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159 Cards in this Set

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What did production outpaceing demand lead to in 1927?

A recession

How did some people get the money to invest in the stock market?

Borrowed it

What is this called

Buying on margin

What did the upswing in stock prices do to the mindset of most americans?

Created false belief that prices would never go down;stock watching became national obsession

What famous quote about the future of stocks cane fron the wall street journal in the summer of 1929?

"The outlook for the fall monthd seems brighter than at any time"

What is black Thursday?

October 24, 1929-investors began to sell; some stocks lost half their value

Who stepped in the stabilize prices?


What was balck tuesday

October 29, 1929-stocks collapsed; great depression begins

Name 6 causes of the stock market collapse

Speculation, margin buying, excessive credit, overproduction, weK fark economy, and global economic problems

Name some effects of the great depression

Banks suffered losses, factories reduced production, unemployment rose

How high did unemployment reach by 1932


What high tariff did congress pass in 1930?

The hawley-smoot tariff-average of 49%

Why was the hawley smoot tariff passed?

To protect us buisnesses

What did other countries then do to us goods

They raised tariffs on us

What were the physical and mental effecrs of the depression

Families lived in boxes, people stealing bread lines, suicide rates increased, families lost their homes to foreclosure, businesses failed, divorce rates increased

What segment of society was hit the hardest

Black Americans that migrated North to take factory jobs were the first to be laid off

What were men and boys called that traveled around the country looking for work


What were makeshift shantytowns renamed


What was President Hoover's initial response to the depression

He rejected government intervention, he wanted Business Leaders to take some action

Who else did Hoover expect to help

Charities and local governments

What did Hoover Anchorage average citizens to do to help

Volunteer to help others

Eventually Hoover decided that the federal government needed to step in and help. His first attempt to help was the Federal Farm board. Describe this

This board loan money to farm cooperative which bought crop surpluses in order to raise prices

What public work project was initiated in 1930

The Hoover Dam or Boulder Dam

What was the purpose of the Boulder Dam/ Hoover Dam

The water could be used for irrigation flood control and Electric Power

Describe the RFC

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation 1932 provided money for banks, Insurance corporations, and railroads in order to prevent bankruptcies

What act outlawed yellow dog contracts (forbade Union memberships) as well as outline injunctions to prevent strikes

The Norris - la guardia anti-injunction Act of 1932

Hoover agreed to provide financial assistance to businesses but not to individuals what did he say should replace government assistance for the unemployed

Rugged individualism

Hoover pushed for a moratorium on international debts owed to the US. Explain

The Depression was world wide and countries could not pay

What was the final straw that hurt Hoover's popularity in 1932

His handling of the Bonus Army

What was this Bonus Army

20 mm veterans from World War II that marched DC to demand their bonuses which route to be paid in 1945

What did the Senate do in response to the Bonus Army

They rejected the request for early payments of the bonus

Did the veterans return home

All the 5000 did ;the rest stayed in DC and lived in Huts along the Potomac River

Who did Hoover send to evict these veterans

Douglas MacArthur

How were the veterans

They burned their tents and used tear gas

Was anyone injured

Two veterans were shot and killed, two infants died from gas, and an 11 week old baby was injured from gas

How did this event harm Hoover's reputation

He was seen as heartless and this contributed to his loss and 1932

What territory did Japan invade in 1931


What did the u.s. do in response

Hoover declared an isolationist policy, the action was condemned but the US did not respond

What u.s. doctrine declared that the US would not recognize any territory gained by Force

The Hoover Stimson Doctrine 1932

What was the Japanese reaction to this Doctrine

Anger, they said the US had conquered territory themselves

Did Japan seize their aggressive expansionism

No, they bombed Shanghai in 1932

Describe the election of 1932

FDR won by a landslide

What illness did FDR suffer from at the age of 39


What famous line did FDR other in his acceptance speech during the Democratic Convention in 1932

I pledge myself to a new deal for the American people

Describe the shift with black voters

Black voters had always voted Republican but shifted to the Democratic party in 1932

Describe FDR's wife

Eleanor, the niece of TR, campaign for FDR, writer, leader for causes for women, children, the poor, and black Americans.

Describe the 20th Amendment

Moved the inauguration day to January 20th FDR was the first to be inaugurated on this new day in 1936

Describe the 21st Amendment

Repeal on prohibition

What famous line did FDR odor during his first inauguration

The only thing to fear is fear itself nameless unreasoning unjustified Terror

What was FDR's Administration / advisors called

Brain Trust

Who was the Secretary of State

Cordell Hull

Who was the Secretary of Labor

Frances Perkins, first female cabinet member

Who was the Secretary of the Interior

Harold ickes

Who was his closest advisor

Harry Hopkins

What was the name of FDR's plan to end the Depression

New Deal

What were his three R' s

Relief, recovery, reform

What did FDR ask Congress for

Broad executive power to wage war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe

What did FDR close on his first full day of office March 5th 1933

All US Banks

What did FDR call this Bank closure

A bank holiday

Why did he do this

To restore confidence in Banks and to ensure that each Bank was strong and stable

Did most banks reopen


What were FDR's radio talks to the American people called

Fireside Chats

What was his first fireside chat

His explanation of the bank holiday

Did the bank holiday reassure Americans

Yes, they deposited more money then they withdrew

What did the Emergency Banking Relief act do

The treasury Department began inspecting Banks

What were the first 100 days

During FDR's first 100 days, Congress passed 15 of FDR's New Deal programs

What quote from FDR illustrates his approach to the New Deal

If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.

How many phases of the New Deal were there


Why did FDR feel the second new deal was necessary

Many of his first New Deal programs had been ruled as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court so he tried to replace them

What did FDR do regarding gold in 1933

He took the US off gold standard and it became illegal to even own gold

Why did FDR take the US off the gold standard

He wanted more paper money in circulation to cause inflation which he hoped would stimulate businesses

What act prevented Banks from selling stock or financing corporations

The glass-steagall Banking Act of 1933

What was the FDIC and what did it to

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, ensure you get your money up to $2,500

What is the SEC

Security Exchange Commission, protects against fraud deception and insider trading of stock market

What was the AAA

Agricultural adjustment act, limited Farm production, raised crop prices, animals were purchased and then slaughtered

What were Oklahomans called that moved to California


What were arkansans called that moved to California

A r k i e s

How are these people treated in California

They were discriminated against

What was the CCC

The Civilian Conservation Corps, 2 million young men worked in conservation type jobs, they were paid $30 a month of which 25 had to be sent home

What was the area called in the Midwest that was barren

The Dust Bowl

What was the fera

Federal emergency relief Administration

What was the CWA

Civil Works Administration

What was the NRA

National Recovery Administration

Companies that voluntarily participated in with the NRA could display what

A Blue Eagle stamp on all of its products, this why is a symbol of patriotism

What did critics say

It look like the Nazi eagle

How did the NRA become a bureaucratic mess

It favored large companies at the expense of small companies

What was the pwa

Public Works Administration

What was the TVA

Tennessee Valley Authority

What was the FCC

The Federal Communication Commission

What was the FHA

The federal Housing Authority

What act repealed the Dawes Act of 1887

The Indian reorganization Act

What was the nlrb

National Labor Relations Board

What Act created this board

The Wagner Act

What union was created for unskilled labor

The CIO, Congress of industrial organizations

Who created the CIO

John L Lewis

What type of strike did the CIO organized at the GM plant in Flint Michigan in 1936

A sit-down strike

What other organization did the CIO break from in 1938


According to the National Labor Relations Board why would management be forced to negotiate with a union

If the majority of their workers voted for a union to represent them the management had to negotiate with the Union

How did this law affect the unions

It Revitalize them after the 1920s hurt them

What was the WPA

Works progress Administration

What was the Nya

National Youth Administration

What was the Rea

The rural electrification Administration

What creative retirement plan for all Americans

Social Security

Who else was aided other than retirees

Disabled and children

How is Social Security Finance

Buy a payroll tax deducted from paychecks

What was the revenue act of 1935?

Raised income tax, inheritance tax, gift tax, and capital gains tax

What philosophy did this reverse

Andrew mellons trickle down economics

Who was the most famous photographer of the depression

Dorothea lange

What was the fair labor standards act?

Established 40 cent/hr minimum wage and maximun hours, prohibited child labor

What two groups critized fdr for his new deal?

Conseritives for going too far and liberals for not doing enough

What conservative group advocated a laissez - faire approach

The american liberty leauge

What literary novolist almost won governorship of california

Upton sinclair

What was his campaign plan?

Epic : end poverty in california

What catholic priest had a popular radio program in Detroit?

Father chalres coughlin

What did he believe about capitalism?

He stated that capitalisn was dead and he favores a guarenteed income for all americans

What caused a decline in his radio audience

He became anit-sematic and strong facist

What medical doctor favored a pension for all elderly people

Dr. Francis townsend

Discribe the townsend plan

Everyone over 60 recieve $200 a month check which had to be spent within thirty days

How would the towsend plan be funded?

National sales tax

What louisiana governor developed a plan that would confinscate all income over $1 million and assets over $5 million

Huey long

What was longs plan called

The share of wealth plan

What would this money be used for

Every person would be given a 5000 dollar house and a 2500 dollar income

What eventually happened to long?

He was assassinated by a rival politicians son in law

Name 5 major consquenses of the new deal

•fed govt power grew tremendously

•power of the president grew tremendously

•deficit spending occured

•no gold standard

•union membership and popularity grew

What is deficit spending?

When govt spends more than they bring in

Were new programs discriminatory


What percentage of black voters who voted in 1936 voted for fdr


Why did this switch occur

Fdr did not totally support civil rights for blacks but he did more than any other president since lincoln

What was fdr's black cabinet

Unofficial cabinet

What black female worked with the nya founded bethune cookman college

Mary mcleod bethune

What black singer was banned from DAR concert in dc

Marian anderson

Who organized a concert for anderson at the lincoln memorial

Eleanor roosevelt and harold ickes

Who was fdrs closest advisor?

Harry hopkins

Did the new deal help hispanic americans

Not much, they recieved a few benefits

Did the new deal help native americans

Yes - the indian reorganization act of 1934 established schools on reservations

Did the new deal aid women?

Somewhat, but not equal to male benefits

Who campaigned for equal treatment if women

Eleanor roosevelt

Did fdr help women during the great depression

Somewhat, he hired francis perkins and appointed women for the first time

Who ran against fdr in 1936

Repm alf landon

Was the elction of 1936 close?

No fdr won by a landslide (523-8)

Describe fdr's court packing bill

When a supreme court justice reaches the age of 70, the president can add 1 new justice. Total of 15

What instigated this plan?

Fdr was angered when the supreme court ruled 9 of his programs unconstitutional

Did his plan ever take effect


What did the court packing plan do to his reputation

It hurt it, he seemed desperate

What was the economic theory if john maynard keynes

Deficit apending could only be used to "prime the pump" of the economy

Was fdr's second term effective?


What occured in 1937

A recession

By 1938 what did fdr ask congress to do?

Provide $3.75 billion for american relief

What year does the new deal end? Why?

1938 reps picked up 81 seats in the house and had 8 in the senate

Did the new deal end the depression?


What did end the depression

WWll in 1941

Name some of the famous movies of the 30s

Wizard of oz, snow white, gone with the wind

What percentage of homes had a radio in the 30s


What radio program scared americans into thinking a martian raid was occuring

The war of the worlds

What gernan zepplin caught fire while landing in nj in 1937 resulting in 36 deaths


What was grants woods famous painting of a farmer and his daughter?

American gothic

What novel depicted the okies struggles in california

John steinbeck's the grapes of wrath

What was the "sick chicken" case

Schechter poultry v. Us

How did the supreme court rule on the schechter poultry v us case

Ruled for schecter, nra was rejected