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47 Cards in this Set

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Interstellar medium

The dust and gas distrubuted between the stars


A glowing or dark cloud of gas or a cloid of dust reflecting the light of nearby stars

Interstellar reddening

The process in which dist scatters blue light out of starlight and makes stars look redder

Interstellar dust

Microscopic solid grains in the interstellar medium

Emission nebula

A cloud of glowing gas excited by ultraviolet radiation from hot stars

HIII region

A refion of ionized hydrogen around a hot star

Reflection nebula

A nebula produced by starlight reflecting off dust particles in the interstellar medium

Dark nebula

A cloud of gas and dust of any size seen silhouetted against a brighter nebula

Molecular cloud

A dense interslettar gas cloud im which atoms are able to link together to form molecules such as H2 and CO

Interstellar emission lines

A bright spectral line produced by excited intertellar gas viewed against a dark, cold background

Shock wave

A sudden change in pressure that travels as an intense sound wave


Group of widely scattered stars (10 to 1,000) moving together through space


A collapsing cloud of gas and dust destined to become a star

Protostellar disk

A gas cloud around a forming star flattened by its rotation

Birth line

In the H-R diagram, thr linr aboce the main sequence where protostars first become visible

CNO cycle

A series of nuclear reactions that use carbon as a catalyst to combine four hydrogen atoms to make one helium atom plus energy

T-Tauri star

A young star surrounded by gas and dust, believed to be contracting toward the main sequence

Bok globule

Small dark cloud only about 1 ly in diameter that co tains 10 to 1,000 solar masses of gas and dust

Herbig-Haro object

A small nebula that varies irregularly in brightness, believed to be associated with star formation

Bipolar flow

Jets of gas flowing away from a central object in opposite directions; usually applied to protostars

Triple-alpha process

The nuclear fusion process that comvines three helium nuclei to make one carbon nucleus

Hydrostatic equilibrium

The balance between the weight of the material pressing downward on a layer in a star and the pressure in that layer

Energy transport

Flow of energy from hot regions to cooler regions by one of three methods: conduction, convection, or radiation


The resistance of a gas to the passage of radiation

Stellar model

A table of numbers representing the conditions in various layers within a star

Brown dwarf

A star whose mass is too low to ignite nuclear fusion

Zero-age main sequence

The location in the H-R diagram where stars first reach stability as hydrogen-burning stars

Pressure-temperature thermostat

The relation between gas pressure ans temperature, the stability of a star depends upon this

The wavelength region of the electromagnetic spectrum in which protostars are observable is the


Interstellar dust makes up roughly ______ percent of the mass of the interstellar medium


Emmission nebulae are produced when a hot star excites the gas near it to produce an emission spectrum. To do this, the star must be hotter than ______ K


On the H-R diagram, protostars remain hidden in vidible wavelengths until they cross the

Birth line

Main-sewuence stars that produce energy through the CNO cylce are the _______ massive


When powerful jets from a newborn star strike the interstellar medium, they produce

Herbig-Haro objects

Stars that fluctuate in brightness and appear to be newborn stars just blowing away their dust cocoons are known as


Reflection nebule appear to be what color?


Stars that co tract the slowest to land on the zero-age main sewuence line on the H-R diagram

Are the least massive

To begin to collapse into stars, amd interatellar cloud must be

Cold and dense

Starlight passing through interstellar dust becomes

Fainter and redder

Main sequence stars of which spectral class use the CNO cycle?


Bok globules contain

10-1000 solar masses

Which of the following is not one of the four laws of stellar structure?

Conservation of charge

If an object formed from a cloud of dust and gas is less than 0.08 solar masses, it forms a

Brown dwarf

The major gas component in the interstellar medium is


What two characteristics are balanced in hydrostatic equilibrium?

Weight and pressure

When a star begins its stable life it begins on the

Zero-age main sequence

The average star spends ____ of its life on the main sequence
