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57 Cards in this Set

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Action origin and insertion of quadratus lumborum?
Extends & laterally flexes trunk
-important for balance
Rib 12, transverse processes of
lumbar vertebrae to iliac crest
Action origin and insertion:
Psoas major muscle
Flexes hip, stabilizes trunk
T12-L5 vertebrae to lesser trochanter
Innervation: Psoas major muscle
Lumbar plexus L1-L4
Action, origin and insertion:
Iliacus muscle
Strong hip flexor

Iliac fossa to lesser trochanter (meets with psoas major)
Nerve Vertebral Levels and & Innervation:
Subcostal n.
T12 anterior ramus

Supplies motor & sensory to
anterior abdominal wall
What does the Lumbar plexus give innervation to (generally)
Supplies motor & sensory to
abdominal wall & LE
Nerve Vertebral Levels and & Innervation: iliohypogastric n.

Sensory: skin of superolateral
buttocks and superomedial thigh
(and inguinal and pubic regions)
Motor: abdominal muscles
(int. oblique, transversus abdominis)
Nerve Vertebral Levels and & Innervation: ilioinguinal

Sensory: skin of superolateral
buttocks and superomedial thigh
(and inguinal and pubic regions)
Motor: abdominal muscles
(int. oblique, transversus abdominis)
Nerve Vertebral Levels and & Innervation: genitofemoral n.

Femoral branch:
skin of anterosuperior thigh
Genital branch:
skin of genitalia, cremaster m.
Nerve Vertebral Levels and & Innervation:
lateral femoral cutaneous n.

Sensory: anterolateral thigh
Nerve Vertebral Levels and & Innervation:
Femoral n.

Sensory: skin of anteromedial thigh,
(also part of leg & foot via the
saphenous n.)
Motor: anterior thigh mm.
Nerve Vertebral Levels and & Innervation:
Obturator n.

Sensory: medial thigh
Motor: medial thigh mm.
Nerve Vertebral Levels and & Innervation:
lumbosacral trunk
lumbosacral trunk
Courses over sacral alae
Joins sacral plexus
Nerve Vertebral Levels and & Innervation: sciatic nerve
L4-S3 anterior rami

Innervates posterior thigh mm.
-branches: leg & foot
Nerve Vertebral Levels and & Innervation: Superior gluteal n.
Motor: gluteus minimus,
gluteus medius & tensor fascia late
Sacral plexus Levels
= S1-S4
Lumbosacral plexus Levels
= L2-S4
Divisions of the sciatic nerve and their levels
tibial n. (L4-S3): ant. division of ant. rami
common fibular nerve (L4-S2): post. division of ant. rami
Nerve Vertebral Levels and & Innervation: Inferior gluteal n.

Motor: gluteus maximus
Nerve Vertebral Levels and & Innervation: Posterior femoral cutaneous n.
S2, S3

Sensory: posterior thigh; also posterior
buttocks (via inferior clunial nn.)
Neves to Piriformis
(S1, S2)
Nerves to Quadratus femoris
(L5-S1; maybe L4)
Nerves to inferior gemellus
(L5-S1; maybe L4)
nerves to Obturator internus
nerve levels that supply superior gemellus
Abdominal aorta
IVC Level
Trace Lymph Drainage from Posterior Abdominal Wall
Superficial LE to superficial inguinal nodes
Deep LE to deep inguinal nodes
Both drain to:
-external iliac nodes
-common iliac nodes
-lumbar nodes
-lumbar lymphatic trunks
-cisterna chyli
-thoracic duct
What is the cutaneous innervation for the following?
A) subcostal n.
B)lateral femoral cutaneous n.
C) femoral n.
D) saphenous n.
E)genitofemoral n.
F)obturator n.
What is the cutaneous innervation?
Movement of Piriformis muscle
Lateral rotator & stabilizer of hip
Muscles that attach to great trochanter do what?
Rotate and stabilize the hip
superior & inferior gemellus have what function?
Lateral rotator & stabilizer of hip
obturator internus has what function?
Lateral rotator & stabilizer of hip
Where does quadratus femoris attach and what is its function?
intertrochanteric crest
Lateral rotator & stabilizer of hip
obturator externus function & insertion?
lateral rotators & stabilizers
trochanteric fossa
Tensor fascia lata muscle innervation?
Superior gluteal n.
Gluteus maximus muscle innervation?
Inferior gluteal n.
Gluteus medius & minimus mm. innervation?
Superior gluteal n.
How might Superior gluteal nerve damage present?
Walking typified by overcompensation,
leaning trunk over affected side: “waddling gait.” Leaning towards unaffected side know as Trendelenburg sign.
What is IT Band Syndrome?
Inflammation of IT band over lateral femoral epicondyle and/or greater trochanter caused by overuse.
Semitendinosus muscle innervation & vascular supply
Sciatic nerve,tibial division
deep artery of the thigh
Semimembranosus muscle innervation & vascular supply
Sciatic nerve,tibial division
deep artery of the thigh
Biceps femoris muscle innervation & vascular supply
Sciatic nerve,tibial division for LONG HEAD
Sciatic nerve, fibular division for SHORT HEAD
deep artery of the thigh
What muscles protect the sciatic nerve?
Long head of biceps femoris the thigh
& gluteus maximus in the gluteal region
Adductor magnus muscle, hamstring division:
Innervation & compartment
sciatic n. (tibial division)
Posterior compartment
What is Pes ansurinus?
Goose Foot...
The attachement site of muscles from each of the compartments on the medial condyle of the tibia as follows:
Sartorius (anterior comp)
Gracilis (medial comp)
Semitendinosus (post comp)
Superior gluteal n. levels and innervation
gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and tensor fascia lata (hip abduction)
Inferior gluteal n. levels and innervation
(L5-S2) gluteus maximus
Post. femoral cutaneous n. levels and innervation
(S2-S3) Sensory of inferior buttocks, posterior thigh
Sciatic n. levels and terminal branches
Tibial n. (ant. division)
Common fibular n. (post. division)
What is Piriformis syndrome?
Sciatic n. compression by piriformis m.
More frequently affects posterior division
What is the name of the anterior division of the sciatic nerve?
tibial n.
What is the name of the posterior division of the sciatic nerve?
common fibular n
What do the Superior gluteal A. & V. innervate?
superficial gluteal muscles
Inferior gluteal A. & V. supply what regions?
deep gluteal muscles
superior portion of posterior thigh
What vasculature supplies the posterior thigh?
Perforating branches of
deep femoral a. & v.