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64 Cards in this Set

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Who was the major force in France and Europe for 15 years?
Which three styles of art were in the 1800-1870 time period?
Neoclassism, Romanticism, Realism
Who was named “First Painter of the Empire” by Napoleon and who painted a 32’ coronation scene with the soldiers on one side and the clerics on the other?
Jacques-Louis David
Who was the favorite sculptor of Napoleon, responsible for a Roman-type reclining goddess sculpture of his sister.?
Antonia Canova
Who were the three students of David?
Gros, Girodet, Ingres
7. Which artist tried to revive Napoleon’s fame after he had all the French sick and dying soldiers poisoned rather than bringing them home or abandoning them to the Turks?
Antoine-Jean Gros
Which artist set the scene for his painting in Louisiana with his subjects as native Americans from different tribes who were in love?
Anne-Louis Girdoet-Trioson
Which artist did a huge 16’ wide painting of “The Apotheosis of Homer” which was inspired by Raphael’s “School of Athens”?
Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres
Which artist painted an exotic scene that prefigures Romanticism with a female head that is reminiscent of Raphael and a body that is Mannerist?
Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres
What were some characteristics of Romanticism?
Classical emphasized reason, calculations, objective nature. Romanticism emphasized feeling and emotion, wanted to be more subjective. Idea of sublime, ghoulish, terrible/grotesque.
The 18th century Paris Opera is designed in the Rococo style.
Daumier rarely showed class inequalities in his work.
Which of the following artists had firsthand knowledge and experience of the American Civil War?
Winslow Homer
The mood in The Thankful Poor, quiet devotion, is not far removed from the Realism of which of the following artists?
An expatriate American who made his living painting high society was Boit.
An English amateur meteorologist who was also a landscape painter was Turner
An American painter of the Hudson River School who was depicted in your text is Frederich Church.
The temple of glory for Napoleon's armies was La Madeleine in Paris, designed by Pierre Vignon.
The artist who said that he painted things as he saw them, not as people wanted them portrayed was Daumier.
The designer of the Paris Opera was Henri Labrouste.
"Blessed art thou" is a Pre-Raphaelite painting by Millais.
The choice of style for its new Parliament building shows the hold that Neoclassicism had on England.
This statement, "the Realist belief that the artist's business is to record the modern being in modern context" is expressed in the work of which of the following artists?
The English artist who paints a scene as if the color in the painting is more important that the subject is Turner.
Lithography is an intaglio process.
One of the most unusual things about the Crystal Palace is that it was prefabricated and took only six months to build.
John Nash designed the spa buildings for Brighton, England in the Indian Gothic style, a reference to England's colonoization of India.
The French viewing public were greatly horrified by Olympia not only because of the portrayal of a naked prostitute as a work of art, but also due to which of the following?
her look of cool indifference and shamelessness Correct
An English artist who depicts pleasant scenes of the country is Constable.
Mrs. Julia Cameron started photography late in life but took incredible soft-focused pictures that give a dreamy qualtity to her work.
The French painter who worked for both the French Revolution and Napoleon was Marat.
Courbet is the artist who showed the county person with sentimentality.
The artist who helped decide a bet between persons who could not determine when all a horses hooves left the ground was Kasebier.
The artist who personified freedom as a woman leading a wide variety of people of differing status was Eugene Delacroix.
Which of the following works functions as an "altarpiece" for the new civic religion of inspiring the viewer with the martyr's dedication to service?
a. Death of Marat Correct
The milestone painting in the career of David was Rococo painting of Death of a Marat.
Ophelia a portrait of Mrs. Henry Reynolds, an important 19th century politician.
False figure from Shakespeare's Hamlet
This statement, "the Realist belief that the artist's business is to record the modern being in modern context" is expressed in the work of which of the following artists?
The designer of the Paris Opera was Henri Labrouste.
In Beata Beatris, the model for the painting, Elizabeth Siddal, died shortly before the artist began the painting. Which symbols used in the painting commemorate her death?
c. red dove Correct
In The Stonebreakers, it has been said that the artist reveals to the viewer the drudgery of manual labor. What technique did the artist use to convey this message?
a. use of a palette of dirty browns and grays Correct
The steel and glass building designed by a gardener was for the 1869 Paris Expo.
The group which wanted to paint fiction, historical and fanciful subjects, especially those of the literary past were Romanticists.
"Blessed art thou" is a Pre-Raphaelite painting by Millais.
Neoclassicism emphasized reason more than Romanticism.
The mood in The Thankful Poor, quiet devotion, is not far removed from the Realism of which of the following artists?
The artist Velazquez documented the clash between Napoleon's soldiers and the peasants of Spain.
Nadar Reaching the Heights of Photography was done partly because photography was declared a science and protected by patent.
The artist who depicted a lonely scene of a graveyard is Friedrich.
The temple of glory for Napoleon's armies was La Madeleine in Paris, designed by Pierre Vignon.
The artist Velazquez documented the clash between Napoleon's soldiers and the peasants of Spain.
In reaction to poorly designed commodity goods flooding the markets during the Industrial Revolution, the architect Pugin felt it was essential to return to the honest and quality craftsmanship of the past that reflected moral purity and spiritual authenticity. Which of the following styles would he deem honest and quality artisanship?
b. English Late Gothic Correct
Which of the following artists represented what was called the "sublime" in eighteenth-century art?
c. Henry Fuseli Correct
Gros was the artist who tried to put a positive spin on Napoleon's visit to the pesthouse at Jaffa.
An African American artist who had his work accepted by the Salon of the French Royal Academy of Art was Tanner.
Eakins was a realist artist who was interested in photographing movement.
An American illustrator who worked for a Harper's Weekly was Timothy O'Sullivan.
The Raft of Medusa represents which of the following?
b. the aftermath of a 19th century shipwreck showing government ineptitude Correct
The 3-day French revolution of 1828 terrified the aristocracy when the peasants wanted large estates broken up and given to the poor.
The relatively new printng medium used by Daumier was aquatint.
Millais painted a portrait of his deceased wife as Beata Beatrix from Dante.
Which of the following artists had firsthand knowledge and experience of the American Civil War?
d. Winslow Homer Correct
Which of the following artists represented what was called the "sublime" in eighteenth-century art?
c. Henry Fuseli Correct
The artist who made a trip to Morroco and utilized the images which saw there in his action paintings was Francisco Goya.
. False