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459 Cards in this Set

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How many languages does Avaloq support?
What is a collection
Definition: A Collection is a set of objects, , hich are either selected through a query or directly specified by the user. , he object Collection in Avaloq allows saving the results of a user-defined selection of objects, , rouped and sorted (possible on
Can collections contain different types of objects?
How can a collection be created (GUI)?
Lookup -> search for relative objects -> select the objects in question -> either right click, Collection, save as static or button 'sava as dynamic collecion' bottom left.
What are the two different types of Collections?
static and dynamic
In the business model, what can assets be linked to?
Positions and Macc
How can a new client with a current account be entered in the system?
Open a new BP, open a new Container, open a new Macc or use the Privat Client mask, where the three objects are opened in the background.
Where can Background processes be stopped (GUI)?
Central Services
How can a date be entered dynamically?
% infront of the expression
Can orderbooks be protected?
Where can current orders be seen (GUI)?
What two different types of order views are ther?
stuctured and unstructured
Where can you find reports?
Reporst are everywhere (Orderbook, Lookup, Portfolio)
Was ist ein Adapter?
Eine Schnittstelle mit der Avaloq mit Umsystemen verbunden werden kann.
Welche Arten von Adaptern / Schnittstellen gib es?
Standard-, zertifizierte und Projektschnittstelle
Erkläre den Unterschied zwischen einer Standard und einer zertifizierten Schnittstelle
Bei der Standartschnittstelle trägt Avaloq sorge um di Kompatibilität zwischen Releases. Bei zertifizierten Schnittstellen liegt die Verantwortung beim Dritthersteller.
Nenne mind. 3 Objekte in Avaloq
Business Partner, Containter, Position, Asset, Money Account, Adress
Wie löse ich in Avaloq eine Aktion aus?
Bei Objekten über einen static Workflow. Bei Transaktionen über einen transactional Workflow.
Was bedeutet SESI, MEMI und MESI
SESI: Single Entity Single Instanz, EMI: Multi Entity Multi Instanzen, ESI: Multi Entity Single Instanz
Wie sieht das Object Modell aus
Was sind die Konzepte um Objekte
Relastions, Additions, Classes, Keys, Names, Security, Remarks
Welche Arten von Aufträgen (Orders) gibt es
Static Data Orders: Generiert oder manipuliert ein Objekt, ransaction: Generiert Bookings welche auf Positionen gespeichert werden
Was ist eine Context Action
Context Action ist das Menu für ein Objekt (Rechter Maus-Click im GUI)
Was ist ein Event in Avaloq
Das Resultat aus einer Transaktion (Ereignis, Botschaft, Nachricht, Message)
Welche Typen von Orderbooks gibt es
Unstructured Orderbook (flat), tructured Orderbook (hierarchical)
Welche Arten von Collections kennst du
Static Collection (von Hand definiert und gepflegt), ynamic Collection (Selektion anhand von Merkmalen)
Gründe für Collections
Vereinfachung von Selektionen, rweiterung der Lookup Funktionalität, enutzung in Task-Applikation, nterstützung PM Funktionalität
Was ist eine Business Unit (BU)
Eine BU ist eine eigenständige Geschäftseinheit welche Bankdienstleistungen unter eigenem Namen an Kunden anbietet. Wird oft auch Mandant genannt.
Wie ist das Konzept der "Chinese Wall"
Die Instanz ist unterteilt in einen öffentlichen Bereich mit einer BU und private Bereiche mit mehreren BUs.
Was ist ein Money Account
Der Money Account ist ein Konto und eine spezielle Form einer Position. Ein MACC hat einen Namen und einen Key
Was sind die Eigenschaften von Keys
Suchbegriff in der Lookup Applikation, ind nicht historisiert, erden eingegeben oder vom System gebildet, önnen Regelbasiert sein, erden parametrisiert mit Sourcen (1 Source pro Key), önnen als Pflichtfeld definiert werden
Was sind die Eigenschaften von Additions
Additions sind optionale Felder, aben einen definierten Datentyp, erden nicht historisiert, aben keine Lookup-Möglichkeit, önnen über Avaloq Scripts gelesen werden (Reports, Order Validations), önnen vordefinierte Werte aus Codetabellen haben, erden param
Was sind die Eigenschaften von Klassen
Beinhalten ein definiertes Set an Klassen (Codetabellen), önnen historisert werden, önnen automatisch gebildet werden (Derived Classes), erden im Lookup verwendet, önnen als Pflichtfelder definiert werden, erden im OMD-Sheet (API) oder mit TOAD parametris
Was sind die Eigenschaften von Names
5 Sprachen (E,G, I, F, S), bject-Namen können in unterschiedlichen Sprachen abgelegt werden, Names sind historisiert
Was sind die Eigenschaften von Remarks
Nur zu Informationszwecken, einhalten free text Format, önnen mit einem Valid-To Datum versehen werden, aben keine Lookup Möglichkeit, önnen gelöscht werden, erden nicht historisiert, ind lesbar via Avaloq Scripts (Reports), erden mit Sources parametrisie
Was sind die Eigenschaften von Relationsships
Verbinden zwei Objekte, ient zur Navigation zwischen Objekten mit Beziehungen, erden mittels Subtyp und Priorität beschrieben, rägt Informationen auf der Beziehung, ind definiert als unterschiedliche Typen (Verantwortung, Teilen, Beziehung), erden nicht h
Welche Sicherheitsbereiche gibt es
Object Security: Wer darf auf welche Objekte zugreifen, orkflow Security: Wer kann welche Workflow Steps ausführen, unctional Security: Wer darf was machen (z.B. User Administration)
Welche Regel-Typen gibt es
System Rules: Bestandteil vom Avaloq-System, ank Rules: Selbstdefinierte Regeln (Anforderung der Bank)
Was sind die Eigenschaften von Post-it
Post-it stehen auf den Orders, trukturierte oder free Texte, aben Typen und Subtypen
Was ist immer in einem Workflow vorhanden
Start-Status Open, inal-Status Done oder Discarded
Welche Task-Typen gibt es
Orderbook, Reports, Programs, Messages, Sources, Others
Wie werden Tasks gestartet
Mittels Run (sofort, synchron) und Submit (Background-Prozess, asynchron)
Woraus besteht ein Task
Task Definition, Task Template und Task Layout
Was sind Komponenten zu den Orders
Order Validation, Post-it, Order Linking, Order Auditing, Order Keys und Order Additions
How do you find a list of all the script types?
Tasks> Reports > Search for 'script' > Report: Avoaloq Script Type: .Default
Name three areas where Avaloq Scripts are used?
Order Validation, Report Writer, AMI, Matching Conditions Rule Loader, Contex Actions
Is Avaloq Script a programming language?
No, it's always used in the contex of the system and never as a stand along language
Name the three data layers in Avaloq.
Order memory (mem), rder Persistance (doc), ernal Layer (Object)
What on which layer are orders and objects found?
Order memory (static data orders, transaction orders) - lost if computer is off, rder Persistance (saved orders), ernel Layer (objects)
What are the data dictionary prefix for the three data layers and datamarts in avaloq?
Order Memory - mem_doc, rder Persistance - doc, ernel Layer - obj, atamart - dtm
What is the purpose of the Data Dictionary (DDIC)
It serves as a reference to the structure of the data objects
How can you bring up the mask with the data dictionary template?
Tasks> Reports > Search for 'dict' or 'ddic'
What source and table are error messages defined in?
What are the two different way to raise an error?
session.raise_ui_err(), ession.raise_fa_err()
Via what package are classes, additions, order additions and keys accessed_
Name three useful scripting packages
util, format, tab, err
Would you use 'session' or 'lookup' to find out what the language with id 2 is on the table code_lang. Also which function would it be?
What is the difference between system validation and order validation. Who defines each one?
System validation - necessary for avaloq to function - defined by avaloq, rder Validation - user defines as desired.
What triggers an order validation
A workflow action
To what business types are order validations applicable.
All of them
Situation: You have a start and end state. You perform a workflow action and there are order validations. , uestions: a) If the validation generates an, what state will you end in right after the error? b) If the validation genreates a warning, what state
a) state, ) if the user clicks cancel then you will go back to the starting state if the user clicks ok, you will go the end state.
What tables are used to parametrize order validations?, hallenge: What do you have to chagen on each table?
What sources are used to parametrize order validations, hallenge: What do you have to change in each source?
Welches sind die 4 wichtigsten Typen von Rules?
Cost Rules, Context Action Rules, Default Field Value Rule, Default Account Rule
Wie werden Rules gruppiert?
a) In Rule Sets. Eine Rule im Set triggert und liefert ein Resultat., ) In Sequenzen (Gruppen von Rule Sets). Jedes Rule Set liefert ein Resultat.
Wie sind die Matching Kriterien und Value Constraints einer Rule verknüpft?
Welche Rule triggert, falls bei mehreren die Bedingungen erfüllt sind?
Diejenige mit der höchsten Priorität.
Nenne ein Beispiel für ein Kriterium auf einer Klasse.
bp_branch:zh (wobei zh die intl_id ist).
Nenne ein Beispiel für ein Kriterium auf einem Key.
country_iso:CH (wobei CH die intl_id ist).
Was ist zu beachten, wenn ein Kriterium in Avalog Script definiert wird?
Die Expression steht in [] und das Resultat des Ausdruckes ist true oder false.
Was gibt es für Rule Typen und was bedeuten sie?
expr: Das Resultat der Rule ist die Auswertung eines Ausdruckes (z.B. die konkrete Fax Nummer eines BP)., onst: Das Resultat ist eine Konstante (z.B. 6 Franken).
Welche Rule sollte man nie vergessen?
Die Catch All Rule.
Wie lädt man eine Rule manuell?
a) xxx_RULE_LD Tabelle befüllen., ) Rule Loader Task ausführen (es gibt einen Task pro Rule Loader Tabelle).
Wie lädt man eine Rule über ENV?
a) OMD Sheet befüllen., ) Mittels Makro den Code generieren., ) Code z.B. per SQL*Plus auf die DB laden.
Wieviele Rule Sets können maximal gleichzeitig aktiv sein?
Was sind die 3 Typen von Resultaten einer Cost Rule Engine und was bedeuten sie?
a) COST: Sofort belastete Kosten (z.B. Courtage)., ) FEES: Periodisch belastete Kosten (z.B. Kreditkarten Gebühr)., ) DEFERRED COST: Transaktionsbasierte Kosten, welche über eine Periode kummuliert belastet werden (z.B. Portospesen, die monatlich abgezoge
Wie werden Rules parametriert?
OMD, auch TOAD möglich.
Welches Rule Set ist geladen, wenn beim Laden ein Syntax Fehler auftritt?
Das bisher geladene. Wenn eine Rule eines Rule Set einen Fehler enthält, so wird das gesamte Rule Set verworfen und der Zustand vor dem Ladeversuch bleibt bestehen.
Does Avaloq cover all major banking functionalities?
Yes, it does.
Do Avaloq interfaces provide the connection to data suppliers and stock markets?
Yes, they do.
What is the Avaloq Community?
The Avaloq Community consists of Avaloq customers, partners and employees.
What are Wildcards?
Wildcards stand for characters when performing searches: "?", "%" or "*" for any number of characters and "_" for one character.
What are Lookups?
Lookups are search windows or code table windows.
A banking client must have…
… at least a Container to have a business relationship with the bank.
How is usually the currency of a Money Account defined?
On the Model Bank the currency is defined by the Contract of the Money Account.
There is no difference between CHF and N.CHF! True or false?
False. N.CHF is an Asset, CHF is a Currency.
The system stops me if I forget to enter information that is needed! True or false?
Orders are sent to the employee's inbox! True or false?
All changes to static data can be traced! True or false?
True. (Exception: Remarks)
Can you combine search criteria about a Business Partner, e.g. name and domicile, in the Lookup application?
Can you combine search criteria of a Business Partner and of a Container in the same search field?
In a few terms, how do you create a Static Collection?
Lookup Application à Search and select à Right mouse click (Collection>Save As Static) à Verify Direct.
How many documents with the ID 1079 can you find in the Avaloq Community?
This varies with every release update. Ask your teacher! (Lookup in the Community with Docu ID)
Which version of Microsoft Windows is recommended to be used with ClassicClients for the current Avaloq release?
This may vary with every release update. Look it up in Technical Requirements, Docu ID 1079.
May a customer program/design an adapter?
Can client relationships be managed in Avaloq?
Yes, using the CRM Desk as the central tool to manage client relationships.
Where is the work of the front, middle and back office in Avaloq?
One workflow may contain different statuses, e.g. to be reviewed by middle office, at back office for execution, etc. The workflow status may represent one role, one person or one office in a bank. All transactions/orders in such a status represent the wo
Is it possible to parameterise (or set parameters for) the Navigation?
Yes, with context actions.
Is it possible to parameterise (or set parameters for) the End user view of menus?
Yes, with end-user security rights.
Is it possible to parameterise (or set parameters for) triggering processes per right mouse click?
Yes, with context actions.
Is it possible to parameterise a new field to save information about my customers, e.g. the colour of their socks?
Is it possible to update a classification that was delivered by Avaloq?
What cannot be parameterised?
System checks (e.g. the field quantity must not be empty for a Stock Exchange transaction), new database tables, i.e. new table definitions, the beginning and the end of workflow processes and new object types.
What does MEMI stand for?
Multiple Entity Multiple Instances (Model LGT)
Name the main objects used in the Avaloq Data Model.
Business Partners, Addresses, Containers, Positions, Assets, Money Accounts.
Which main objects typically are linked with each other?
BPs and Containers, BPs and Addresses, Assets and Money Accounts with Positions
What are additions, Classifications and Keys used for?
Additions: Provide data fields not available in the standard entry forms, eys: Keys are unique symbolic references to objects (for the internal and external world).
Name the concepts around orders supported by Avaloq!
Status, Actions and Rules define a workflow. Apart from status Open, Discard and Done, everything in a workflow can be freely parameterised.
What makes an Avaloq workflow?
Booking Engine, Balance Engine
Which Avaloq Engines are relevant in the context of Events?
What is an Orderbook (Description & Business Purpose)?
How can you adapt a standard Orderbook to only see all orders inserted by yourself for Stock Exchange Orders and subscribe to it?
Avaloq>Tasks>Orderbook>Common, hoose 'DFLT' in the Layout field, nter 'stex' in the Meta_Type field, valoq>Tasks>Orderbook>Stock Exchange, nter '%me' in the field Inserted by
What is a program?
A program is a task with the purpose to insert, modify or delete data on the Avaloq database.
What is a Collection and what types do exist in Avaloq?
A Collection is a set of objects, which are either selected through a query (Dynamic Collection) or directly specified by the user (Static Collection). The object Collection allows saving the results of a user-defined selection of objects, grouped and sor
An Orderbook is a consolidated view on Orders of a certain type (e.g. stock exchange orders) and it must meet defined criteria. Users maintain Orderbooks for every subject of interest in order to organize and simplify their daily work.
Is there a connection between the functioning of the system and Central Services?
Can Central Services be customised?
- Central Services is an application, it opens in a separate window and will remain open unless you close the application explicitly or shut down Avaloq.
What are tasks?
They offer customisation features (queries, task templates, etc.)
What are Jobs?
A task is a procedure processed by Avaloq (such as reports, order book queries, programs …), - Synchronous tasks are stated via "Run" or "Show"., - Status "enabled": Does not mean it will be executed immediately, but as soon as a task dispatcher is free a
What are background processes used for?
- When executing a task via the "submit" or "print" commands asynchronously, By process queues, By technical processes offered within the Avaloq system, such as:, - End of Day processing, - File dispatching, - Job scheduling, - Application monitoring, -
What is the difference between killing and stopping a BGP?
- To stop (terminate) a BGP means, that you send a message to the process and ask it to be so friendly and stop processing as soon as the current work is finalized. In case the process is cooperative, it will do so., To kill a BGP means to take his life
What are Process Queues (PRCQ)?
A PRCQ processes entries in the list "Process Queue Entries". A BGP (BGP_PRCQ) regularly executes the PRCQs. The PRCQ executes an Avaloq script procedure which is in most cases implemented by Avaloq. Each PRCQ is responsible for specific work., PRCQ itse
What are important PRCQ Groups, respectively PRCQ processors?
- Low Priority:, processed by BGP: PRCQ_1 (ID: 905)): 20 PRCQs, High Priority:, processed by BGP: PRCQ_2 (ID: 906)): 14 PRCQs, STEX (parallel processing):, processed by BGP: PRCQ_3 (ID: 907)): 6 PRCQs, Bulk orders and Security events:, processed by BGP
What differentiates the PRCQs processed by one BPG?
- Priority (1 = highest / 9 = lowest), Timeslot (period of time when the corresponding PRCQ entries are processed before the linked BGP switches to the next PRCQ)., The keep period: How long work requests are being retained., The user: Each PRCQ is ass
Currently, there are four (4) different entry points for parameterisation. Which ones are those?
OMDs, APIs, TOAD, Sources
List some disadvantages of direct table parameterisation through TOAD!
- Requires technical know how and detailed knowledge of table architecture., The parameterisation specialist needs to know the table architecture of Avaloq., Consistency is not guaranteed. E.g. a source may affect 10 tables or more., There is no contro
In which sequence of priorities appears the translation on an item? Consider not only the OUT_TEXT columns but also other table columns that you have been introduced to.
- text in column TEXT, TEXT_GE, TEXT_FR, … (respective session language), text defined in TEXT_XX (default language), text in column NAME
List an example where direct database parameterisation via TOAD is still done.
Translations for specific parts
Which columns are mandatory in a code table?
What is the purpose of ADT?
ADT is the external parameterisation repository of Avaloq. It also serves as backup of the parameterisation of the Avaloq Instance.
Is the parameterisation specialist writing PL/SQL code into the OMD sheet OMD_BP_CLASSIF.xls or simply meta data?
Meta data. The PL/SQL code is generated by the macros from Modules.xls (delivered by Avaloq).
Do rules affect the system behaviour?
To which source type do Object keys belong to?
Source Type "Key Definition".
To which source type do Additions belong to?
Source Types "Code Table Data" and "Code Table Definition"
To which source type do Data Dictionaries belong to?
Source Type "DDIC"
What is the risk in overwriting an Avaloq source?
The source may get overwritten by Avaloq with the next release.
What is the difference between the source status Corrupt and Error?
A source's state is Corrupt when it compiles without an error in Avaloq but Oracle returns an error. A source's state is Error when the Avaloq compiler returns an error.
How many Sources does a code table typically have?
- Table Definition, Table Data
Does a bank use only one Avaloq instance?
No, clients have always a source versioning system (ENV).
Does one source belong to several components?
No, a source belongs to one component only.
Is a source directly related to a change?
No, a source version always belongs to a change.
What do we need to do before closing a change?
We need to write the documentation.
Which are the views tin ENV hat show us the changes?
We may see them in the Change View, in the Expression View, in the Orderbook…
Can we modify an opened change? If yes, who can modify it?
All the granted users may modify the sources in a change.
Must a source be downloaded before compiling it?
No, we can compile it directly (remotely) on a DB.
Can I create new sources only?
No, we can create new versions (and modify) or close sources.
What "search" option do we have via ENV/ADT that we do not have via the Avaloq client?
Via the Avaloq Client we cannot look for information in sources without specifying more information.
Can we use ENV expressions to look for a source?
Yes, we can. This is for example what we do in the Expression View.
Give an example of a supplementary source type in ENV!
Business Type Config (BTC)
What is the difference between an API and an "insert into" statement?
APIs take care of triggers and are re-runnable.
How can we use a script to parameterise an instance?
For example, by running it via an SQL client.
Business Type Config
Is it enough to have saved a BTC source in ENV in order to parameterise an Avaloq instance?
No, we still have to compile that source on the selected Avaloq instance.
How can we track the modifications of a source?
By comparing two versions for example.
Which is the view that is based on the hierarchical structure between components, changes and sources?
That view is called the Expression View.
Clients have no possibility to reopen a change that has been closed? True or false?
May the same person close and audit a change? True or false?
It depends on the rights that that person was assigned.
Must the client use the (release-) boxes defined by Avaloq? True or false?
The boxes are a set of possibilities; Avaloq can implement more for the client.
ENV does not allow a customer to upgrade between two releases? True or false?
False: ENV allows it and makes it easier.
Does the Model Bank facilitate the first Avaloq implementation for a Bank? True or false?
Yes, it does.
What are the files that a bank receives for a release upgrade?
So called "flat files".
How are projects organized in teams, roles and responsibilities?
The project organisation shows how a project is organized and who is responsible for what. The project plan may show the responsibilities on a task level.
What is an initial project?
An initial project is a project during which a bank (or banking-related enterprise) which does not yet use the Avaloq Banking System replaces its current system or parts thereof with the Avaloq Banking System.
What happens during an evaluation phase?
During the evaluation phase, the Avaloq Banking System is chosen as implementation package. During this phase functionality gaps may be identified.
How are releases and service packs delivered to the customer?
Releases are delivered via DVD, service packs are available for download in the Avaloq Community.
What are the differences regarding the role of a parameterisation responsible in an initial project vs. upgrade projects?
Initial project: work together with bank's key users and business analysts to specify the requirements., elease upgrade project: understand the delta between old and new release, understand the running Avaloq instance and identify means and ways to migrat
What are the deliverables of a parameteriser in an initial project?
- Source code according to specification, Technical specification, Input for test manager, use feedback of test manager to fix bugs etc., Input for communication with Avaloq
Where do you find the Avaloq Community?
www.avaloq.com à community
Where do you find the Avaloq glossary?
www.avaloq.com à community à glossary
What is the Avaloq glossary for?
The glossary forms and maintains the correct wording in Avaloq and what these terms are used for.
How do you find out which is the most recent Document (last modified) in the Community?
Use search and the date range to show the most recent documents
Where do you find the Avaloq Documentation Tool?
On the Avaloq webpage www.avaloq.com à community
What is the Avaloq Documentation Tool for?
Instead of a printed documentation, you have an up to date online resource about documentations of different sections, in different languages and for different versions of Avaloq.
Which kind of issues can be entered into the Issue Tool?
- Questions, Bugs, Development Internal Bugs, Change requests, Functional requests, GAPs (GAP, GAPi, Pre-GAP, GAPA), Internal requirements, Model Bank
How can search criteria be saved for the next time?
Using the action "save new query"
How is the sort sequence determined by the system?
It is determined alphanumerically (ASCII-table)
The first frame has an identifier like 04.01. The second one has an identifier like 04.03. Why is the second one not defined like 04.02?
It offers the possibility to insert a new frame without having to update the others.
Whenever you define a label for a frame of a key what is the expression to use in the column Key in the table OUT_TEXT? What is added right after the expression?
The expression ins OBJ_KEY.HIRA.[frame identifier]
What different key types exist?
Simple keys, calculated keys, referenced keys, rule based keys.
For each key source compiled into the system a separate frame will be created automatically. Is that comment true or false? Justify your answer.
No. The system creates only a separate frame if the parameterisation specialist uses a unique frame identifier.
Are Additions crucial for most of the rule engines in Avaloq?
No. In most of the rule engines are additions not directly parameterisable (extra column).
Can additions be historised?
No, they cannot.
What do you have to parameterise additionally directly in the table of the database when creating initially an addition?
You define a frame label with an entry in the table OUT_TEXT.
Is it possible to set an addition mandatory?
No, therefore you use the concept of order validation.
Imagine you work in a project where a bank initially migrates to Avaloq. At what stage of the project would you model the classifications?
Classifications are defined in an earlier stage of a migration project. It is absolutely crucial that classifications are well defined at implementation time. Once the system is live and running the effort to change existing classifications is much higher
On which parameterisation concept are the derived classification based on?
They are based on the rule loader concept.
How many script types are available about Report Writer?
- Start the Task Application, Go to the tab Reports, Enter ID 926, Select 'Avaloq Script Type: Default', Do a lookup on the script type field, Count the Report Writer specific Script Types, Answer is 6, Report Writer Consolidator, -File Layout, -Pri
List at least three usage areas of Avaloq Script!
- Report Writer, Order Validation, Avaloq Message Interface, Rule Loader, CTX Actions
What happens to data in the order memory layer when the session is closed?
This data is lost. No storage of data in memory layer is done.
On which layer does Avaloq store an order permanently?
Order Persistence layer.
The data dictionary of which layer is displayed if you execute a CTX action on an object?
Usually the data dictionary at the kernel layer (obj_xyz) is displayed. However, if you have an open order on the same object, the data dictionary at its memory layer will be displayed (mem_doc_xyz).
What is the difference between the statements session.raise_ui_err(...) and session.raise_fa_error(...)?
The first is displaying an information window with a message you specify in the parameter of the call. The second statement is a fatal error and stops the execution with a fatal error message and a log entry.
Which is the resulting data type of the data access expressions doc.ref_curry.name? (root 'doc' is of business object type mem_doc_bp)
Which is the resulting data type of the data access expressions doc.ref_curry.domi_country.name? (root 'doc' is of business object type mem_doc_bp)
What triggers an order validation?
A workflow action
What is the difference between an order validation and a system check?
Avaloq performs - by default - only validations that are necessary for the system to operate correctly (e.g. an order will execute properly). Order Validation allows a bank to implement its own checks. Order Validations are not mandatory. The system can o
What is a view?
A view is similar to a 'stored query' over one or more tables, but it never contains data.
What is the Naming Convention for Rule Loader Tables?
All Rule Loader Tables have the pattern 'RULE_LD' included in their name. Rule loader views are always based on Rule Loader Tables and have the pattern 'RULE_LD_V'.
What are the possible values for the field RULE_KIND?
const or expr
How do priorities work?
The system checks the rule with the highest priority first, e.g. 9999, until one rule matches.
What is a catch all rule?
It is the rule (usually with the lowest priority 0001 and usually with no matching criteria) that always matches. It normally is used to set a standard or default value.
When do you need sequences?
Sequence numbers allow you to apply more than one rule out of a rule set for the same input (one result for every sequence).
Are there different tasks for loading rules?
There is a different task for every Rule Loader Table.
What happens if an error occurs while loading?
There will be an error message on the screen or an entry in the error log table. No rules of the set are loaded, the rules within Avaloq remain unchanged.
Using a rule loading template in the Tasks Application, what do you enter in the parameter field Rule Set?
You must enter the same value as you find in the table in the column RULE_SET. The field is case sensitive!
Are Priorities (of Business specifications) necessary?
Business specifications are not complete if priorities can be deduced.
Where can you find information about the default account rule loading?
In the Docu ID 1093.
Should you enter rules in a Rule Table?
No! Only enter rules in Rule Loader Tables, not Rule Tables! Rule Tables are maintained by the system.
Distinguish between Cost/Fees in Avaloq: virt-x trading fees?
Distinguish between Cost/Fees in Avaloq: Custody Fees?
Distinguish between Cost/Fees in Avaloq: payment expenses?
Explain the listed special Cost Rule Loader column: FACTOR!
Cost tariff to be multiplied with the cost base quantity.
Explain the listed special Cost Rule Loader column: OFFSET!
The offset stands for the fixed cost. Fixed costs are charges that a client has to pay independent of the transaction base quantity.
Explain the listed special Cost Rule Loader column: COST_CHRG_TYPE!
This attribute allows defining, whether costs calculated by a rule shall be debited to the client, to the bank or if the cost calculation is for information purposes only.
Do business processes and Avaloq workflows have the same quantity of steps?
Not necessarily - There could be either equal, less or more workflows than business process steps.
Which are basic components to parameterise workflows in Avaloq?
Workflow Status, Workflow Actions, Workflow Rules and Workflow Commands
Which tables are required for parameterisation workflows?
For which object workflows can no workflow rules be implemented?
Country and Collateral
How are Context Actions parameterised?
By direct insertion into database tables CTX_ACTION, WFC_ACTION, OUT_TEXT and CTX_ACTION_RULE_LD. If Avaloq Scripts are used, the corresponding sources need to be built.
What are orderbooks good for?
For organising the work, have a work or role specific To Do list, control activities an so on.
How are orderbooks customised?
In the applications Tasks on tab Orderbook show a list of all available orderbooks. By setting limiting parameters and filters, and saving them, the new definition can be subscribed.
What is the sequence of execution for validations and commands?
System Validation, Order Validation and Workflow Commands.
What restrictions can be used for single constraints within an Order Validation?
A single constraint can be restricted to be only executed for specified Workflow Actions.
Which additional concepts support workflows?
Context Actions, Orderbooks and Order Validations.
How much Order Validation is meaningful?
The quantity of Order Validation depends on the bank's needs. Be aware, too much Order Validation will slow down the system and reduces its usability.
Which account type in a bank has the highest potential for fraud?
To most famous account for fraud is the Account No 888888 from Neck Leeson. This was an in-house nostro and Nick Leeson managed somehow that is was no on the focus of internal controls. Consequently the losses booked on this account were not found until t
Do I have to balance ledger container with manual balancing rules?
No. Balancing rules of ledger container can be automatically inserted by a task (ID 612).
Should interim accounts always balance out to 0?
No. There are two types of interim accounts: A ledger container used for the balance side and a ledger container used for the profit and loss side. Interim Accounts for P&L do not balance to 0 (in most cases).
What is the content of legal requirements for book keeping?
Typically the structure of the balance, i.e. the detailed balance accounts of the profit and loss and of the off balance sheet items are defined. Additionally, rules for mapping of positions to the balance accounts and how these have to be valuated are sp
Can the given general access rights be extended by inheritance of 'higher' general access rights?
Which context action on which object will show the users who have a specific access code?
'Show member' on the access code (you can use this context action for instance when you navigate the users and find the access codes under the headline 'Specific Access Rights'.
Which context actions will disable the user from using the system in the future and which of these will delete all access codes?
Lock, Disable and Close. Close will delete the access codes.
What reflects a 'role' typically?
Typically, the technical 'role' reflects a task or a role in a bank, to which a person is normally assigned to. The role grants access to all kinds of activities that this assigned person gas to perform his daily work.
Are the keys (access codes) encrypted?
No. Access codes used as keys or as locks are not encrypted. There is no need to encrypt access codes in Avaloq.
How do you exclude a user from an access right? How can you define that a group of users, except for one specific user, has certain access rights?
This is not possible. With the concept of keys and locks you can only apply access rights but not deny them.
Which of the following subjects can be protected individually? Object: Business Partner, Meta Type: Business Partner, Workflow action in Meta Type: Business Partner?
All of these can be protected by access codes. Interdependencies have to be taken into account individually. For instance, it makes no sense to give access to the Meta Type BP, but not to any business partner or to none of the workflow actions. In other c
What is the meaning of the access method 'ignore' and 'automatic insert'?
These access methods are only available for the subject 'Overrides'. They control the right to override an error message. The difference is that the 'ignore' prevents the logging of the override whereas the 'automatic insert' is logged.
Is it possible to parameterise Avaloq to use biometrical authentications?
No. Avaloq itself provides no authentication method at all. As a standard the Oracle Authentication (UserID and password) is used. to implement biometrical authentication, it is possible to connect other authentication systems to Avaloq.
Does Avaloq provide session context security?
No. Session context security is only available with external systems for user authentication.
What are the necessary elements for creating an Avaloq Report?
Task, Flat Datamart, Report / Hierarchical Datamart, Layout Definition
What applications are supported by Report Writer?
Portfolio, Lookup, Orderbook, CRM-Desk, Central Services.
What are tasks needed for in Report writer?
Tasks are pieces of PL/SQL which provide data for a flat datamart
How do you create flat datamarts?
Flat datamarts are provided and maintained by Avaloq only. You cannot create them by yourself.
What source types are tasks and flat datamarts created with?
Task: source type "task" (TASK DEF),, lat Datamart: source type "DDIC"
What is a hierarchical datamart?
A hierarchical datamart is a kind of a view on the data provided by a flat datamart and enhanced with filters, aggregations and groupings, additional information etc…
What source type is a report datamart created with?
Report Datamart (REP DTM)
Why should a hierarchical datamart definition and corresponding layout definition be stored in different sources?
One report datamart may be used as a data source for different layout types (e.g. screen and print).
May a report generator be used to create file reports?
No. A report generator only supports screen layout.
May generated screen reports be used in other applications than Avaloq?
No. Screen reports are reports which are interpreted and shown by the Avaloq GUI-engine.
What kinds of file types are supported by file reports?
Plain text, HTML, XML. The provided Excel format is not native Excel but a plain CSV-file which can be read by Excel.
What source type is a print report created with?
Print reports (REP PRINT).
What is Avaloq forms?
Avaloq forms in an Avaloq script application which allows you to parameterise the order entry form shown on the user interface.
What is the forms controller?
The forms controller transforms the visible values from the form elements into the corresponding internal values of the order table and vice versa. The form controller also handles events such as form events coming from the presentation layer or order eve
Is it possible to execute code through the event handler?
Yes. As soon as the event is triggered any code defined in doc level- or form level-definition will be executed.
What is the task of the layout manager?
The layout manager is a software component that resides in the user interface and has the ability to layout elements during runtime according to the form layout.
In Forms: What is defined in the group definition?
In the group definition the group itself and the fields belonging to the group are defined.
Is it possible to define value restrictions on a field?
Yes. It is possible to restrict the values available for selection using the parameter 'context' followed by a condition in SQL notation.
Name some field types supported in Avaloq Forms
Text, Number, Obj, Date, Code, Text Area, etc…. see (Avaloq Forms Parameterisation (ID: 1648) section 4).
What is EXTN++?
EXTN++ is a feature of Avaloq Script applications which allows you to generate (nearly freely definable) list- or record-like data structures.
What happens on binding the Avaloq Type in EXTN++?
On binding the Avaloq Type, Avaloq creates the storage strategy, data dictionaries and transaction handling.
EXTN++: What's the name of the generated data dictionary?
Describe in your own words how an outgoing message is built, e.g. what triggers a message, which sources and database tables are involved etc.
A message starting Point is an order. The message is triggered either in a settlement plan or in a workflow action. As a first step, the internal message is built by Message Builder based on the corresponding Outgoing Message Definition and stored on tabl
List three usage areas of the business bus
Incoming BB messages: Create or modify objects, utgoing BB messages: Export, acknowledge or request
List three data providers for the Avaloq Market data interface!
GAIN, Telekurs, Reuters
Is Avaloq also a trading system?
No, it is not.
Does Avaloq store documents?
Avaloq knows documents but if you want to store your documents you need an optical archive.
When or where can Context Actions be used?
Wherever there is an icon on the Avaloq GUI.
How can you enter the last value date of a month in a date field?
Type "u" into the date field. (Ultimo)
Which two classes are mandatory when opening a 'Client' Business Partner on the Avaloq Model Bank?
Customer type: Customer (01) and Branch office: e.g. Zurich (01).
Can a Business Partner have two containers?
In Cashier Operations, I can do a deposit with the workflow action "Withdrawal"! True or false?
The Stock Exchange workflow process is a complex one! True or false?
What does a workflow in Avaloq symbolize in a bank?
It is the representation of business processes.
Orderbooks may be individualized! True or false?
When choosing the tab Orderbook, nothing appears! True or false?
True (if you have not used it before).
Is it possible to individualise the Navigator?
Is it possible to call other reports (than the ones in the tabs) starting from the CRM Desk application?
Yes, it is.
Where in Avaloq are reports used?
The Task application allows subscribing to Report templates or Orderbook templates, which will then be available in the respective tabs under queries. Reports are everywhere in Avaloq, e.g. in the applications and tabs (Lookup, CRM Desk, Portfolio, Naviga
Is it possible to use LDAP (authentication)?
Yes (confer (cf.) Docu ID 112, 1075).
Is the use of interfaces and adapters for third-party systems optional?
Yes, it is optional.
What are the differences between standard, certified and project adapters?
You will find the answers in Technical Requirements, Docu ID 1079, chapter 3., Standard A: by Avaloq, ertified A: by certified Partner, roject A: by customer or third-party system provider)
How are business processes modelled and controlled in Avaloq?
With workflows: the bank defines the workflow processes in Avaloq.
Is it possible to parameterise (or set parameters for) Shortcuts?
Yes, in the application 'Settings'.
Is it possible to parameterise (or set parameters for) the View of customer data?
Yes, with reports.
Is it possible to parameterise (or set parameters for) Applications?
Only the desks.
Is it possible to parameterise (or set parameters for) the Business Partner entry mask?
Is it possible to parameterise a new classification for specific evaluation in reports, e.g. evaluation of all German clients that pay taxes in Switzerland?
Is it possible to parameterise a new sub-window?
Yes, with Structured Extensions and Forms.
What does MESI stand for?
Multiple Entity Single Instance (Model LLB)
What is the difference between MESI and SESI?
Multiple Entity Single Instance: Several business units us a single database instance to store theirs data.Multiple Entity Multiple Instances: Several business units use several database instances to store their data.
What is a Relationship?
A relationship links two objects with each other. There are mandatory and optional relationships.
Name the concepts around objects supported by Avaloq!
Additions, Classifications and Classes, Keys, Names, Relationships, Security, Remarks
What kind of orders do you know?
Static data Orders & Transactions
What is a workflow? Give Examples!
An Event is the result of a transaction order (e.g. STEX) and consists of at least two Event Packets. An Event Packet symbolises different bookings on a Position.
What is an Event in Avaloq? Please describe!
Only one event status can be defined for each workflow status.
How many events statuses can be defined for each workflow status?
Which are the three elements of the Task Engine?
What is a report?
From a user's point of view, a Report is the visualisation of data created by various Avaloq applications. A report task takes this data and organizes it according to a certain layout, which was previously selected by the user., rom a technical point of v
What is the difference between Orderbooks, Reports and Programs? Where can they be found in the Avaloq System?
Whereas Orderbook tasks are only used to display data and Report tasks are mainly used to produce client output or user output, program tasks have the purpose to insert, modify or delete data on the Avaloq database. They are all tabs in the Tasks Applicat
Can you define examples of Collections used in a bank?
Clients of a relationship manager, banks, institutional clients, German clients, employees.
Task Definition (capsules Procedures à Access to DB), Task Template, [Task Layout (à Legacy)]
What is Central Services?
What is a Session?
Therefore, special technical access rights are required for all of its components., Each user logged into the Avaloq DB (level oracle) is assigned a session with a unique identifier. A S. is a "technical connection" to Oracle., - S. are on the Oracle DB
What is the difference between stopping and killing a task?
No answer given here. (Stop stops the BGP after all entries are terminated or timeslot has ended. Kill stops the BGP immediately and kills the corresponding session.)
What are background processes?
A BGP is an autonomous process that runs in the background without requiring user interaction. It is a secondary process running concurrently behind the active process appearing on the screen., GPs are defined (parameterised) with the following major attr
What is the difference between BGPs BPG_ORA and BGP_OS?
- BPG_ORA are implemented in PL/SQL and use the oracle package DBMS_Job. These BGP use the oracle job mechanism to perform their duties in the background., BGP_OS are UNIX shell scripts and executed directly in UNIX in an oracle session (via OCI or JDBC)
Can Background Processes (BGPs) be cloned?
Yes. The parameterisation in the source of the BGP defines how many instances on one BGP exist.
How many PRCQ do exist?
Approximately 60 PRCQ are available.
What are PRCQs used for?
- Execute time consuming calculations or data manipulations ("Bulk Order Generation"), Tasks not needed to be executed immediately in the workflow ("Generate Settlement Orders"), Tasks that need to be done regularly ("Standing Orders Generation").
Is it possible to apply multiple BGPs to one PRCQ?
Yes, but the recommendation of Avaloq is to apply only one BGP to a PRCQ, i.e. to implement a one to many relation between BGP and PRCQ.
What is the main difference between the four entry points for parameterisation?
Only TOAD is used to directly parameterise the database.
How does Avaloq provide easy access to all table data to the parameterisation specialist?
What is the purpose of the column KEY in OUT_TEXT?
Provides a link between translated items and translation
Is the filter for table values in TOAD case sensitive?
Do workflow rules get parameterised via TOAD or OMD sheets?
Why do OMD sheets use APIs?
An API contains packages which transfer the OMD meta data into the respective tables. It is advisable to use Avaloq's APIs for two reasons:, The Avaloq API checks the meta data for consistency., The deployment of these APIs is independent of the knowled
Are rules parameterised through sources?
No, they are parameterised via OMD sheets or directly via TOAD (although this option should not be exercised).
Which rule is needed in every Rule Set?
The Catch All Rule.
To which source type do Order Keys belong to?
Source Types "Code Table Data" and "Code Table Definition"
To which source type do BGPs belong to?
Source Type "Background Process"
To which source type does Navigator belong to?
Source Type "Application"
For what reason can not every source type be overridden?
Because its compiler may not support an Override.
How can you find out whether or not you are allowed to make changes to a code table? If you are allowed, where are changes permitted?
Look up the public and private ID range in the Table Definition of that Code Table.
Which is the Database that a Front Office Employee sees?
The Avaloq Instance
Does the Avaloq Client allow us to look at the information in ENV?
No, the Avaloq Client connects itself to an Avaloq instance.
Are components organisational aggregations of sources or logical relations between sources dependencies?
Components are like folders, they are organisational aggregation of sources.
Is a source directly related to a component?
A source version belongs to a change that belongs to a component.
How many users may work on the same change?
There are four granted users permitted at one time.
Can we modify a closed change?
No. We need to open a new change to modify the sources (to create new source versions).
Where do we indicate the database when we want to perform a remote compile?
When we create a change we indicate the database via the field "Compilation DB".
Can I open a source without opening a change?
We cannot create a new source without creating a new change. (But as well it's possible to view a source without opening a change!)
Can we look for information in a source code?
Yes, we can. We do it via Gsearch.
When we look for information in a source, do we have to compile that source before hand (on an Avaloq instance)? True or false?
False - The source is stored in the ENV database.
Where do we have more source types, in ENV or in an Avaloq instance?
In ENV we have more source types.
For what purpose might the source type Business Type Config be used for?
It allows us to save and use PL/SQL code.
Can we parameterise an instance by saving an Excel File?
No, we should say that we can use Excel Files to produce the code that is going to parameterise an Avaloq instance.
What are the sources in ENV where we can have PL/SQL code?
Business Type Config (BTC)
What do we call "unstructured sources"?
BTC sources: They may have all kinds of very different parameterisations; this is why we call them "unstructured".
How many versions may a source have?
As many as we want.
Could we have a new version of a BIN source?
Yes, we can.
Is the workflow from a change predefined by Avaloq?
No, Avaloq only proposes "best practices".
A change can only be closed when the docu has been audited? True or false?
It depends on the workflow that the bank decided to implement.
Avaloq releases and simple client changes have nothing in common. True or false?
False: Releases are a set of changes.
Might a service pack contain more changes than a release? True or false?
False: a service pack is of minor importance than a release.
Is the Model Bank also delivered in ENV? True or false?
Yes, it is.
Does the usage of ENV facilitate the private parameterisation of the Avaloq Banking System?
Yes it does. It proposes, for example, a source versioning system.
Which parties are involved in an Avaloq project?
The following parties are involved: Bank, Avaloq and Implementation Partners.
Which phases a project usually goes through and what deliverables are expected at the end of each phase?
- Project initiation: Project Setup (Organisation, Project Plan etc.), Analysis & Design: Requirements specification, technical specification, Implementation & parameterisation: Source, finalised technical specification, Testing: Running System, Trans
What difference between a product customer and an evolution customer?
In contrast to the evolution customer, a product customer can go live with Avaloq based on the delivered CD and possible available Service Packs without requiring further functionality (gaps) to be developed.
How often and when does Avaloq rollout a new release of the Avaloq Banking System?
A new release of the Avaloq Banking System is rolled out to all customers every spring.
What are the stages of release upgrade projects?
Upgrade initialisation, installation clean-up, parameterisation adaptations, testing, cutover, post-cutover.
What are the responsibilities of a parameteriser?
- Parameterising the Avaloq Banking System., Discussing parameterisation issues with the bank's key business users and business analyst., Analysing functionality deltas within upgrade projects and defining migration scenarios to bridge them.
What are the deliverables of a parameteriser in a release upgrade project?
- Upgrade specification, Source code according to specification, Detailed technical specification, Input for test manager, use feedback of test manager to fix bugs etc., Input for communicating with Avaloq
What is the Avaloq community?
A 24/7 information portal and knowledge resource for the Avaloq professional
What do you need to be able to use the Avaloq glossary?
Have a valid username and login to the Avaloq community
How do you find out how many documents are currently published in the Documentation Tool?
Use search and submit without entering search criteria
How do you find out which is the newest Avaloq release covered within a document in the Community?
Use search and open the drop down field called "Release"
What do you need to have to be able to use the Avaloq Documentation Tool?
Username and password
Where can issues related to Avaloq releases / functionality from clients projects be entered?
Avaloq Issue Tool on Avaloq community website.
Which kind of issues is relevant in which project phase?
- Evaluation: GAP, Initial Project and Upgrade Project: all other types of issues
Which issues can be entered by the parameteriser into the Issue Tool?
Bugs and Questions
You have a frame identifier like 01.00. Does the 01 in the frame identifier represent the type of object the source is assigned to?
No, it represents just a naming convention but it helps to find the labels of frames in the table OUT_TEXT.
Why is it for a frame identifier not recommended to use the INTL_ID instead of the ID as a reference for an object -type?
The maximum length of the form order is limited to up to ten characters. If you used the INTL-ID instead of the ID for an object type then you may exceed the number of ten characters.
Are the keys historised?
No, they are not.
Do you have to check the public ID range when parameterising keys?
No, I do not have to because the compiler assigns the ID in the public ID range.
What would be possibly necessary to parameterise additionally when you create a new key?
If not yet implemented it could be necessary to define a frame label in the table OUT_TEXT.
What sources are needed when parameterising client predefined values?
Client specific predefined values require editing more than one source (CODE_CONST_TYPE, CODE_CONST_.[Name of the addition], [the Addition on an object or on an order]).
What different data types can be used for additions?
Text, date, boolean, [name of a code table], obj_[name of the object type], number, code_const.
Where do you find the information for the ID range that you can use as a client?
All the sources required to establish an addition are related to code tables. Therefore you look at the source of type 'code table definition'.
Why are classifications more relevant for the system behaviour than additions?
Because almost all rule tables (engines) contain a column to reference classes directly.
You get the public ID range out of the source CODE_OBJ_CLASSIF of type 'Code Table Definition'. Is that true?
No. There is no source on the Avaloq database. So the only way to get the public ID ranges is to look at the documentation 'ID Ranges' (1152).
How is the API called that is actually entering the classification data?
It is called 'obj_classif_ld'.
What is one of the differences between Avaloq Script and PL/SQL?
- PL/SQL accesses data through SQL queries in contrast to A(valoq) Script. A. Script does not offer direct SQL access., A. Script accesses data through the business objects e.g. Business Partner data, Asset data, etc.) that are exposed by the A. Banking
List possible objects stored in the kernel layer?
Business Partner, Container, Country, Address, etc.
Does a static data order generate events for a booking engine?
No, a static data order generates or modifies objects. Events are generated by a transactional order.
List all types of data dictionaries! (See Docu ID 1670, 5.6)
- Memory DDIC, Table DDIC, Datamarts, Pillar DDIC
Each data dictionary consists of three parts. Which are they?
- Fields, Methods, Constructors
Write the message which is displayed by session.raise_ui_err(3, 'Academy')!
Has to be in upper case letters: Academy" à Message #3 is "Has to be in upper case letters:
Which is the resulting data type of the data access expressions doc.ref_curry_id? (root 'doc' is of business object type mem_doc_bp)
What is the difference between doc.ref_curry_id, doc.ref_curry.id and doc.ref_curry? (root 'doc' is of business object type mem_doc_bp)
The first ID is retrieved directly out of the uppermost level of the DDIC. The second is retrieved out of the business object residing persistently in the database. The third expression is syntactically wrong, because the result is a link to a obj_curry b
Can you change data in the kernel layer by using order validation?
The definition of order validation is to check the validity of an order and to inform the user of a constraint which is violated. However, since Avaloq Script is used in an order validation source, you could - but you should never change data!, he use of
Which are the parts of an order validation structure?
- Header, Constraint, Check, Footer
Mention five business areas where you can use rules?
Check in the Docu ID 1055, chapter 5.
What information can you read from the view DOC_FLD_RULE_ENTRY_V?
Show the order fields, which can be filled in by default rules.
Where can Avaloq Script be used in a Rule Loader Table?
Avaloq Script can be used in the Matching Criteria fields, the COND field and the RESULT field.
How are the matching criteria fields of rule loader tables linked to each other?
With and; i.e. if 'matching criterion' and if 'matching criterion' and if ... then ... .
Why set priorities?
Priorities determine which rule is checked first and which ones will follow next.
How do sequences work?
The system checks the rules in the lowest sequence first, e.g. 1, then checks the rules of the next sequence, etc.
What happens if two rules with the same priority are matching?
The outcome is unpredictable. Avoid this situation by always setting clear priorities.
What are Rule Sets? What are theirs characteristics?
A rule set is a group of rules that belong together. A rule set must model the whole business situation in that context. Only one rule set of a kind can be active.
Describe the process of implementing rules in Avaloq!
Business specifications are defined. Rules are deigned and entered in the correspondent Rule Loader Table. The rules are loaded with the task that is specific to this Rule Loader Table. If there are no errors, the rules are entered in the Rule Table by th
How many rule sets can be loaded simultaneously?
In the Avaloq GUI only one set can be loaded at a time.
Performance (of Business specifications)?
It may be important to think about performance, i.e. the case that occurs the most should have the highest priority.
How do you delete rules?
- not recommended: delete the rows in the table, recommended: create a new set without these rules, recommended: load an empty Rule set
Translate the following rule into the rule loader table: If Mr Willis places a Stock Exchange order, the field Medium should be set to fax.
Mr Willis:BP, bp_symbol=MRWIL, Stock Exchange: intl_id_stex, Medium: field intl_id=medium, values: fax user_id=1, intl_id=fax, etc.
Distinguish between Cost/Fees in Avaloq: Stock Exchange brokerage?
Distinguish between Cost/Fees in Avaloq: Swiss Stamp Tax?
Distinguish between Cost/Fees in Avaloq: Credit Card fees?
Distinguish between Cost/Fees in Avaloq: Account keeping charges?
Explain the listed special Cost Rule Loader column: MINIM_MAXIM!
Defines the minimum/maximum value of cost. (Added to the Offset!)
Explain the listed special Cost Rule Loader column: GRADUATED!
Defines if different rules with the same book kind and matching criteria are aggregated or not.
Explain the listed special Cost Rule Loader column: QTY_TYPE!
The QTY_TYPE field is taken out of CODE_COST_QTY_TYPE. It defines for example, a tariff is calculated on number of shares or on the gross price.
In which case is the modelling of business processes driven by the Avaloq workflows?
When a process is very system specific, it usually is workflow driven.
Which fixed Workflow Statuses exist? And which need to be used in all workflows?
- 0 Start, 65 Rejected, 80 Ready for print, 90 Done, 91 Discarded, 92 Storno, mandatory are: 0, 90 and 91
How is the translation for workflow components done?
Translations will be done in table OUT_TEXT.
What can be executed with context actions?
Workflow Actions, Avaloq Script Packages, Reports and Tasks
Are context Actions covered by the access rights concept of Avaloq?
What makes more sense?: To have general or specialised orderbooks?
The right mix of general and specialised orderbooks makes the difference. Depending on the usage, both make sense.
What triggers an Order Validation?
Order Validations are triggered by workflow execution.
Who builds the constraints used within an Order Validation?
Constraints are built by parameterising persons on specification done by the bank / client.
What are the main components of workflows?
Workflow -Status, -Actions, -Commands and -Rules.
Do I have only one Orderbook per Workflow?
One Orderbook is the absolute minimum. Depending on the workflow, it makes sense to have an Orderbook per status or for a group of statuses.
What is an engine and which engines exist in Avaloq?
The combination of expert knowledge and a knowledge interpreter is called an engine. There are engines for instance for bookings, for balancing, for costs and fees., n difference to procedural programming languages, where code is defined statement by stat
What are ledger containers?
Ledger Containers are interim accounts used to ease the balancing. They are necessary as one Avaloq booking principle is 'Never book on balance accounts'. Thus, even money transactions cannot be booked directly on balance accounts, but rather on ledger co
What is the difference between a money account, a ledger container and an interim account?
A ledger container is an interim account. The interim account is a construct implemented for balancing purposes only. Consequently, they should not be misused, for instance to hide losses.
What are the common groups of balance accounts?
The Balance, the Profit and Loss (P&L) and the off balance sheet items.
What are the central booking principles in Avaloq?
- Debit = Credit: The total of the quantities of all event packets (bookings) of every asset involved in one event (transaction) must be balanced. The Book Engine performs this check automatically and generates different bookings if necessary., Net Posit
Which technical access right is necessary to be able to see security related information?
#See Security Information
Which users are shown by the context action 'show members' used on an access code?
Only the direct assigned are shown with 'show members', i.e. those where the access code is directly set. Users who have inherited the access or who have the general access rights 'any' will not be shown.
Is there a context action that you have to use to update changes in a profile via inheritance?
No. The inherited changes will be updated automatically.
Are you able to see that there are objects where you have not sufficient access rights to see them?
No. your universe is what you are allowed to see. The system acts as if those objects you are not allowed to see would not exist. Only example is when you are allowed to see the properties of an object (e.g. the properties of a container) and one of the p
What is the difference between locks and keys?
There is none, locks and keys are both access codes. The usage is different. A key is an access code applied to a user and a lock is an access code applied to a subject (i.e. something that has to be protected).
How do you give partial access to a subject e.g. provide access to a business partner, but not to the relations of this business partner?
This is not possible. Access is all or nothing per subject.
Which subjects are impacted from the General Access Right: 'Workflow Action'?
Via this General Access Right the access method of the Meta type, the workflow action and the context action are impacted.
What is the difference between Authentication and Authorisation?
Authentication is the process to ensure, that the anonymous person connecting to the system (may be via the internet) claiming to be a certain user with certain access rights is really the user. Authentication uses means like passwords, smart cars, keys o
Why is it better to enable external authentication systems, instead of implementing a standard password control in Avaloq?
Without standard password control in Avaloq, Avaloq can be connected with the existing authentication methods in the bank and reduce the amount of authentications. For instance, to implement a single-sign-on mechanism with only one authentication in the b
What is the Report Writer designed for?
Data out of Avaloq are selected, processed and enriched with information in order to fulfil users' needs for analyses and interpretations of this data.
What is the basic language for Report Writer?
Avaloq Script with Report Writer specific extensions.
How do you set up a new report?
- Select the task to be used to provide the flat datamart, Select a layout type, Write the hierarchical datamart definition or use an existing one, Write the layout definition based on the hierarchical datamart, Compile, check results and debug
What is a flat datamart?
A flat datamart is the temporary view on the data provided by the referenced task. Which data can be accessed is defined by the flat datamart definition.
How can you find out which flat datamart and task match?
Each task, which supports a certain flat datamart, can be seen in DDIC: Tasks are referenced by flat datamarts.
Is it possible to support a flat datamart with more than one task?
Yes, it is. (But not at the same time! Several tasks may be used to fill one DTM, but at parameterisation time, one of the possible tasks has to be selected for a specific report.)
How many flat datamarts can be accessed by a report datamart?
One. A report datamart is connected to exactly one flat datamart but may on the other hand be enhanced by referring to other DDICs in the report definition (e.g. obj_bp, obj_asset, …).
What types of layout definitions are supported by Avaloq?
Screen, File, Print, Script, Table
What is a report generator?
An application provided by Avaloq which creates hierarchical datamart definitions and screen layout definitions based on interactive input by the user. Theses sources may be used as a template for further refinery.
What source type is a screen report created with?
Screen Report (REP SCREEN)
What source type is a file report created with?
File report (REP FILE)
May generated files be used in other applications than Avaloq?
Yes. A report's developer may design any kind of file (if he knows how to do so…). One of the most common usages of file reports is generating XML-files which are further processed in other systems.
What kind of format do generated print report outputs have?
Print reports generate PostScript files which van be directly interpreted by any PostScript printer.
What do the fields on the forms interface represent?
The fields represent the values of a certain business object, which are held in a table on the Avaloq server.
Can a form be bound to more than one business type?
No. A form in bound to exactly one business type.
What does 'doc' stand for?
The data source 'doc' stands for an order of the bound business type (e.g. Mem_doc_bp).
What is the keyword syntax used for a new source?
[Form 1.0]
What is the taborder?
Taborder is the part of a source, where the order in which the cursor moves from one field to another is defined.
In Forms: What happens to the string defined in 'naming'?
After compilation of a source this string is shown in the Objects or Transactions menu.
In Forrms: What is the minimum / maximum size of a column?
1 - 4 (Supposed: Maximum may be higher?)
Which is the source type of the data structure of EXTN++?
'Type Definition'
How are the Avaloq types coupled to an object type in EXTN++?
The Avaloq Types have to be coupled to an object type via an addition.
List the different source types used for configuring the Message Interface
Describe how an incoming message is processed.
An external network puts a message using EMI. The message is stored into the table MSG_EXTL_IN. The appropriate Message Parser analyses the message and breaks it down into elements. In this form, the Message is stored into table MSG. The appropriate Messa
The Business Bus is based on AMI: true or false?
True. The AMI XML format is the technological basis forIncoming BB messages: Create or modify objects, utgoing BB messages: Export, acknowledge or request
What kind of data is delivered via Telekurs or Reuters respectively?
Asset Data
What are the possible states for a task, in the order of processing?
enabled, (holding), started, processed / killed / not processed
What is the background process called that starts an enabled task?
Task Dispatcher
When does a task get the state ‘not processed’?
A task goes from state ‘started’ too ‘not processed’ when the automatic system action failed.
What are the possible states for a job, in the order of processing?
scheduled, (holding), waiting, started, executed / failed
What is the background process called that starts a scheduled job?
Job Processor
Which kernel module forms the core of the Central Services application?
The report writer
What is the main difference between a Process Queue and Job Processing?
Batch Jobs are scheduled to run at a specific time, or when other jobs have ended. The Process Queue is executed continually, throughout the day and night
What background process is provided for the execution of Process Queues?
PRCQ Processor
What is the unit of work called, which is processed by a Process Queue?
Process Queue Entity, which is made up of Workflow Actions
Can the background processes be disabled over night while the EOD (TEV) is running?
No, the BGPs must be running while the EOD Jobs are processed
How would you disable someone’s access to the avaloq client, with immediate effect?
Lock or disable the user on the ‘User’ object, and then kill his session in the Central Services.