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88 Cards in this Set

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The prominent EEG wave pattern of an adult who is awake but relaxed with eyes closed

Alpha Rhythm

Which brainwaves are considered low-frequency EEG patterns, and tend to increase during sleep (as alpha waves diminish)?

Delta and Theta

Which lobe of the cerebral cortex processes visual information, and is where alpha waves with the greatest amplitude can be recorded?


Plunging your body into an icy lake would stimulate the ______________ lobe of the cerebral cortex.


The _________ is caudal (posterior) to the cerebrum. It coordinates movements, balance, posture and complex reflexes.


The __________ separates the cerebral cortex into right and left hemispheres.

Longitudinal fissure

This ventrally protruding structure is the only visible part of the diencephalon. It is also known as the “master endocrine gland” because hormones secreted by this gland regulate the production and release of other hormones throughout the body.


_________ and __________are folds (ridges) and grooves that increase the surface area of the cerebrum and cerebellum.

Gyri, sulci

The ________ is the most primitive part of the brain. It contains centers that control basic body functions, such as breathing, cardiac function, and digestive tract function. It connects to the spinal cord.

Brain Stem

In medial section, the white matter of the cerebellum forms the ________________, a branched, tree-like pattern.

Arbor Vitae

The fibrous cords of connective tissue that attach the free edges of the atrioventricular valves to the walls of the ventricles are chordae tendinea.

True or false


The mitral valve (also known as, bicuspid valve) has two cusps and separates the left atrium from the left ventricle.

True or false?


The tricuspid valve is located on the left side of the heart.

True or false?


Which valve is located between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery?

Pulmonary valve

What is the name of the caudal end of the heart that contains the left ventricle?


What is the wall separating the left and right ventricles?

Interventricular septum

The blood in the aorta is oxygen poor.

True or false?


The right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs.

True or false


The flow of blood from the body comes into the right atrium to the right ventricle to the lungs, to the left ventricle then the left atrium and then back to the body.

True or false?


This region once allowed fetal blood to flow straight from the right to the left side of the heart.

Fossa ovalis

Alpha, beta, delta, and theta rhythms are measured in ___, for frequency and ____ for amplitude

Hertz, microvolts (uV)

Which kind of waves occur in an individual who is alert and attentive to external stimuli and also during REM sleep


Delta and Theta waves mostly replace alpha waves during


Typical frequency of alpha rhythms

8-13 hz

Typical frequency of beta rhythms


Typical frequency of theta rhythms


Typical frequency of delta rhythms


Tough connective tissue covering of the brain

Dura mater

Thin covering adhering to the cerebellum after dura mater is removed

Pia mater and arachnoid mater

What is #2?

What is #2?

Pituitary gland

Label all parts

Label all parts

1. Cerebrum

2. Gyrus

3. Sulcus

4. Medial longitudinal fissure

5. Cerebellum: cerebellar vermis

6. Cerebellum: cerebellar hemisphere

7. Brain Stem

Name the lobes

Name the lobes

1. Frontal lobe

2. Parietal lobe

3. Temporal lobe

4. Occipital lobe

1. Olfactory bulb

2. Optic nerve

3. Optic chiasm

4. Pituitary gland

5. Medulla

6. Spinal cord

7. Pyriform lobe

What is #1?

What is #1?

Corpus Callosum

1. Cerebral hemisphere

2. Cerebellum

2a. Arbor vitae

3. Spinal cord

4. Medulla

5. Pons

6. Midbrain

7. Hypothalamus

8. Pituitary gland

9. optic nerve

10. Thalamus

11. Pineal gland

12. Corpus callosum

13. Septum pellucidum

14. Third ventricle

15. Fourth ventricle

1. Hippocampus

2. Pineal Gland

3. Cerebellum

4. Thalamus

This is the __________

This is the __________


The P are

The P are

Purkinge cells

This is the

This is the

Spinal cord (note the canal)

Peripheral nerve

Which lobe controls motor functions

Frontal lobe

Which lobe receives and processes somatic sensory information such as consciousness, pain, fear, and temperature

Parietal lobe

What controls muscle coordination


Large band of nervous tissue that connects the two cerebral hemispheres

corpus callosum

Involved with emotional states and converting short term into long term memory


The pointed end of the heart


Top of the heart, point of attachment for blood vessels


Which side of the heart is thicker?


Carbon dioxide rich blood comes into the

Right atrium

From the right atrium oxygen poor blood moves to the

right ventricle

From the right ventricle, oxygen poor blood is pushed in to the _______ _________ to go to the

pulmonary arteries, lungs

Oxygenated blood from the lungs travels to the

pulmonary veins

Pulmonary veins dump oxygenated blood in to the _____ ______ then ______ _______ then out through the ______

left atrium, left ventricle, aorta

Valve between the right ventricle and atrium


Vale between the left atrium and left ventricle


The semilunar valve sits between the ______ and the _______

left ventricle, aorta

Identify 3 and 4

Identify 3 and 4

3. Aortic arch

4. Pulmonary trunk

Deoxygenated blood enters the heart via the

vena cava

Depolarization causes the release of

intracellular calcium

1. P

2. P-R interval

3. P-R segment

4. Q

5. R

6. S

7. Ventricular systole

8. Ventricular diastole

9. S-T segment

10. Q-T interval

11. R-R interval

12. T

13. T-P segment

14. P (again)

Depolarization of the right and left atria


Repolarization of the right and left ventricles


Time from the onset of atrial depolarization to the onset of ventricular depolarization

P-R interval

Time of impulse conduction from the AV node to the ventricular myocardium


Time from the end of ventricular repolarization to the onset of atrial depolarization

T-P segment

Butchers bible


First section of the small intestine, 2nd, 3rd

duodenum, jejunum, illium

Undigested nutrients and secretions pass on to the large intestine through the

ileocecal valve

Body of axons connecting left and right sides of the brain

corpus Colosseum

Separating the two lateral ventricles

septum pelliucidum

sensory relay center


conducts electoral signal across the heart

Puirkije cells

Depolarization of the atrial muscle as negativity spreads from the SA node towards the ventricles

P wave

Time is takes for the impulse sent from the SA node to reach the ventricles

P-R interval

Interval between atrial depolarization and ventricular polarization

P-R segment

Chemical breakdown of feedstuffs in avian tract


Mechanical breakdown of feedstuffs in avian tract

ventriculus, gizzard

There are a lot of pyers patches in the


Dog has an ___ penis which is a bony structure


Steps of PCR

denature, anneal, extension

4 steps of elisa

coating/capture, plate blocking, probing/detection, signal measurement

raised against an ANTIGENIC target of interest

primary antibody

raised against a primary ANTIBODY of interest

secondary antibody

This is the.Dark cells arePink cells are

This is the.
Dark cells are
Pink cells are

Abomasum, chief, parietal


Dark splotch isThis is the

Dark splotch is
This is the

Pyers patch, illium

This is theMucus secreting

This is the
Mucus secreting

Large intestine
Goblet cell

This is the

This is the
