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18 Cards in this Set

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name the parts of vestibulum oris

vestibulum labiale

vestibulum buccale

name the greatest space communicating vestibulum oris with cavum oris proprium


name the 2 spaces located laterally to the frenulum linguae(舌系带) btw the tongue and the floor of oral cavity

recessus sublingualis lateralis sinister et dexter(隐窝

name the protuberance(凸起) carrying the common opening of mandibular duct and major sublingual salivary duct

caruncula sublingualis舌下肉阜

name the surface on the tooth,facing adjacent tooth

facies contactus

name the substance of teeth that covers radix dentes


from the following terms,underline those which define dentition in carnivores

diphyodont双套牙(2 sets of teeth),heterodont异齿性(incisors,canines,premolar,molar)secodont切齿型(blade-like),brachyodont低冠齿low crown),izognathic(teeth arch match to each other)

other types of dentition

lophodont(has ridges on crown,rodents);

bunodont(low,round,not sharp,human and pig);

hypselodont高冠齿high crown,horse and cow);

homodont(has only one type of teeth morphology,crocodile);

anizognathic(teeth arch doesnt match to each other)

name in latin 4 parts of stomach(simple)

pars cardiaca

pars pylorica

corpus ventriculi

fundus ventriculi

name 2 incisures related to the simple stomach

incisura cardiaca

incisura angularis

write in latin the blood vessel from which stem arteries supplying,among others,stomach and spleen


name in latin the mesentery of the duodenum,jejunum and underlind the shortest one




name in latin the structure on which ductus choledochus (胆总管opens

papilla duodeni major

name the 2 compartments of the bursa omentalis

vestibulum bursae omentalis

aditus ad recessum caudalem(入口

name the structure forming the ostium intrapharyngeum

arcus veli palatine(soft palate)

arcus palatopharyngeus(dorsal)

write latin name of the tonsil which is visible during clinical examination of the pharyngeal cavity in dog

tonsilla palatina

name this part of colon in which are distinguished gyri cetripetales

ansa spiralis of colon ascendens (in ruminants and pig,the double loop of colon made up of centripetal and centrifugal coils and a central flexure)

name ligament defining the doundary btw the lobus quadratus and lobus hepatis sinister

lig.falciforme hepatis