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25 Cards in this Set

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whole form, relating to format

-type and images in relation to one another and to the format

composition format

-static: vertical and horizontal, order/structure

-active: diagonal/curved chaos

-closed-within the format

-open-past the boundaries

illusion of spatial depth

three dimensional space

-trompe l'oeil: overlapping shapes

-foreground, middle, background

-horizontal line (vanishing point) perspective

single static surface

-type driven: type is dominant

-image driven: little type

-visual verbal synergy- relationship between title and main visual

type and image relationships

-supporting partner- classic, typeface (works with the star) neutral

-sympathetic type- next biggest category (shared, similar qualities) still hierarchy

-contrasting type- apparent differences, complementary


entry of focal point


visual hierarchy, connecting one graphic element to another


-visual hierarchy

-reading direction


-visual weight

all respond to the format


most important element of the layout

copy block

amplifies the headline, helps convince the reader

peripheral elements

required by some products and services peculiar to their functions

cigs: warning

medicine: side effects

lawyers: quality vs other lawyer statement

basic layout formats

-mondrian- visible by black rules dividing the space into multiple abutting rectangular sections

-picture window-dominated by one large picture ex-jetskii in ocean

-copy heavy layout-copy dominates, big type

ex-bubble letters

-big type- headline is the visual

-frame-newspaper, elements within bounds


-multipanel-any picture sequence

-silhouette- negative space, opposite of frame layout


two dimensional, single surface

-to inform


-produce in multiples

-communicate-competes for attention with surrounding posters

-reflects subject


poster series

designed in a set of series, element of continuity, belong to one another

guidlines for posters

-large type

-simple layout

-important info

-one dominant element

-most important message emphasized

-closely related to message

-bold intense colors


expecially receptive to the product

-pressure to stock the product

-incentive to have sales


-always lit

-passing automobiles

-metropolitan areas

-2 or 3 elements

-less than 10 words

-register in 6 seconds

-big and thick

-color bold

rolling billboards

back of trucks

-10.1 million viewers

transit advertising

car cards either on the inside or outside of moving vehicles

point of purchase

impulse buy

-replaced salesmen

-on the spot decision 2/3 of sales

-last chance advertiser

book cover

-grab attention

-communicate substance

five phases of designing a cover






four basic routes of image type

-all type

-type driven

-image driven

-visual verbal synergy

compositional modes

-modular grid-maintain unity, rectangular, visual hierarchy, subordinate focal points

-divisions- achieve consonance, a whole composition that connects parts

-transparency- type is postioned over a large image (placed over glass)


-proprietary name for a product

-sum total of all characteristics and assets of a brand name, product, service, or group

-entire development process

brand strategy

-define brands personality


-conceiving, creating, and postioning