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10 Cards in this Set

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What is the importance of the alveolar gas equation (AGE)?
The alveolar gas equation for calculating PAO2 is essential to understanding any PaO2 value and in assessing if the lungs are properly transferring oxygen into the blood.
What is the "undiluted" form of the AGE?
PAO2 = 1-FIO2
What is the abbreviated form of the AGE?
PAO2 = FIO2(PB-47)-1.2(PaCO2)
What is the respiratory quotient, "R"?
The respiratory quotient is (CO2 excretion over O2 uptake in the lungs).
What are the determinants of PaO2?
Determinants of Pa02 include: PAO2, V/Q matching, diffusion capacity, and mixed venous saturation.
What is the 'A-a gradient'?
The difference between PAO2 and PaO2 is commonly referred to as the 'A-a gradient.'
What is the normal 'A-a gradient'?
Up to middle age, breathing ambient air, normal P(A-a)O2 ranges between 5 and 20 mm Hg. Breathing an FIO2 of 1.0 the normal P(A-a)O2 ranges up to about 110 mm Hg23.
What is the significance of an elevated 'A-a gradient'?
If P(A-a)O2 is increased above normal there is a defect of gas transfer within the lungs; this defect is almost always due to V-Q imbalance.
What are the causes of a negative 'A-a gradient'?
The patient was in fact breathing supplemental oxygen during or just prior to the sample drawing; an air bubble in the arterial sample syringe; a quality control or reporting error from the lab; a transcription error - someone wrote down the wrong number; etc.
What is another abbreviated form of the alveolar gas equation?
PAO2 = FiO2(PB-PH2O)–PaCO2 / R