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28 Cards in this Set

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Biological Determinism (Humanitarianism)

Assumes that all physical traits, behaviors and abilities of an individual are predetermined by their genes, or "hereditary"

Environmental Determinism (Nurture View)

Presumes that the environment is the dominant influence in terms of shaping personality, behaviors, and abilities.

Interactionism (Balance of Nature & Nurture)

All traits and abilities are seen as enviornment (social and physical) acting upon the potential of genes.


Classification of four "races" and their abilities/traits used travel notes from early explorers, thus was more medieval than modern

"Great Chain of Being"

Favored placing Europeans closer to the divine (civilized intelligent) and others closer to the apes).

Samuel Morton

Used a biased sample of skulls to rank races by brain size and falsely presumed skull size =intelligence

Alfred Binet and IQ testing

Did not express interest in using results to determine causes of low/high "intelligence"

Once's IQ score was the ratio of mental to chronological age multiplied by 100.

Intentions were harmless at first, but American psychologists exploited his test format to argue hereditarianism of intellect by race.

How is the IQ "Intelligence Quotient" calculated

Mental age divided by chronological age x 100.

What was Francis Galton's goal was as the founder of the eugenics movement

Selective breeding

Who was Henry Goddard and how did he adapt and use the IQ tests for political ends?

Started a large scale intelligence testing program for immigrants at Ellis Island.

Those classed as "feeble-minded" were deemed more prone to immorality/crime

Was used to (a) slow the influx of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe and (b) for forced sterilizing of thousands of "low intelligence" Americans.

Who was Robert Yerkes and how did he adapt and use the IQ tests for political ends?

*Army mental testing*

Drew conclusion that average American had a mental age of a 13 year old.

Intellect ranked, placing Northwestern over Southeastern Europeans.

African Americans placed at bottom with avg mental age of 10.4 years old.

Used (with Goddard) to support 1924 U.S. immigration restrictions.

What are the flaws in logic and consequences of these manipulations/misapplications of Binet's IQ test.

Culturally biased exams administered in difficult conditions/environment.

Galton's eugenics idea adopted by Third Reich for the "Final solution"

Cut off escape route to U.S. for many European Jews trying to escape Nazi Germany circa WWII.

What did Arthur Jenson (1969) do?

What did he argue and what appeared to be the

socio-political goal?

He revived biological determinism after the horrors Hitler perpetrated via eugenics became known and led America to largely abandon the view.

he argued: There was a 15 point difference in IQ scores between black and white test takers.

The difference in IQ was genetically inherited

That this meant Head Start programs were unnecessary, as they could not fix "genetic" deficits.

This argument appeared to have the goal of defunding social programs that were aimed at lessening economic and educational inequalities along racial lines.

What did Herrnstein and Murray argue in their book (The Bell Curve)

Society is becoming more divided by socioeconomic class due to varying intellects among groups

Claim that low scores are due to low intelligence rather than poverty and that being "dumb" makes one likelier to be poor or drug addict

They support Jensen's idea that the black-white IQ score gap is due to genetics, not environment.

Know the five major arguments against hereditarian ideas of intelligence

(1) Individual IQ scores are informed by an interaction between environment and genetics.

(2) IQ is not an unbiased measure of intelligence

(3) Intelligence is too complex to be reduced to a single number

(4) The poor, sickly, malnourished, & stressed (often by "stereotype threat" and other forms of discrimination) do not perform as well.

(5) Our very definitions of race are arbitrary with more genetic diversity within than between groups.

Know the three main points that explain how anthropologists reconcile this seeming contradiction.

(1) Race is a lived reality that affects quality of life

(2) Human biological variation (polytypic and polymorphic) exists.

(3) but any selection of physical traits to define races would be arbitrarily discrete categories from continuously variable traits.

Identify and explain the major periods that shaped African American-Caucasian race relations.

The Middle Passage (slavery); Reconstruction; Jim Crow Era/Apartheid

Know the two major Supreme Court cases that pushed forward awareness of racial discrimination/injustice in this time period.

What was at issue/stake in each?

The Dred Scott Decision (1846)

- Scott sued for freedom in St. Louis, arguing that time spent in free states (as a doctor's slave) made him eligible to be released. Lost

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

- Plessy a "1/8 African American", in an intentional act of civil disobedience, sat in a "white" railcar and was arrested. Lost.

Two ways to become a citizen

(1) birthright citizenship

(2) Naturalization (Act passed in 1790 - applied only to white immigrants)

Xenophobia & Nativisim

Xenophobia - Fear of those thought of as "outsiders"

Nativisim - A favoring of "native" (which is subjective) inhabitants over immigrants.

Brown v. Board of Education - be familiar with the case

Linda Brown (7) was forced to be bussed across town despite there being a nearby "whites-only" school

NAACP lawyer, Thurgood Marshall, argued and won the case, pointing out that:

(a) these schools were far from equal (poor funding, etc.) and

(b) segregation led to feelings of inferiority for African American children.

Four major structural inequalities due to the legacy of institutional racism in the U.S.

Income & education

Home ownership and wealth

Criminal justice system (over-representation)

Health disparities

Define Sedentary, nomadic, matrilineal, and patrilineal

Sedentary - A settlement pattern where a group remains in one place throughout the year

Nomadic - Referes to a lifestyle where a group moves from place to place in pursuit of needed resources

Matrilineal - Kinship system that traces heritage through the maternal line

Patrilineal - Kinship system that traces heritage through the paternal line

How was the tribal membership decided prior to the arrival of Europeans in North America?

Decided by: Kinship, intermarriage, adoption, and naturalization

-Often extended to Europeans who married into a tribe.

What was at stake in the Adoptive Parents v. Baby Veronica case with respect to laws on race and tribal membership?

At stake: Indian Child Welfare Act & whether percentage of heritage matters over tribal laws on membership.

Know the main ways American Indians were affected by this biased science.

Indians were placed in competition with Africans for the lowest ranking on the "Great Chain of Being" scale

Define both "ecological racism" and "Institutional racism"

Ecological - The exploitation and destruction of Native American societies through U.S. expropriation and use of their homelands

Institutionalized racism - Official actions and legacies that lead to privileging the needs of the dominant group in such a way as to reinforce the economic and social inequality experienced by the subordinate group(s).

Be able to distinguish subtle v. covert and individual v. institutional forms of racism and their effects.
