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46 Cards in this Set

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Name the 3 layers of skin. From outer to inner.

Epidermis , dermis , subcutaneous layer

What are the 3 stages in labor ?

Dialated stage , expulsion , placental stage

At how many weeks of pregnancy do we use the term "fetus"?

After 8 weeks

What is the maturing of ovum called from 0-8 weeks ?


What is abnormally frequent discharge of partially solid of fluid fecal matter?


What is the difference between benign and malignant ?

Benign = non-cancerous

Malignant = cancerous

What are the ends of the long bone called ? What's produced in there ?

Epiphysis . produces red blood cells.

What part of the small intestine is attached to the stomach ?


What does the liver do ?

Produces bile and hydrochloric acid.

Define bronchitis.

Swelling of the bronchioles in the lungs.

The middle eat and the throat are connected by ?

Auditory tube.

What blood type of the universal donor? Universal recipient ?

O. AB.

What does pyorrhea mean?

Puss discharge

Movement away from the body midline is called ?


Another word for tympanic membrane ?


What is the pericardium ?

Sac that protects the heart from friction

When are the rods in the eyes active ?

When light is present

Another name for the sinoatrial node of the heart ?


What is the sclera?

White part of the eye

What is mastication? Where does mechanical digestion start ?

Mastication is the grinding , tearing and smashing of food. Mechanical digestion begins in the mouth.

Which tube drains urine into the bladder ?


Where are the inguinal lymph nodes located ?


Which tube brings urine from the bladder to the outside of the body ?


Which vessels carry blood away from the heart ?


Define what type of disease is COPD is

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

What are sections in the lungs called? How many are in the right lung? Left ?

Lobes. Three on the right. Two on the left.

What is the normal gestation period in humans ?

40 weeks. 9 months.

What causes shingles ?

Skin disease.

What is the epiglottis ?

A cartilageous flap that covers the pharynx. (throat)

Which gland is located in top of the kidneys ?

Adrenal glands

What are the bones in the toes called ?


What is the "origin" of a muscle?

Attached to a stable part of the skeleton

How many chromosomes are in the human body ?

46 chromosomes. 23 pairs.

What is the largest organ in the body? How much can it weigh for an adult?

The skin. 20 lbs.

Where are the male and female gametes produced ?

Testes and ovaries.

Describe the condition of sickle cell anemia

Sickle shaped blood cells

Name the types and numbers of vertebrae of the spine.

Cervic - 7

Thoraic - 12

Lumbar - 5

3 layers of skin



Subcutaneous layer

What is Paraplegia?

Paralysis of 2 limbs

What is Quadriplegia ?

Paralysis of 4 limbs

What is Ataxia ?

Having no muscle coordination

What is Bell's palsy ?

Facial paralysis. Damage from the 7th facial nerve.

What is Cerebral Palsy ?

Oxygen deficiency in baby during birth

What is epilepsy ?

Uncontrollable seizures due to abnormal electrical impulses in brain neurons

What is Sciatica ?

Severe pain alone the sciatic nerve and it's branches

What is the space between the nerve cells called ?
