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34 Cards in this Set

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Leonardo da Vinci, Madonna of the Rocks, 1483

Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper, 1495-98

Michelangelo, Pieta, 1500

Michelangelo, David, 1501

Michelangelo, Tomb of Pope Julius II, 1513

Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, 1508-12

Raphael, Philosophy, 1510-11

Raphael, Pope Leo X with Cardinals

Raphael, La Donna, Veleta, 1513

Raphael, Baldassare Castiglione, 1515

Raphael, Madonna of Goldfinch, 1506

Pontormo, Deposition of Christ, 1525-28

Parmigianino, Madonna of the Long Neck, 1535

Parmigianino, Self-Portrait, 1524

Michelangelo, Last Judgment, 1536-41

Michelangelo, Pieta, 1547-55

Michelangelo, Pieta, 1554-64

Giorgione, The Tempest, 1510

Giorgione, Fete Champetre, 1511

Giovanni Bellini, Enthroned Madonna with Saints, 1505

Titian, Assumption of the Virgin, 1516

Titian, Vinus of Urbino, 1538

Titian, Danae, 1552

Titian, Rape of Europa, 1560

Caravaggio, Calling of Saint Matthew, 1600

Caravaggio, Conversion of Saint Paul, 1601

Caravaggio, Martyrdom of Saint Peter, 1601

Caravaggio, Death of the Virgin, 1606

Gentileschi, Judith Slaying Holofernes, 1615

Bernini, David, 1612

Bernini, Apollo and Daphne, 1622-24

Bernini, Pluto and Persephone, 1622-24

Rubens, Triptych of raising of the cross, 1610

Rubens, Rape of Daughters of Leucippus, 1616