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Lincoln-Douglas Debates
7 debates for Illinois Senate Chair in 1858
Douglas won but lost his grounds in his party by alienating southern democrats. Freeport amendment - how can you reconcile popular sovereignty with Dred Scott Lincoln became a national figurehead slavery could be stopped if people dont want slavery they wont have it |
Compromise of 1850
California - free
UNDER TAYLOR - Henry Clay webster likes it calhoun wanted equal rights Divides Mexican Succession into Utah and New Mexico under popular sovereignty Land between Texas and new mexico is given to new territories in return for the federal government assuming Texas' public debts of ten million bans slave trade in DC but whites can keep old slaves fugitive slave law |
Know Nothing Party
those who hate Douglas and the south- made of north and west republicans (antislave whigs, northern democrats, and free soilers) - against ethnic tension in 1850 in north between protestant Americans and immigrants of Germany and Ireland Catholic
opposed Catholics helped to weaken Whig party- won state and local elections |
John Brown
abolitionist attacks pro slavery farm at Pottawatomie Creek and killed 5
Harper's ferry- slave uprising in Virginia attacked arsenol to use guns for VA slaves.. robert e lee captured him Brown hero- angered south made north look radical |
Election of 1860
Four Parties - Constitutional Union Party (whigs, know nothings and moderate democrats) Southern Democrats (Breckinridge), Republicans (Lincoln) , Northern Democrats (Douglas)
Lincoln- platform on economic self interest in the northwest get rid of slavery freeland for homestead protective tariff for industry internal improvement like a railroad didnt pick seward - radical Breckinridge- annex cuba douglas- pop soverignty John Bell- preserve union and enforce laws |
Dred Scot vs Sanford
supreme court made north mad with dred scott case results
Scott slave in Missouri --> taken to free Wisconsin --> lived here two year --> returned to Missouri to sue for freedom John Emerson - Robert Taney state right advocate Scott had not right to sue or to the constitution because he was of African descent and they are not citizens (mule) congress cant take a mans property Missouri Comp 1920 excluded slavery in Wisconsin to their northern territories the compromise was illegal and unconstitutional all parts of western territory could have slavery |
emancipation proclamation
1862 lincoln freed all slaves in the states at war with the US - military necessary - waited untill conservative northerners supported him - wanted the border states to emancipate slaves with compensation to owners - after Antietam- slaves in states in rebel would be forever free on July 1st 1968 arkansas to virginia
Causes of Civil War
Slavery - south needs it for expansion north has moral issues
Constitution Disputes- federal union and state rights Economic difference- agricultural south and business north - tariff, banking, internal improvement Political blunder- extremish Wilmont Proviso - slavery excluded from new territories free soil movement southern position popular sovereignty compromise of 1850 Seven states succeeding south secede |
Bleeding Kansas
Antislavery farmers of the midwest move to kansas and missouri slaveholders too
fight between proslavery and antislavery - border ruffians proslave missorians hopped border and voted pro slave in lecompton ANtislave set up legislature in topeka - Freesoiler town Lawrence was attacked John BRown Lecompton Constitution - anti slave people boycott this kansas to be a slave state |
Popular Sovereignty
each state by the consent of the people should decide whether the state would be free or slave Lewis Cass - squatter- idea by moderate north and south
those born here began to resent those just arriving - known nothing party - against Catholics and jews
Battle of Bull Run
McDowell vs General Thomas Stonewall Jackson sent federal troops back to washington union was confident they would win- confederates won first battle not going to be a short war army of potomac
Anaconda PLan
Winfield Scott to blockade southern ports and cut off essential supply to south,
to divide the south at the Mississippi river take over richmond virginia |
Second Battle of Bull Run
Lee struck at Pope in North Virginia
lee led his army across Potomac into Union maryland wanted to gain british suppor - Mclellan knew lees plan and invaded confeds - emancipation proc- stopped confeds from gaining foreign power North Victoru single bloodiest day
Fort Sumter
Anderson vs Beauregard - Union Surrenders begins civil war
Grant vs Johnston tie union sort of victory bloodiest battle in america no real winner country realizes war horror
Peninsula Campaign
McClellan vs Lee - seven days
Burnside (gets fired- Potomac) vs Lee South wins embrarass north cold muddy roads, south has uphill advantage
Hooker vs Lee and Stonewall - stonewall dies, hookers come about Confed win
turning point in the war Meade vs Lee - meade didnt pursue lee so he gets fired North Win
Grant vs Pemberten Union wins -- starvation
Overland Campaign
Wilderness (U) Spotsylvania (C) Cold HArbor (C) war of attrition, wear down the other side. men were replaceable
trench warfare
Lee is overcome by Grants forces going to richmond confederacy collapsed and surrendered
Radical Reconstruction
Northern economy driven by industrial revolution and pro business policies of the republicans. Must ratify the fourteenth amendment and franchise all men regardless of race all African americans were citizens and tried to stop black codes, civil rights for blacks. Amnesty and reconstruction presdential pardon to those who took oath and accepted slave emancipation - reestablish state government after 10% took oath rewrite constitution
Wade Davis Bill- republicans objected 10% because secessionists would take over, required 50% non confeds to vote for a new state constitution |
Freedman's Bureau
Welfare agency for blacks and homeless whites created by congress, first they put blacks on confiscated farmlands, Johnson gave back the land Oliver Howard- success in education 30000 school for freed blacks and colleges
Black Codes
Restricted the rights and movements of blacks - blacks couldnt rent land or borrow money to rent land, they worked under contracts. could not testify against whites in courts
Johnson's IMpeachment
Tanure of Offcie Act- prohibited the president from removing anyone from office or military commidiion without senate apporval, he removes Secretary of state Stanton anyway. 11 crimes of misdemeanor - missed impeachment by one vote RADICAL REPUBLICANS
13th amendment
reconstruction amendment abolish slavery
14th amendment
reconstruction amendment provided citizenship to blacks
15th amendment
reconstruction amendmentno state could deny a citizen the right to vote based on race
Pendleton Act
made by the civil service comission and created a system where applicants for classified federal jobs would be selected by scores on a competitive examination, merit based
Credit Mobilier
insiders gave stock to influential congress memmbers to avoid investigation of the profits they were making (348%) from subsidies of building the transcontinental railroad.
Plessy Vs. Ferguson
seperate but equal, seperate facilities ok as long as they are equal. plessy on a train vs state. 1896
Roosevelt Corollary
American would intervene in western hemisphere when necessary in order to protect latin american nations who could not pay back debts they owed to european creditors .. Britain sent warships to venezuela to force the country to pay its debts - US intervened and sent gunboats so the the counties would pay their taxes
Coxey's Army
march to washington by thousands of unemployed, Coxey- populist army demanded the government to spend 500 million on public worker programs and to create jobs. they were arressted for trespassing
Teller Amendment
the united states had no intention of taking political control of cuba and that when peace was restored cuba could have its own government Mckinley didnt want to annex cuba
needed new markets worldwide for marketing surplus source for raw materia acquiring territory or ganing control over the political and economic life of other countires. Advocates- missionaires naval strategists politicians and journalists
Queen Liliuokalani
queen of hawaii american imprisoned her and overthrew her US businessmen gained control over profitable sugar plantains in the area
Progressive Muckrakers
public needed to be informed of dirty realities of party politics and scandalous conditions of factories and slums- exposed it
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Admiral navy captain strong navy is crucial to country's ambition of securing foreign markets and becoming a world power - caribbean and pacific bases
Panama Canal
columbia controlled it and wont let the US dig there gave 25 million to latin american countries for the loss of panama. gorgas mosquitoes. Hay Paunceforte treaty with greatbritain we dont have to share anything we put there
Election of 1896
McKinley vs William Jennings Bryan Advertisement backed by business Drama democrats split Republicans -prosperous and industrious nation
Open Door Policy
Root Takahara agreement equal trade oppurtunity in all countries in china A policy proposed by the US in 1899, under which ALL nations would have equal opportunities to trade in China.
Populist Party
poor young white cotton farmers hostility to banks railroads and elite Bryan. James Weaver 9% of votes • James Weaver, Iowa – won more than a million votes and 22 electoral votes
• Lost bad to south and didn’t attract urban workers in the north |
Ghost Dance
A cult that tried to call the spirits of past warriors to inspire the young braves to fight. It was crushed at the Battle of Wounded Knee after spreading to the Dakota Sioux. The Ghost Dance led to the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887. This act tried to reform Indian tribes and turn them into "white" citizens. It did little good.
Dawes Severalty Act
1887, dismantled American Indian tribes, set up individuals as family heads with 160 acres, tried to make rugged individualists out of the Indians, attempt to assimilate the Indian population into that of the American
Booker T
A former slave. Encouraged blacks to keep to themselves and focus on the daily tasks of survival, rather than leading a grand uprising. Believed that building a strong economic base was more critical at that time than planning an uprising or fighting for equal rights. Washington also stated in his famous "Atlanta Compromise" speech in 1895 that blacks had to accept segregation in the short term as they focused on economic gain to achieve political equality in the future. Served as important role models for later leaders of the civil rights movement.
W.E.B. Du Bois One of Washington's harshest critics, believing that Washington's pacifist plan would only perpetuate the second-class-citizen mindset. He felt that immediate "ceaseless agitation" was the only way to truly attain equal rights. As editor of the black publication "The Crisis," he publicized his disdain for Washington and was instrumental in the creation of the "Niagara Movement," which later became the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). He eventually grew weary of the slow pace of racial equality in the United States and renounced his citizenship and moved to Ghana in 1961, where he died two years later. Served as important role models for later leaders of the civil rights movement.
Boxer Rebellion
1899 rebellion in Beijing, China started by a secret society of Chinese who opposed the "foreign devils". The rebellion was ended by British troops 1900 - Nativist rebellion in China - tried to get rid of all of the foreigners
New Immigration in 1890
southern and easter europe lots of catholics, prejudice jobnless language and religion were problems greeks and jews over 16 millionA new wave of immigrants, from eastern and southern Europe, frightened Americans because of the emigrant's customs, different faiths, illiteracy, and poverty.They were a new group of immigrants coming into the United States that consisted of Italians, Slavs, Greeks, Jews, and Armenians. They came from both Southern and Eastern Europe, and also from the Middle East. In the 1890s, their numbers first began to increase, and the numbers continued to increase for the next three decades. Most of the immigrants came from peasant and poor backgrounds and boosted America's foreign-born population by 18 million. They were often discriminated against.
Gentleman's Agreement
In 1907 Theodore Roosevelt arranged with Japan that Japan would voluntarily restrict the emmigration of its nationals to the U.S. An agreement with Japan where Japan agreed to limit immigration, and Roosevelt agreed to discuss with the San Francisco School Board that segregation of Japanese children in school would be illegal
Platt Amendment
Legislation that severely restricted Cuba's sovereignty and gave the US the right to intervene if Cuba got into trouble
Progressive Movement origins
Jeffersonians and Jacksonians commited to democratic values and honest government to imporve human condition. roose press middle call enthusiasm
Coal strike
• Roosevelt favored neither labor nor business- Square Deal
o Strike of anthracite coal miners of 1902 Americans feared they would freeze to death without coal o Roosevelt called union leader and coal mining owners to the White House Mine owners refused to compromise and angered teddy Roose threatened to take over coal mines with federal troops to ensure coal distribution The owner finally agreed the findings of a special commission granting 10% wage increase and a nine hour work day without union recognition |
Underwood Tariff
Congressional measure to provide the a substantial reduction of rates, and the first ever implementation of a graduated income tax on incomes $3000+
election of 1912
The election of 1912
Candidates- Taft Republican (Roose supported excluded from convention)// Bull Moose Party (Progressive Reps) Theodore Roosevelt// Democrats Woodrow Wilson (gov of NJ 1910) Socialist Debs Campaign • Taft wasn’t popular, Debs too radical • Roosevelt vs. Wilson • Roosevelt – New Nationalism (more gov regulation of unions, business, women’s suffrage social welfare programs) • Wilson- New Freedom (limit big business and big government) (reforms ending corruption & revive competition by supporting small business) Results • Split reps caused a victory for Wilson • Democrats gained control in congress • Would get progressive reform, but the party wouldn’t last long • New Nationalism had lasting effect. |
Federal Reserve Act
created 12 district banks that would lend $ at discount rates (could increase/decrease amt. of $ in circulation); loosen/tighten credit with nation's needs; first central banking system since 1836
16th Amendment
federal income tax
17th Amendment
direct election to the united states senate 17th Amendment gave the power to elect senators to the people. Senators had previously been appointed by the legislatures of their states.
18th Amendment
prohibition planned the sale of alcohol
19th Amendment
Gave women the right to vote
20th Amendment
repealled the eighteenth amendment and made the sale of alchohol legal
Kellogg Briand Pact
Coolidge american peace effort to outlaw future wars. Jane Adams French minister and Sec of State almost all nations signed it and renounced the use of force to retrieve all ends. prermitted defensive wars
Red Scare
fears of socialism fueled by communist takerover in russia and labor unrest at home as well as the peace process caused america to be uneasy anti german hysteria changed to anticommunist hysteria. Palmer raids j edgar hoover arrested and deported anarchists, socialists and labor agitators
Dawes Plan
cycle of payments from us to germany to allies. US lent money to germany to rebuild economy and pay reparations, eased financial problems until crash
Fourteen Points
first five prevent war - lower tariff open trade no secret treaties next eight about boundaries and self determination - yugoslavia latvia estonia lithuania league of nations
Quota System
an arrangement placing a limit on the number of immigrants from each country reduced immigration until 1927 to 2 percent of each nationality's representation in the 1890 census; After 1927 (later postponed to 1929) the law set a cap of 150,000 immigrants per year and continued to tie admission into the U.S. to the quota system
John J Pershing
leader of the american expeditionary force black jack
Paris Peace Conference
Prosecution of Dayton, Tennessee school teacher, John Scopes, for violation of the Butler Act, a Tennessee law forbidding public schools from teaching about evolution. Former Democratic presidential candidate, William Jennings Bryan, prosecuted the case, and the famous criminal attorney, Clarence Darrow, defended Scopes. Scopes was convicted and fined $100, but the trial started a shift of public opinion away from Fundamentalism. Britain, France, Italy, and United States
Scopes Trial
Prosecution of Dayton, Tennessee school teacher, John Scopes, for violation of the Butler Act, a Tennessee law forbidding public schools from teaching about evolution. Former Democratic presidential candidate, William Jennings Bryan, prosecuted the case, and the famous criminal attorney, Clarence Darrow, defended Scopes. Scopes was convicted and fined $100, but the trial started a shift of public opinion away from Fundamentalism.
Zimmerman Note
o Zimmermann Note- telegram from German foreign minister to German Ambassador in Mexico intercepted by British agents
o Proposed Mexico German alliance if war broke out with US, Germany would support Mexico in recovering lost territory Texas, New Mexico, Arizona o Sunk four unarmed American ships- 36 dead |
Ways to stop AA from voting in the South
they made the poll tax law, literacy lawand the grandfather clause to prevent MOST freed black men from voting
Events leading to civil war
Fugitive Slave Act- The War Ended- Bleeding Kansas- Uncle Tom Cabin- Dred Scott- Lecompton - Harper's Ferry- Slavery - Popular Soverignty