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23 Cards in this Set

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What is the main function of the thorax?

The main function of the thorax is to protect circulatory and respiratory organs.

Describe a rib contusion.

Rib contusion

- blow to front/side (blow to back: paraspinal contusion)

- localized pain or area, during inspiration & palpation

- manipulation of rib at distance does not ^ pain

Describe a rib fracture.

Rib fracture
- can be direct or indirect
- ribs 5-9 most commonly injured
- usually weakest point is posterior angle
- can be displaced (two pieces, sticking out, could puncture lung) or undisplaced (cracked rib)
- athlete splint ...

Rib fracture

- can be direct or indirect

- ribs 5-9 most commonly injured

- usually weakest point is posterior angle

- can be displaced (two pieces, sticking out, could puncture lung) or undisplaced (cracked rib)


- athlete splint themselves

- pain w coughing and/or deep inspiration

- trunk movements ^ pain

- pain w manipulation away from injury through ring

Describe a costochondral injury.

Costochondral injury
- compression of antero-lateral ribs cause a separation of cartilage & rib
- local tenderness
- swelling
- hematoma
- step off deformity (may have click)
- treat symptoms & protect area

Costochondral injury

- compression of antero-lateral ribs cause a separation of cartilage & rib

- local tenderness

- swelling

- hematoma

- step off deformity (may have click)

- treat symptoms & protect area

Describe a thoracic muscle strain/contusion.

Thoracic muscle strain/contusion

- most common strain is the intercostal

- violent exertional forces/trauma

- overstretching via rotation

- pain over local area

- pain w pressure

- tender on palpation b/w ribs over the muscles

How do you manage rib injuries?

Management of rib injuries

- send for imaging if fracture suspected


- stabilize/wrap

- watch for hypostatic pneumothorax (wrap too tight, can't fill up lungs)

- pad for return to play

- rest 4 - 8 weeks

What are the signs and symptoms of a pneumothorax (partially collapsed lung)?


- pleural cavity filled with air through opening in chest

- difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, cyanosis (not enough O2, turn blue)

What are the signs/symptoms of a tension pneumothorax (complete collapse)

Tension pneumothorax

- pleural sac fills w air

- displaces lung & heart to other side

- trachea may deviate to uninjured side

What are the signs/symptoms of a hemothorax?


- blood in pleural cavity

- can happen w/out rib fracture

- difficulty breathing, shortness of breath & cyanosis

- coughing up frothy blood (pink mousse)

Describe committee cordis.

Commotio cordis

- traumatic blunt trauma over the heart

- hit during narrow window of heart repolarization

- cardiac arrest

- young athletes more at risk due to pliability of chest wall

- get AED asap

- if delivered w/in 1 min, 90% survival rate (10% decline every minute)

- have an action plan!!

Describe muscular contusions in the abdominal wall.

Muscular contusions in the abdominal wall

- localized area of tenderness

- ^ pain on contraction/v on relaxation (internal bleeding, abdominal wall will not relax)

- no referred pain

- treat w cold pack & compression

Describe a muscle strain in the abdominal wall.

Muscle strain in the abdominal wall

- rectus abdominis most common

- sudden violent contraction or recurrent microtrauma

- localized pain & spasm

- STTT positive

ostetis pubis

- rectus abdominis pulls periostieum off pubis symphysis

- pain w running, sit-ups, squats

Describe when you get the 'wind knocked out' of you.

Wind knocked out

- solar (celiac) plexus)

- collection of nerves under diaphragm

- trauma to relaxed abdomin or back

- transitory paralysis of diaphragm

- make sure airway is clear

- loosen belt/restrictive clothing/assure person they will live/calm them down

- slow expiration, followed by short inspiration

What is in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen?

Upper right quadrant

- liver

- right kidney

- gall bladder

- colon

- pancreas

What is in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen?

Upper left quadrant

- stomach

- left kidney

- spleen

- colon

- pancreas

What is in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen?

Lower right quadrant

- appendix

- colon

- small intestine

- ureter

- major vein & artery to right leg

What is in the lower left quadrant of the abdomen?

Lower left quadrant

- colon

- small intestine

- ureter

- major vein & artery to left leg

What does the midline of the abdominal quadrant contain?

Midline of abdomen

- aorta

- pancreas

- small intestine

- bladder

- spine

What are the peritoneal signs of an acute abdominal injury?

Signs of an acute abdominal injury (peritoneal)

- abdominal rigidity (can't relax stomach)

- guarding (if in combination)

- referred pain

- loss of bowel signs

- send to hospital!!

Describe spleen damage

- fractured rib could rupture
- blunt trauma or second degree to rib fracture
- slow onset bc symptoms develop secondary to bleeding
- left upper quadrant/left shoulder pain caused by diaphragmatic irritation
- emergency!!


- fractured rib could rupture

- blunt trauma or second degree to rib fracture


- slow onset bc symptoms develop secondary to bleeding

- left upper quadrant/left shoulder pain caused by diaphragmatic irritation

- emergency!!

Describe liver damage.


- 2nd most commonly injured organ

- right upper quadrant pain

- nausea & vomiting (maybe)

- contusion: no peritoneal signs

- lacerated: peritoneal signs

Describe kidney damage.


- most common

- blunt trauma to flank (upper abdomen/back) or abdomen

- acute or repetitive trauma

- flank pain, tenderness, ecchymosis, hematuria (blood in urine)

- only half of kidney covered by ribs

Describe bladder damage.


- protected by pelvic ring

- v trauma w empty bladder

- blunt trauma over pubic rami (inability to urinate despite urge)

- tenderness supra=pubic region

- hematuria (pee blood)