbæn·dən/ |
Lograr, llevar a cabo |
Accomplish |
/əˈkʌm·plɪʃ/ |
Resultado |
Outcome |
/ˈaʊt·kʌm/ |
Modificar |
Modify |
/ˈmɒd·ɪ·faɪ/ |
Condición |
Condition |
/kənˈdɪʃ·ən/ |
Complejidad |
Complexity |
/kəmˈplek·sə·ti/ |
Invertir, anular |
Reverse |
/rɪˈvɜːs/ |
Orden, secuencia |
Sequence |
/ˈsiː·kwəns/ |
Complicar |
Complicate |
/ˈkɒm·plɪ·keɪt/ |
Mantener, sostener |
Sustain |
/səˈsteɪn/ |
Gobernador,a |
Governor |
/ˈɡʌv·ən·ər/ |
Funcionario, a |
Official |
/əˈfɪʃ·əl/ |
Intervención |
Intervention |
/ˌɪn.təˈven.ʃən/ |
Administración |
Administration |
/ədˌmɪn·ɪˈstreɪ·ʃən/ |
Unirse(se), juntar |
Unite |
/juːˈnaɪt/ |
Negociación |
Negotiation |
/nəˌɡəʊ.ʃiˈeɪ.ʃən/ |
Asesor, a |
Adviser |
/ədˈvaɪ·zər/ |
Restricción |
Restriction |
/rɪˈstrɪk·ʃən/ |
Proveer, expedir |
Issue |
/ˈɪʃ·uː/ pasaporte |
Federal |
Federal |
/ˈfed·ər·əl/ |
Cámara |
Chamber |
/ˈtʃeɪm.bər/ |
Bono |
Bond |
Inclinarse |
Tip |
Torcer, retorcer |
Twist |
/twɪst/ |
Romper(se), quebrar(se) |
Snap |
/snæp/ |
Cubierto de sangre |
Bloody |
/ˈblʌd·i/ |
Gesto |
Gesture |
/ˈdʒes·tʃər/ |
Untar |
Spread |
Articulación |
Joint |
/dʒɔɪnt/ |
Sonreír de oreja a oreja |
Grin |
/ɡrɪn/ |
Tono |
Pitch |
/pɪtʃ/ |
Punta |
Tip |
Grano |
Grain |
/ɡreɪn/ |
Flexible |
Flexible |
Ángulo |
Angle |
/ˈæŋ·ɡl/ |
Físico |
Physical |
Cinta adhesiva |
Tape |
/teɪp/ |
Posesión |
Possession |
/pəˈzeʃ·ən/ |
Múltiple |
Multiple |
/ˈmʌl.tɪ.pl̩/ |
Mover, desplazar |
Shift |
Integrar |
Integrate |
/ˈɪn.tɪ.ɡreɪt/ |
Uniforme, nivelado |
Even |
/ˈiː·vən/ |
Eliminar |
Eliminate |
/ɪˈlɪm.ɪ.neɪt/ |
Moderado |
Moderate |
/ˈmɒd·ər·ət/ |
Resolver |
Resolve |
/rɪˈzɒlv/ |
Representar |
Pose |
/pəʊz/ problem |
Cotidiano, de todos los días |
Everyday |
/ˈev·ri·deɪ/ |
Extremo |
Extreme |
/ɪkˈstriːm/ |
Exceso |
Excess |
/ɪkˈses/ |
Núcleo |
Core |
Carga |
Burden |
/ˈbɜː·dən/ worry, desagradable |
Surgir |
Arise |
/əˈraɪz/ problems |
Principio |
Principle |
/ˈprɪn·sɪ·pl/ behave |
Liberal |
Liberal |
/ˈlɪb·ər·əl/ |
Pedir algo |
Call for sth |
/kɔːl/ |
Resistencia |
Resistance |
/rɪˈzɪs·təns/ plan, idea |
Movimiento |
Movement |
/ˈmuːv·mənt/ belief |
Marcha, manifestación |
March |
/mɑːtʃ/ |
Resolución |
Resolution |
/ˌrez·əlˈuː·ʃən/ |
Representar |
Represent |
/ˌrep·rɪˈzent/ |
Reforma |
Reform |
/rɪˈfɔːm/ |
Genético |
Genetic |
/dʒəˈnet·ɪk/ |
Interacción |
Interaction |
/ˌɪn.təˈræk.ʃən/ |
Exposición |
Exposure |
/ɪkˈspəʊ.ʒər/ |
Densidad |
Density |
/ˈden.sɪ.ti/ |
Ecuación |
Equation |
/ɪˈkweɪ.ʒən/ |
Compuesto |
Compound |
/ˈkɒm·paʊnd/ |
Perspectiva |
Perspective |
/pəˈspek·tɪv/ |
Proporción |
Ratio |
/ˈreɪ.ʃi.əʊ/ |
Variable |
Variable |
/ˈveə·ri·ə·bl/ |
Hipótesis |
Hypothesis |
/haɪˈpɒθ.ə.sɪs/ |
Evolucionar |
Evolve |
/ɪˈvɒlv/ |
Medio, modo |
Mode |
/məʊd/ |
Escanear |
Scan |
/skæn/ |
Computar, calcular |
Compute |
/kəmˈpjuːt/ |
Gen |
Gene |
/dʒiːn/ |
Dividir |
Divide |
/dɪˈvaɪd/ |
Lanzar, botar |
Launch |
/lɔːnʃ/ nave, barco |
Estruendo |
Boom |
/buːm/ |
Función |
Function |
Móvil, portátil |
Mobile |
/ˈməʊ·baɪl/ |
Componente, pieza |
Component |
/kəmˈpəʊ.nənt/ |
Detectar, percibir |
Detect |
/dɪˈtekt/ |
Aparecer brevemente, mostrar brevemente |
Flash |
/flæʃ/ |
Exceder |
Exceed |
/ɪkˈsiːd/ |
Contraer(se) |
Contract |
/kənˈtrækt/ |
Crecer |
Mount |
/maʊnt/ amount, level |
Déficit |
Deficit |
/ˈdef.ɪ.sɪt/ |
Estabilidad |
Stability |
/stəˈbɪl·ə·ti/ |
Corporativo |
Corporate |
/ˈkɔː.pər.ət/ |
Planta |
Plant |
/plɑːnt/ |
Interés |
Interest |
/ˈɪn·trəst/ |
Hipoteca |
Mortgage |
/ˈmɔː·ɡɪdʒ/ |
Incertidumbre, duda |
Uncertainty |
/ʌnˈsɜː·tən·ti/ |
Auge |
Boom |
Sector |
Sector |
/ˈsek.tər/ |
Estable |
Stable |
/ˈsteɪ·bl/ |
Estadística |
Statistic |
/stəˈtɪs.tɪk/ |
Llamar |
Call |
Dirigirse a, tratar |
Address |
/əˈdres/ hablar o escribir a sb |
Concluir |
Conclude |
/kənˈkluːd/ |
Negociar |
Negotiate |
/nɪˈɡəʊ·ʃi·eɪt/ |
Reenviar |
Forward |
/ˈfɔː·wəd/ |
Ingreso, depósito |
Deposit |
/dɪˈpɒz·ɪt/ |
Tomar prestado |
Borrow |
/ˈbɒr·əʊ/ |
Accionista |
Shareholder |
/ˈʃeəˌhəʊl·dər/ |
Orden del día |
Agenda |
/əˈdʒen·də/ |
Nombrar |
Appoint |
/əˈpɔɪnt/ |
Pequeño estallido |
Pop |
Sector, segmento |
Segment |
/ˈseɡ.mənt/ |
Agrícola |
Agricultural |
/ˌæɡ·rɪˈkʌl·tʃər·əl/ |
Aleatorio |
Random |
/ˈræn·dəm/ |
Conjunto |
Cluster |
/ˈklʌs·tər/ |
Grano |
Grain |
Tallo |
Stem |
/stem/ |
Carbón |
Coal |
/kəʊl/ |
Corazón |
Core |
Fruit |
Poste |
Post |
/pəʊst/ |
Fenómeno |
Phenomenon |
/fəˈnɒm.ɪ.nən/ |
Hacia adelante |
Forth |
/ˈfɔːθ/ |
Abandonar |
Desert |
/dɪˈzɜːt/ |
Lanzar |
Cast |
Acelerar |
Accelerate |
/əkˈsel·ə·reɪt/ |
Movimiento |
Motion |
/ˈməʊ·ʃən/ |
Dar vueltas (a) |
Spin |
/spɪn/ |
Buque |
Vessel |
/ˈves·əl/ |
Junto a |
Alongside |
/əˌlɒŋˈsaɪd/ |
Torcer, retorcer |
Twist |
Expreso |
Express |
/ɪkˈspres/ |
Montar |
Mount |
/maʊnt/ |
Hacer un movimiento repentino |
Leap |
/liːp/ |
Cimientos |
Foundation |
/faʊnˈdeɪ·ʃən/ |
Sellar, precintar, cerrar herméticamente |
Seal |
/siːl/ |
Colocar |
Lay |
/leɪ/ |
Frágil |
Weak |
Estructura |
Structure |
Complejo |
Complex |
Constar de |
Comprise |
/kəmˈpraɪz/ |
Formar |
Form |
Voluntario, benéfico |
Voluntary |
/ˈvɒl·ən·tər·i/ |
Ayuda |
Aid |
/eɪd/ |
Privilegio |
Privilege |
/ˈprɪv·əl·ɪdʒ/ |
Convenciones, costumbre |
Convention |
/kənˈven.ʃən/ |
Prestaciones sociales/asistenciales |
Welfare |
/ˈwel·feər/ |
Raza |
Race |
/reɪs/ |
Dedicar |
Dedicate |
/ˈded.ɪ.keɪt/ |
Encargar |
Commission |
/kəˈmɪʃ.ən/ |
Bendecir |
Bless |
/bles/ |
Premisa |
Premise |
/ˈprem.ɪs/ |
Noción, concepto |
Notion |
/ˈnəʊ·ʃən/ |
Iniciativa |
Initiative |
/ɪˈnɪʃ·ə·tɪv/ |
Probabilidad |
Probability |
/ˌprɒb·əˈbɪl·ə·ti/ |
Alcance, campo |
Scope |
/skəʊp/ |
Minimizar |
Minimise |
/ˈmɪn·ɪ·maɪz/ |
Marco |
Framework |
/ˈfreɪm·wɜːk/ |
El objetivo de algo |
The object of sth |
/ˈɒb·dʒɪkt/ |
Base |
Basis |
/ˈbeɪ·sɪs/ |
Implementación, ejecución |
Implementation |
/ˌɪm.plɪ.menˈteɪ.ʃən/ |
Dedicarse a, proseguir |
Pursue |
/pəˈsjuː/ |
Restricción |
Constraint |
/kənˈstreɪnt/ |
Perspicacia |
Insight |
/ˈɪn.saɪt/ |
Conspiración |
Plot |
/plɒt/ |
Proceder, seguir adelante |
Proceed |
/prəʊˈsiːd/ |
Comprometerse a hacer algo |
Undertake to do sth |
/ˌʌn·dəˈteɪk/ |
Localizar |
Trace |
/treɪs/ |
Recurrir, apelar |
Appeal |
/əˈpiːl/ |
De ahí |
Hence |
/hens/ |
Titular, poseedor, a |
Holder |
/ˈhəʊl.dər/ |
Sanción |
Sanction |
/ˈsæŋk·ʃən/ |
Responsabilidad, deuda |
Liability |
/ˌlaɪ.əˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/ |
Asustar |
Scare |
/skeər/ |
Acuerdo |
Settlement |
/ˈset·l·mənt/ |
Aborto |
Abortion |
/əˈbɔː·ʃən/ |
Experimentar, someterse a |
Undergo |
/ˌʌn·dəˈɡəʊ/ trat. médico, cambio |
Enfermedad, transtorno |
Disorder |
/dɪˈsɔː·dər/ |
Proteína |
Protein |
/ˈprəʊ·tiːn/ |
Aislar |
Isolate |
/ˈaɪ.sə.leɪt/ |
Deprimir |
Depress |
/dɪˈpres/ |
A pesar de algo |
Regardless of sth |
/rɪˈɡɑːd·ləs/ |
Restringir |
Restrict |
/rɪˈstrɪkt/ |
Contener, poner freno a |
Stem |
Radical |
Radical |
/ˈræd.ɪ.kəl/ |
Estructural |
Structural |
/ˈstrʌk·tʃər·əl/ |
Innovación |
Innovation |
/ˌɪn·əʊˈveɪ·ʃən/ |
Muestra, indicio |
Indication |
/ˌɪn·dɪˈkeɪ·ʃən/ |
Mejorar, realzar |
Enhance |
/ɪnˈhɑːns/ |
Tendencia |
Tendency |
/ˈten·dən·si/ |
La prensa |
The press |
/pres/ |
Presentación |
Presentation |
/ˌprez·ənˈteɪ·ʃən/ |
Cobertura |
Coverage |
/ˈkʌv.ər.ɪdʒ/ |
Ilustración |
Illustration |
/ˌɪl·əˈstreɪ·ʃən/ |
Oyente |
Listener |
/ˈlɪs·ən·ər/ |
Artículo |
Feature |
/ˈfiː·tʃər/ |
Fascinar |
Fascinate |
/ˈfæs·ɪ·neɪt/ |
Evaluar |
Evaluate |
/ɪˈvæl.ju.eɪt/ |
Posar |
Pose |
/pəʊz/ |
Caja registradora |
Till |
/tɪl/ |
Intenso |
Intense |
/ɪnˈtens/ |
Venta al por menor, venta al detalle |
Retail |
/ˈriː.teɪl/ |
Medida |
Measurement |
/ˈmeʒ·ə·mənt/ |
Tierno |
Tender |
/ˈten·dər/ |
Usado |
Used |
/juːzd/ |
Preferir |
Favour |
/ˈfeɪ·vər/ |
Pauta |
Guideline |
/ˈɡaɪd.laɪn/ |
Suspender |
Suspend |
/səˈspend/ |
Criterio |
Criterion |
/kraɪˈtɪə.ri.ən/ (p) criteria |
Revisar |
Review |
/rɪˈvjuː |
Panel |
Panel |
/ˈpæn·əl/ |
Comprometerse |
Commit |
/kəˈmɪt/ |
Cumplir(con), llevar a cabo |
Fulfil |
/fʊlˈfɪl/ |
Mecanismo |
Mechanism |
/ˈmek·ə·nɪz·əm/ |
Cinta |
Band |
/bænd/ |
Imponente, grandioso |
Grand |
/ɡrænd/ |
Rasgar(se) |
Split |
/splɪt/ |
Atar |
Bind |
/baɪnd/ |
Restaurar |
Restore |
/rɪˈstɔːr/ |
Poseer, tener |
Possess |
/pəˈzes/ |
Incorporar |
Incorporate |
/ɪnˈkɔː.pər.eɪt/ |
Constituir |
Constitute |
/ˈkɒn.stɪ.tjuːt/ |
Provenir de algo, derivar de algo |
Derive from sth |
/dɪˈraɪv/ |
Trozo, fragmento |
Fragment |
/ˈfræɡ·mənt/ |
Numeroso |
Numerous |
/ˈnjuː·mər·əs/ |
Pendiente, atrasado |
Outstanding |
/ˌaʊtˈstæn·dɪŋ/ |
Existencias, stock |
Stock |
/stɒk/ |
Equivalente |
Equivalent |
/ɪˈkwɪv·əl·ənt/ |
Empresa, organización |
Establishment |
/ɪˈstæb·lɪʃ·mənt/ |
Empresa |
Venture |
/ˈven.tʃər/ risk |
Trabajo |
Labour |
/ˈleɪ·bər/ |
Incentivo |
Incentive |
/ɪnˈsen·tɪv/ |
Provisión, suministro |
Provision |
/prəˈvɪʒ·ən/ |
Servir |
Serve |
/sɜːv/ |
Criticar |
Attack |
/əˈtæk/ |
Supuesto, suposición |
Assumption |
/əˈsʌmp·ʃən/ |
Imponer |
Impose |
/ɪmˈpəʊz/ |
Recomendar |
Advocate |
/ˈæd.və.keɪt/ |
Oposición |
Opposition |
/ˌɒp·əˈzɪʃ·ən/ |
Previo |
Prior |
/praɪər/ |
Respectivamente |
Respectively |
/rɪˈspek.tɪvli/ |
Cuestionar |
Challenge |
/ˈtʃæl·ɪndʒ/ |
Insinuar, dar a entender |
Imply |
/ɪmˈplaɪ/ |
Instar a alguien a hacer algo |
Urge sb to do sth |
/ɜːdʒ/ |
Reconocer |
Acknowledge |
/əkˈnɒl·ɪdʒ/ |
Disputa, conflicto |
Dispute |
/ˈdɪs·pjuːt/ |
Gatillo |
Trigger |
Atacar |
Attack |
Disparar |
Fire |
Bombardear |
Shell |
/ʃel/ |
Aliado, a |
Ally |
/ˈæl·aɪ/ |
General |
General |
/ˈdʒen·ər·əl/ |
Civil |
Civilian |
/sɪˈvɪl·i·ən/ |
Resistir(se), oponerse a |
Resist |
/rɪˈzɪst/ |
Rango |
Rank |
/ræŋk/ |
Imperio |
Empire |
/ˈem·paɪər/ |
Tanque |
Tank |
/tæŋk/ |
Tropas |
Troops |
/truːps/ |
Veterano, a |
Veteran |
/ˈvet.ər.ən/ |
Defensa |
Defence |
/dɪˈfens/ |
Votante |
Voter |
/ˈvəʊ·tər/ |
Sondeo |
Poll |
/pəʊl/ |
Conservador |
Conservative |
/kənˈsɜː·və·tɪv/ |
Convención |
Convention |
/kənˈven.ʃən/ |
Rival, contrincante |
Rival |
/ˈraɪ·vəl/ |
Radical |
Radical |
Campaña |
Campaign |
/kæmˈpeɪn/ |
Reconocimiento |
Recognition |
/ˌrek·əɡˈnɪʃ·ən/ |
Misión |
Mission |
/ˈmɪʃ·ən/ |
Representación |
Representation |
/ˌrep.rɪ.zenˈteɪ.ʃən/ |
Entrar en algo |
Go into sth |
to describe, discuss, or examine something in a detailed way |
Importancia, trascendencia |
Significance |
/sɪɡˈnɪf·ɪ·kəns/ |
Comparar, contrastar |
Contrast |
/kənˈtrɑːst/ |
Resumir |
Summarize |
/ˈsʌm·ər·aɪz/ |
A la larga, al final |
Ultimately |
/ˈʌl.tɪ.mə |
Mientras |
Whilst |
/waɪlst/ |
Diferenciado |
Distinct |
/dɪˈstɪŋkt/ |
Captar |
Engage |
/ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ/ |
Posterior, subsiguiente, ulterior |
Subsequent |
/ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt/ |
Emocionar, entusiarmar |
Excite |
/ɪkˈsaɪt/ |
Prever |
Anticipate |
/ænˈtɪs·ɪ·peɪt/ |
Por decisión propia |
Of your own accord |
/əˈkɔːd/ |
Capacidad, habilidad |
Capability |
/ˌkeɪ·pəˈbɪl·ə·ti/ |
Manchar(se) |
Stain |
/steɪn/ |
Descuidar, desatender |
Neglect |
/nɪˈɡlekt/ |
Trozo |
Slip |
/slɪp/ paper |
Tira, faja, banda |
Strip |
Choque eléctrico |
Shock |
/ʃɒk/ |
Depósito |
Tank |
Seguro |
Insurance |
/ɪnˈʃʊə·rəns/ |
Escalón |
Stair |
/steər/ |
Propiedad |
Ownership |
/ˈəʊ·nə·ʃɪp/ |
Límite, frontera |
Boundary |
/ˈbaʊn·dər·i/ |
Panel |
Panel |
Barra |
Rail |
/reɪl/ cortinas |
Persiana |
Blind |
/blaɪnd/ |
Baúl |
Chest |
/tʃest/ |
Cariño, apego |
Attachment |
/əˈtætʃ·mənt/ |
Estima, respeto |
Regard |
/rɪˈɡɑːd/ |
Estar relacionado con alguien/algo |
Relate to sb/sth |
/rɪˈleɪt/ |
Dentro de, en |
Within |
/wɪˈðɪn/ área, grupo o sistema |
Casarse (con) |
Wed |
/wed/ (used especially in newspapers) |
Avergonzar |
Embarrass |
/ɪmˈbær·əs/ |
Perturbar |
Disturb |
/dɪˈstɜːb/ |
Abrazar(se) |
Embrace |
/ɪmˈbreɪs/ |
Asociar |
Associate |
/əˈsəʊ·ʃi·eɪt/ mente |
Embarazo |
Pregnancy |
/ˈpreɡ·nən·si/ |
Dar a luz a |
Bear |
/beər/ /bɔːr/ bore /bɔːn/ borne |
Nervio |
Nerve |
/nɜːv/ |
Clínico |
Clinical |
/ˈklɪn.ɪ.kəl/ |
Complemento, suplemento |
Supplement |
/ˈsʌp.lɪ.mənt/ |
Miligramo |
Milligram |
/ˈmɪl.ɪ.ɡræm/ |
Escanear |
Scan |
Agotar |
Exhaust |
/ɪɡˈzɔːst/ |
Indemnización |
Compensation |
/ˌkɒm·pənˈseɪ·ʃən/ |
Pruebas |
Evidence |
/ˈev·ɪ·dəns/ |
Abogado, a |
Counsel |
/ˈkaʊn·səl/ |
Llamamiento, llamado |
Appeal |
/əˈpiːl/ |
Afirmar |
Allege |
/əˈledʒ/ |
Soltar |
Release |
Determinar |
Determine |
/dɪˈtɜː.mɪn/ |
Cláusula |
Clause |
/klɔːz/ |
Mantener, retener |
Retain |
/rɪˈteɪn/ |
Perseguir |
Pursue |
/pəˈsjuː/ |
Presión |
Pressure |
/ˈpreʃ·ər/ |
Paralelo |
Parallel |
/ˈpær·ə·lel/ |
Contenido |
Content |
/ˈkɒn·tent/ |
Fórmula |
Formula |
/ˈfɔːm·jə·lə/ |
Teórico |
Theoretical |
/θɪəˈret·ɪ·kəl/ |
Experimental |
Experimental |
/ɪkˌsper·ɪˈmen·təl/ |
Formación |
Formation |
/fɔːˈmeɪ·ʃən/ |
Filtro |
Filter |
/ˈfɪl·tər/ |
Lógica |
Logic |
/ˈlɒdʒ·ɪk/ |
Proporción, porcentaje |
Proportion |
/prəˈpɔː·ʃən/ |
Frecuencia |
Frequency |
/ˈfriː·kwən·si/ |
Historiador, a |
Historian |
/hɪˈstɔː·ri·ən/ |
Determinar |
Determine |
/dɪˈtɜː.mɪn/ |
Orden, instrucción |
Instruction |
/ɪnˈstrʌk·ʃən/ |
Dominar |
Master |
/ˈmɑː·stər/ to learn how to do something well |
Módulo |
Module |
/ˈmɒd.juːl/ |
Compañero,a, igual |
Peer |
/pɪər/ |
Conciencia |
Awareness |
/əˈweə·nəs |
Descuido |
Slip |
a small mistake |
Mostrar |
Demonstrate |
/ˈdem·ən·streɪt/ |
Erudito, a |
Scholar |
/ˈskɒl·ər/ |
Curso |
Grade |
/ɡreɪd/ |
Adquisición |
Acquisition |
/ˌæk·wɪˈzɪʃ·ən/ |
Motivar |
Motivate |
/ˈməʊ·tɪ·veɪt/ |
Consultar |
Consult |
/kənˈsʌlt/ |
Limitación, restricción |
Limitation |
/ˌlɪm·ɪˈteɪ·ʃən/ |
Valoración |
Judgment |
/ˈdʒʌdʒ·mənt/ |
Perspectiva |
Perspective |
/pəˈspek·tɪv/ |
Atribuir algo a algo |
Attribute sth to sb |
/əˈtrɪb.jʊt/ |
Caso, ejemplo |
Instance |
/ˈɪn·stəns/ |
Fundamental |
Fundamental |
/ˌfʌn·dəˈmen·təl/ |
Mutuo |
Mutual |
/ˈmjuː.tʃu.əl/ |
Delgado |
Lean |
/liːn/ saludable |
Don |
Gift |
/ɡɪft/ |
Liderazgo, dirección |
Leadership |
/ˈliː·də·ʃɪp/ |
Participante |
Participant |
/pɑːˈtɪs·ɪ·pənt/ |
Bebé, niño pequeño, niña pequeña |
Infant |
/ˈɪn·fənt/ |
Carácter, ser |
Self |
/self/ |
Modesto |
Modest |
/ˈmɒd·ɪst/ |
Iniciativa |
Initiative |
/ɪˈnɪʃ·ə·tɪv/ |
Vicio |
Vice |
/vaɪs/ |
Caracterizar |
Characterize |
/ˈkær.ɪk.tə.raɪz/ |
Vergüenza |
Shame |
/ʃeɪm/ |
Organización |
Body |
/ˈbɒd·i/ |
Fundación |
Foundation |
/faʊnˈdeɪ·ʃən/ |
Participación |
Participation |
/pɑːˌtɪs·ɪˈpeɪ·ʃən/ |
Diversidad |
Diversity |
/daɪˈvɜː.sɪ.ti/ |
Étnico |
Ethnic |
/ˈeθ.nɪk/ |
Estatus, condición |
Status |
/ˈsteɪ.təs/ |
Constante, coherente |
Consistent |
/kənˈsɪs·tənt/ |
Citar |
Quote |
/kwəʊt/ |
Corrección, enmienda |
Amendment |
/əˈmend.mənt/ words of a text |
Índice |
Index |
/ˈɪn·deks/ |
Margen |
Margin |
/ˈmɑː·dʒɪn/ page |
Narración |
Narrative |
/ˈnær.ə.tɪv/ |
Registro |
Log |
/lɒɡ/ |
Revista especializada |
Journal |
/ˈdʒɜː·nəl/ |
Relatar, narrar |
Relate |
/rɪˈleɪt/ |
Posteriormente, ulteriormente |
Subsequently |
/ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwəntli/ |
Clásico |
Classical |
/ˈklæs·ɪ·kəl/ |
Alegar |
Cite |
/saɪt/ |
Exhaustivo |
Comprehensive |
/ˌkɒm·prɪˈhen·sɪv/ |
Evaluación |
Evaluation |
/ɪˌvæl.juˈeɪ.ʃən/ |
Asimilar |
Absorb |
/əbˈzɔːb |
Específicamente, expresamente |
Specifically |
/spəˈsɪf·ɪ·kəl·i/ |
Aflorar, salir |
Emerge |
/ɪˈmɜːdʒ/ |
Llevar el seguimiento de |
Monitor |
/ˈmɒn·ɪ·tər/ |
Implicación |
Implication |
/ˌɪm·plɪˈkeɪ·ʃən/ |
Estar debajo de, subyacer a |
Underlie |
/ˌʌn.dəˈlaɪ/ |
Dar pie, provocar |
Prompt |
/prɒmpt/ |
De forma parecida, del mismo modo |
Similarly |
/ˈsɪm·ɪ·lə·li/ |
Empresa, organización |
Enterprise |
/ˈen·tə·praɪz/ |
Comisión |
Commission |
/kəˈmɪʃ.ən/ |
Participación |
Stake |
/steɪk/ shares, etc |
Producir, dar |
Yield |
/jiːld/ |
Puja, oferta |
Bid |
/bɪd/ |
Despedir |
Dismiss |
/dɪˈsmɪs/ job |
Junta, consejo |
Board |
/bɔːd/ company |
Presidente |
Chairman |
/ˈtʃeə.mən/ organization |
Capital |
Capital |
/ˈkæp·ɪ·təl/ |
Sacar |
Withdraw |
/wɪðˈdrɔː/ money bank |
Civil |
Civil |
/ˈsɪv·əl/ |
Legislación |
Legislation |
/ˌledʒ·ɪˈsleɪ·ʃən/ |
Retirar |
Withdraw |
an official decision |
Fondo |
Fund |
/fʌnd/ |
Institucional |
Institutional |
/ˌɪn·stɪˈtjuː·ʃə·nəl/ |
Oposición |
Opposition |
/ˌɒp·əˈzɪʃ·ən/ |
Provincia |
Province |
/ˈprɒv·ɪns/ |
Regular |
Regulate |
/ˈreɡ·jə·leɪt/ control |
Gasto |
Expenditure |
/ɪkˈspen·dɪ·tʃər/ |
Victoria |
Win |
Sustituto, a |
Deputy |
/ˈdep·jə·ti/ |
El estado |
The state |
Asistencia |
Attendance |
/əˈten·dəns/ |
Contra |
Versus |
/ˈvɜː·səs/ |
Feria |
Fair |
/feər/ |
Apostar |
Bet |
/bet/ |
Formato |
Format |
/ˈfɔː.mæt/ |
Excluir |
Exclude |
/ɪksˈkluːd/ |
Aburrir |
Bore |
/bɔːr/ |
Financiar |
Fund |
/fʌnd/ to provide money for an event, activity, or organization |
Exponer |
Exhibit |
/ɪɡˈzɪb·ɪt/ to show objects such as paintings to the public |