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28 Cards in this Set
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- Back
Masseter (External) |
Mandibular Elevator Muscles
Closes the jaw at the molars |
Masseter (Internal)
Mandibular Elevator Muscles
Closes the jaw at the molars |
Mandibular Elevator Muscles
Elevates and retracts the mandible |
Medial or Internal Pterygoid
Mandibular Elevator Muscles
With the masseter, straps the mandible to the skull; elevates the mandible |
Digastricus: Anterior Belly
Mandibular Depressor Muscles
With hyoid anchored, depresses the mandible |
Digastricus: Posterior Belly |
Mandibular Depressor Muscles
With hyoid anchored, depresses the mandible |
Mandibular Depressor Muscles
With hyoid anchored, depresses mandible |
Mandibular Depressor Muscles
With hyoid anchored, depresses mandible |
Lateral or External Pterygoid
Mandibular Depressor Muscles
Bilateral contraction will protrude mandible; unilateral contraction will create grinding action of mandible |
Extrinsic Tongue Muscles
Posterior fibers protrude tongue tip; anterior fibers retract tongue; entire muscle draws tongue down |
Extrinsic Tongue Muscles
Draws the tongue up and back; may help make the dorsum concave |
Extrinsic Tongue Muscles
Elevates the back of the tongue to groove the dorsum |
Extrinsic Tongue Muscles
Retracts and depresses the tongue |
Superior Longitudinal
Intrinsic Tongue Muscles
Shortens the tongue and turns the tip upward; may also make the dorsum concave |
Inferior Longitudinal
Intrinsic Tongue Muscles
Shortens the tongue or pulls the tip downward |
Intrinsic Tongue Muscles
Narrows and elongates the tongue |
Intrinsic Tongue Muscles
Flattens the tongue |
Palatoglossus (Glossopalatine)
Velar Muscles
With tongue anchored, depresses velum |
Palatopharyngeus (Pharyngopalatine)
Velar Muscles
Depresses the velum and aids in guiding the bolus of food to the lower pharynx |
Levator Veli Palatini
Velar Muscles
Elevates the velum up and back to close off the nasal cavity from the oral cavity |
Musculus Uvulae
Velar Muscles
Shortens and elevates the velum |
Tensor Veli Palatini
Velar Muscles
Tenses and depresses the velum; opens the lumen of the Eustachian tube |
Superior Constrictor:
Pterygopharyngeus Buccopharyngeus Mylopharyngeus Glossopharyngeus |
Pharyngeal Muscles
Assists in deglutition and in vocal resonance |
Middle Constrictor:
Ceratopharyngeus Chondropharyngeus |
Pharyngeal Muscles
Assists in deglutition and in vocal resonance |
Inferior Constrictor:
Thyropharyngeus Cricopharyngeus |
Pharyngeal Muscles
Assists in deglutition and in vocal resonance |
Pharyngeal Muscles
Assists in deglutition and in vocal resonance |
Pharyngeal Muscles
Assists in deglutition and in vocal resonance |
Pharyngopalatine (Palatopharyngeus)
Pharyngeal Muscles
Assists in deglutition and in vocal resonance |