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23 Cards in this Set

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Marie Gouze/ Olympe de Gouges
campained to raise standing of women in France, published Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen
Two effects of the revolutions
spread Enilightenment ideas and helped consolidate national states
Enlightenment ideas
freedom, equality, and popular sovereignty
What did revolutionaries want their government to be like?
popular soverienty...consent of the governed
What did philosophes oftenb refer to government as?
contract between rulers and the ruled
Locke's view on popular soverienty
promoted it; if people didn't like the ruler they could replace him/her; power should be in the people
Voltaire's view on freedom (mainly religious)
resented persecution of religious minorities and censorship by royal officials
Jean Jacques Rousseau thoughts of equility
condemned legal and social of aristocrats (they didn't make a bigger contribution to society and the common); members of society are collectively sovereign
What caused Americans to dislike Bitish rule?
financial problems from the 7 years war; heavy taxes; enforment of navigation laws
What did Americans do to rebel against British rule?
boycotted British products; physically attacked British officials; protests (Boston Tea Party)
What did colonists think they should have the right to do?
govern themselves; "no taxation without representation"
Continental Congress
coordinated the colonies' resistance to British policies
What begun the Revolutionary war?
British troops and colonial militia fighting at Lexington
What did the Declaration of independence assert?
all men are created equal; Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness; gave people power to insitute a new government if needed
Battle at Yorktown
Last Battle; Washington vs. Cornwallis; 20 days
Peace of Paris
treaty with US and Britian where America was recognized as independent
What was the goal of the French Revolution
expel the ancien regime and replace it with new political, social, and cultural structures.
What was one of the reasons the French Revolution started (taxes)?
King Louis XVI raised taxes on the nobility instead of the already heavily taxed peasantry
Estates General
French assembly that represented all the people in groups known as estates; three estates: clergy, nobles; common
What happened when King Louis called the Estates General into session?
common representatives demanded political and social reform
What did the third estate of the common people do after weeks of debate with the other two estates?
seceded; declared themselves a National assembly; wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
legislative body elected by universal manhood suffrage; abolished the monarchy and proclaimed France a republic
What did the Convention do to enforce their rule?
used the guillotine to kill anybody who didn't agree with them (aristocrats and monarchs)