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127 Cards in this Set

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  • 3rd side (hint)

What is A?

The zona glomerulosa.

What is #2?

The pancreas.

What hormone does the pineal gland secrete?


What hormone does the pancreas secrete?

Insulin and glucagon.

The hypothalamus communicates with the _________ via the hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system.

Anterior pituitary gland.

Which hormone does the thyroid gland secrete?

Thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), & calcitonin.

What is #10?

Pancreatic islet.

What is #3?


What is #1?

Thyroid gland.

What is #8?

Parathyroid glands.

What is #4?


What is #6?


What is #7?

Posterior pituitary gland.

What hormone(s) does the adrenal medulla secrete?

Norepinephrine and epinephrine.

What is another word for “norepinephrine and epinephrine”?


What is #5?

Anterior pituitary.

In addition to inhibiting and releasing hormones, the _________ makes the hormones oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone (ADH).


Identify #2.

Zona fasciculata.

What is #9?

The adrenal gland.

Identify #3.

Zona reticularis.

Identify #1.

Zona glomerulosa.

What tissue are we looking at?

The thyroid gland.

What hormones are secreted here?

Thyroid hormone- T3 Triiodothyronine & T4 Thyroxine, and Calcitonin. (In The thyroid gland.)

Front (Term)

Pineal gland. Melanocyte stimulating hormone.

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

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Back (Definition)

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

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Back (Definition)

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Back (Definition)

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

What tissue/organ is this?


What is being pointed to?

The pancreatic duct.

What is being pointed to?

Islet of langerhans.

What is being pointed to?

The pancreatic duct.

What is being pointed to?

Islet of langerhans.

What is being pointed to?

Pancreatic acini. “Acinar cells”

What is being pointed to?

Islet of langerhans.

What is being pointed to? (White arrow)

Pancreatic duct.

What is being pointed to? (White arrows)

Islet of langerhans.

What is being pointed to? (White arrows)

Islet of langerhans.

What tissue/organ is this? (Disregard arrow)

The pituitary gland.

What is “A”?

The adenohypophysis (the anterior pituitary gland)

What is “A”?

The adenohypophysis (the anterior pituitary gland)

What is “B”?

Neurohypophysis. (Posterior pituitary gland.)

What tissue/organ is this?

The anterior pituitary gland?

What tissue/organ is this?

Posterior pituitary gland.

What tissue/organ is this?

Posterior pituitary gland.

What tissue/organ is this?

Left- anterior pituitary gland. Right- posterior pituitary gland.

What tissue/organ is this?

Posterior pituitary gland.

What tissue/organ is this?

The adrenal gland.

What is A?

The medulla of the adrenal gland.

What is B pointing to?

The zona glomerulosa.

What is C pointing to?

Zona fasciculata.

What is E?

The adrenal cortex.

What organ/tissue is this?

The adrenal gland.

What is A?

The zona glomerulosa.

What is B?

Zona fasciculata

What tissue/organ is this?

The thymus.

What is this tissue/organ? What is A?

Thymus. A= Thymic (Hassal’s) Corpuscle.

What tissue/organ is this?

The thymus.

What tissue/organ is this?


What is A (The tiny white dot)? And what is B (the dark area composed of ___)?

A: Reticular cells. B: Thymic (Hassal’s) Corpuscle

What is A?


What is B?

Parafollicular cells.

What is A (The tiny white dot)? And what is B (the dark area composed of ___)?

A: Reticular cells. B: Thymic (Hassal’s) Corpuscle

What tissue/organ is this?


What is A?


What is B?

Parafollicular cells.

What is C?

Thyroid follicle.

What is D?

Follicle cells.

What organ/tissue is this?


What is A?

A colloid.

What is B?

Parafollicular cells.

What is C pointing to? (The entire object)

Thyroid follicle.

What is D?

Follicle cells!

What organ/tissue is this?

The parathyroid gland.

What is B?

Chief (principal) cell.

The darker cells.

What is A? (Lighter colored dots)

Oxyphil Cell.

What organ/tissue is this?

Parathyroid gland.

What organ/tissue is this?

Parathyroid gland.

What is A? (Purple) What is B? (Light pink)

A: chief (principal) cell. B: oxyphil cell.

What is A? And what hormones are secreted?

Hypothalamus. Regulatory hormones (& ADH and Oxytocin).

What is B? And what hormones are secreted?

The pineal gland. Melatonin.

What is C? And what hormones are secreted?

Pituitary gland.

Anterior: FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH, GH, Prolactin.

Intermediate: Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone.

Posterior: Oxytocin & ADH.

What organ? What hormone?

Testes. Testosterone.

What organ? What hormone?

Testes. Testosterone.

What organ? What hormone?

Ovaries. Progesterone & estrogen.

What organ? What hormone?

Testes. Testosterone.

What organ? What hormone?

Ovaries. Progesterone & estrogen.

What organ? What hormone?

Testes. Testosterone.

What organ? What hormone?

Ovaries. Progesterone & estrogen.

What is A? What organ? What hormones?

The thyroid gland. Hormones- t3, t4, & Calcitonin.

What organ? What hormone?

Testes. Testosterone.

What organ? What hormone?

Ovaries. Progesterone & estrogen.

What is A? What organ? What hormones?

The thyroid gland. Hormones- t3, t4, & Calcitonin.

What is B? What organ? What hormones?

Andrenal gland. Hormones: Medulla- epinephrine & norepinephrine (catecholamines) .

Cortex- mineralcorticoids: aldosterone. glucocorticoids: cortisol. gonadocorticoids- androgen & estrogen.

What organ? What hormone?

Testes. Testosterone.

What organ? What hormone?

Ovaries. Progesterone & estrogen.

What is A? What organ? What hormones?

The thyroid gland. Hormones- t3, t4, & Calcitonin.

What is B? What organ? What hormones?

Andrenal gland. Hormones: Medulla- epinephrine & norepinephrine (catecholamines) .

Cortex- mineralcorticoids: aldosterone. glucocorticoids: cortisol. gonadocorticoids- androgen & estrogen.

What is C? What organ? What hormones?

Pancreas. Insulin & glucagon.

What organ? What hormone?

Testes. Testosterone.

What organ? What hormone?

Ovaries. Progesterone & estrogen.

What is A? What organ? What hormones?

The thyroid gland. Hormones- t3, t4, & Calcitonin.

What is B? What organ? What hormones?

Andrenal gland. Hormones: Medulla- epinephrine & norepinephrine (catecholamines) .

Cortex- mineralcorticoids: aldosterone. glucocorticoids: cortisol. gonadocorticoids- androgen & estrogen.

What is C? What organ? What hormones?

Pancreas. Insulin & glucagon.

Label these!

(The second one is “thyroid”)

What organ? What hormone?

Testes. Testosterone.

What organ? What hormone?

Ovaries. Progesterone & estrogen.

What is A? What organ? What hormones?

The thyroid gland. Hormones- t3, t4, & Calcitonin.

What is B? What organ? What hormones?

Andrenal gland. Hormones: Medulla- epinephrine & norepinephrine (catecholamines) .

Cortex- mineralcorticoids: aldosterone. glucocorticoids: cortisol. gonadocorticoids- androgen & estrogen.

What is C? What organ? What hormones?

Pancreas. Insulin & glucagon.

Label these!

(The second one is “thyroid”)

What is D?

Zona reticularis.

What is C? What is D?

C- zona reticularis. D- adrenal cortex.